A good news for it people who are interestingly engaged with facebook.Yes, Facebook is going to expand its operation in india at hyderabad.It is also planning to recruit People to join its Hyderabad office.
Starting from the Director for its operations they have plans to recruit people for all levels and designations.But initally facebook is planning to form a small team which would later get expanded based on its function and requirement. And moreover,they are first going to recruit people for its sales and operations team.
As Facebook has 400 million active users worldwide they wanted to provide multilingual support in all regions across the globe.Hence they are planning to stretch their operations across the globe.So the first prerequisite in joining this organisation is to have full knowledge on facebook.They should also be in a position to guide and advice the end users in exploring the facebook.
People interested in joining this organisation can check out the below link
Facebook is hiring in india,Hyderabad
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