TCS sues employees quitting on deputation

Many who have quit Consultancy Services over the past few years have received legal notices to both their Indian and /UK addresses. The notice demands them to pay up the amount specified in their legal bond or face legal prosecution.

Many who quit are in jitters in US. There are many forums cropping up about the complaints of many ex-TCS employees, and TCS lagal notice.

Many employees who come to US on deputation with TCS and other Indian firms either on or L1B quit without following the legal agreements they signed with their respective companies. The companies were losing lots of revenue and experience due to these employees.

Now during tough times in US job , TCS wants to show that its not a good idea to quit companies just as you wish.Atleast legal notices will serve as warning to employees who are planning to quit or jump to other companies while on deputation.

But the employees who quit TCS breaking legal bonds should be in position to pay bond breakage terms, after all they quit for better pay.

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42 Replies to “TCS sues employees quitting on deputation”

  1. Elegant – more TCS more … give these s** of b**** a hard time. These people without any job ethics use TCS like jump boards to move to a customer!! It hurts the Indian job culture and ethics more than TCS you slaves …

    1. Hey do you know anything at all – do u know how ethical it is on TCS to cut salaries. Can you actually guess your next salary exactly. Do not talk about ethics and TCS they do not reside in the same zipcode.

    2. Monzzes you have no clue of what TCS is and how they work. They would be among the worst employers to work for. They make you work overtime without pay, and stop your promotion for no reason, and also salary would be much less. They think you are a slave. Look at the comment score. I’m sure you are the “s** of b**** “

  2. Monzzes I completely disagree with you.

    1st : TCS does not provide a legal option for anyone to leave the company while on deputation, which is incorrect.
    TCS employees on deputation are not SLAVES of TCS, they have all legal rights (unless they surrender it by signing that “crap” bond) to give sufficient notice for handover and leave the company in whatever geography they are.

    2nd: Everyone on earth know that Indian IT companies like TCS do Body shopping business in addition to the business that they really advertise. Their employees are just assets for them that they rent out to thier clients. Now why under the disguise of “Knowledge” should these employees be forced to sign bonds that prevent them to leave the company “after serving due notice period”???

    The whole idea of these bonds is to ENSLAVE the poor Indian IT professional to that they cannot leave your company for a better job offer with some other company (which is not TCS’ client) while they are at deputation even though if the poor chap has no ill intentions. These bonds do not allow a person to leave the company unless they return to India and keep on serving the same company for months (6months).

    Many of my friends(including me) had to pay the Bond money even after completing a handover (3months in my case in INDIA!) I have never see any company with such a greed for Money and torture to its employees!

    EVERYONE should have the right to choose their own career path!!!

  3. p s,

    y did u have to pay the bond money even after completing handover.. what was the duration of notice agreed in the contract?

  4. hi an,

    well the bond period then was for 6months, and on the last day of my work there were about 55 days(approx 1m 25days) left to completion of that 6months period.
    so even though i completed the handover and was on bench for 1-2months, the hr shamelessly asked me to cough-up the full 500K INR bond money. later on during final negotiations they reduced it but i still ended up taking a hit of about 200K INR. (its been 2 yrs now… i don rem the exact figure as i had to forego my paid leaves)

  5. Guys TCS is really in a very difficult situation now.. It has poorest of management in IT industry .. and which can think of any means of cutting the cost … I am a TCSer and feeling the heat of stupid cost cutting … I have been consistently performing since i joined TCS and have 2 consecutive ratings of 4 out of 5… but these morons reduced my compensation ..

    They didn’t have any new business and still was hiring people in last year like idiots.. what a shame to be a part of such company

  6. Hi guys,

    I joined TCS recently. I was in bench for nearly one n half months and later i was taken in a project along with few others. But the worst part even after i was put into a project i am sitting for more than 3 months without assigning a work.same for others also. still we are not briefed with projects going inside currently and also no formal introduction with any of the team inside. the very first day jus for nameshake our PM spoke with us regarding d proj even that is also for few mins. after that even when we go to see him he is not showing any care for after looking all ur posts i am so much threatened and worrying wil there be a problem for us…

  7. hi guys,

    i joined TCS recently jus five months before…for more than a month i was in the bench and later i was taken in a project along with few others. but even after i was taken in a project i am sitting nearly for 3 months with out assigning any work…same for others also…they took us after evaluating us technically but til this time there is nothing we were told about the projects tat currently goin inside and also we are not introduced to any team yet…only for the first day to say about the project our PM spoke with us,once after that he never said anything to us even when we meet him..but now after looking al these posts i am so much worried and dont know they wil keep us r wil send us…

  8. Karthik,

    I hope nothing goes wrong with you. I no longer work for TCS and would not be able to comment how things are or could be at TCS.

    Good luck.

    p s

  9. So does not it mean that the only option for you in a situation like this is to resign and leave being in deputation itself??

    If they are sitting to suck 500K .. dunno who will dare to be back and get screwed!!!

  10. I am from TCS….. resigned recently…. Same thing is happening to me.
    They treat their employees like they are their slaves.
    Even if you assume they make these bonds for their safety….. However even if I have completed my handover 3 times… and nothing is left to give them now… Still they are not releiving untill end of notice period and asking money otherwise……
    TCS is the most idiot company I have ever seen

  11. Guys…. any incidence known recently someone left the comp at onsite only and TCS has been able to fix him ( for all crap reasons and over greediness of TCS)?

    TCS Hrs and senior managers are M*F* s, bastards can’t even speak properly with the local hires as they are protected by their own countrie’s law.. but these cheap creatures keep screwing Indian associates.. under any circumstance…

    So will anyone be able to tell wat may hapen if I leav in onsite itself?

  12. hey! xs don’t bother about it if you leave the comp nominal decution will happen and nominal INR you have to pay which you can so goahead….:)

    1. Hey B4U,

      Do you have any idea how much we need to pay in $s if we quit while on US Deputation? I guess the agreement does not specify any exact amount. Does anyone help me for this?

      Thanks & Regards

  13. Hi,

    I’m also in same boat and received a letter to pay 6lkah rupees…I quit while in US and they have sent letter after 1 year..Any Advice?

    Also, how can i get service certificate (exp letters, etc) from TCS?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hi,

      I got a notice to pay 6L as i quit TCS during my onsite deputation. Let me know if you are able to negotiate anything with HRs or paid the complete amount

      Thanks for your advise

    2. hi Ram,

      I’m also in same boat, Could you please tell me know how did you resolve your problem. Have you got experience certificate from TCS, please let me know did you pay any amount to TCS. Right now I am in US on TCS H1 visa and now I want to quit this job.

  14. I hope you guys know how litigious America is…..if all these guys who got these notices get together and file a class action suit against TCS…..they should be able to sue the ass of TCS management.

  15. Hi ..I hav been with tcs for last 1.6yrs..and currently in aproject…I got a beter opotunity and now I hav to report in another 10 days..these ppl are not giving will tat hurt my future if i leave tcs before the notice period and formal release from project,..plz mail me its urgent

  16. From my tcs experience, i could say, it is a crap company. Just doing body shopping, and giving 30% to employees and 30% for feeding the fat(so called BRM, GRM … to N Chandra) and 30% as profit to Tata for funding their crap projects. I was billed at 90 dollars per hour and get 62 K which is 30$ per hour, and company made a profit of 30%. And other 30% went to all the stupids who don’t work, in the company.

    Other indian companies also not so good, and probably can find a worse company., but in tier -1 companies, tcs is number one in mis-management and hypocracy.

    Main problem is the leadership in tcs, starting from module leader to CEO, live in fools world.

    First they will brain wash the associates that, they need to go to leadership role and give them firefighting and lying around job, they will bill client but will not do any work to client, instead come up pseudo six sigma, or pseudo CMM and all kinds of stupid stuff.

    Thos e poor chaps think they are doing management. they have no maturity or management skills, but think like they are managers.. They don’t thing any employee rights, even themselves, and think working hard is what they need to do .

    TCs will wisely campus recruite most of the employees, so that, most of the associates are not even know how the world works, and are just the frogs in a well. that is why you can’t see attrition at 60%. Also tcs will make it so impossible to resign .

  17. hi guys,
    What I have to do after getting the the legal notice from TCS to pay the bond breakage amt (5L). I want to get rid of this with out paying anything because they already sucked me in terms of work at onsite. suggestion pl.

  18. I am in the same boat guys, Wanna resign Onsite at US…My query is if i serve 3 months notice period in india as per the agreement, Would those M*F* will still screw u??

  19. xyz,

    I left tcs in 2007, then there was no option to serve the notice onsite… rather there was no way to submit the resignation without returning to India. You may want to have a word with the TCS HR about serving notice outside India and see what is the latest hr policy on that.

    1. Hi ps
      Resignation policy has changed and one can resign at onsite and combined period at onsite and offshore will count towards 3 months notice period.

      Only trouble is that one has to return to India to complete the resignation process and be in India on last working day but I know a person who stayed in US and got away becoz they have to spend money to send you back so wanted to know if anyone recently served the notice period at onsite only.

  20. Hi,

    I got a notice from TCS to pay 6L as i quit TCS during my onsite deputation. Let me know if you are able to negotiate anything with HRs or paid the complete amount

    Thanks for your advise

  21. Hi ,
    Both me and my husband are TCS employees. My husband was deputed to Australia for 1 year onsite and i came as a dependent on long leave. I didnt get any project here in TCS Australia. Although i got a job outside TCS. Can I resign from Australia while on long leave?
    Plz help


  22. Hi,

    I am in a similar situation. I am in US on TCS L1 visa and now I want to quit this job. I do not recall signing any bond with TCS in India. In this case can I escape the 500K INR compensation that TCS will ask of me? Or will serving a 3 month notice period be enough?
    Thanks in advance for your help and advise!



  24. I received a letter from law firm to pay 10 lakhs. What I must do? Does TCS go further and file a case legally? or just threatining the employee to pay some amount?

    I want somebody who got the letter after that what happened?
    Thank ou,

  25. Hello ,

    I am in the same goat.Got a notice in india after one year of resigning.Anybody knows what happen next?

  26. Guys,

    I have one legal question on TCS’s onsite deputation agreement. Your replies will be much appreciated. I had the below clause in the agreement. Now I am in US. I am planning to join another vendor of TCS’s client. Does the below clause means that I cannot join a company who is another vendor of TCS Client?

    7.3 employee hereby agrees that he/ she shall not , during his/ her employment with tcs, and for a period of 2 years following the termination of employment with tcs: directly or indirectly engage , participate in , assist or carry on in any manner any work or business activity that is in competition with the business activities of tcs in the US , and that is located within 100 miles of an office of tcs in the unites states or a location where tcs is performing services for a customer in the united states. the phrase ” business activities ” in competition with tcs is defined as those activities that are the same or substantially similar to those being conducted by employee for tcs, and include in particular engineering , business process or software consulting services, design , software programming , software development , systems integration an related software, business process or engineering services

  27. Hey frnds..
    I left tcs b4 1 and half yr. They had sent a legal notice b4 some days. Should I pay the money. Please infoem me if there s any way out

  28. Hi Xtcer, how much was the notice for? and is it for onsite bond break. I am also in the same boat, please reply

    1. dears PLZ PLZ PLZ help me..what should i do…got tcs letter with want 50.000rs bond from me…i dont have money..i was leave my company last year..due to i really dont want to worked in tcs that tym..they dont give me any projects that thats why am leaving my job…but now the letters come and disturbing me..what should i do 4 it…..

      1. You have to report to css of the immigration and department of state.I reported to them and even had a thorough investigation.The office of the inspector general of the DOL is another department where you can report who will literally fight for you.Do you know immigration is planning to blacklist these companies who are coming out at employees.The company was unable to do anything because I showed them that I dont have any money in INDIA or property in my name.Hence you can declare bankruptcy and wave your hands.They can only go to civil court where you can win the case by the salary you received and the billing details they made with the client.So dont worry buddies fight back.Its worth fighting back because you can actually get more money from TCS when you win the case.

        1. Hi Kart,

          Can you please share the details to whom you contacted in CSS. what is the procedure.
          It would be good if you can share your contact details.


      2. I can patch you up with the appropriate people in the department of labour and OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL.

  29. Please share your email address we both can fight together.I can patch you up with the right people with the department of labour and immigration.

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