TCS Bangalore employee Sudarshan Commits suicide

(This post is user contributed , was ripped from a comment for another post )

Today on 20-august-2010 at ITPL , Explorer Building 11 floor , One of TCS associate named Sudarshan Committed by jumping from 11th floor. He died on the spot.I worked on the same placed and I know what was going on there.Luckily last month I got release from the project.

I came to know from that project associates that Sudarshan was reprimanded and threatened by the project managers very badly just few minutes back when he did this gruesome act.

So many times I have written to about this Threatening mechanism of TCS managers and continuous violation of Code of Conduct (so called) but all in vein. That place have culture and process in which 3 to 5 managers/leads will surrounds one associate in separate room and threaten ,blackmail , and humiliate him like anything . Of course no need to mention that environment and management is highly biased and decremental and favor only on the basis of Region and Mother Tongue.

One of the main reason for this suicide is that HR is highly Incapable and non-sense lady and she doesn't have any morality.

Autocratic , extortionist and highly biased conduct and work culture is becoming trade for .

@ Added from comment
Bangalore: A 22-year-old engineer employed with (TCS) committed suicide on Friday unable to bear the work pressure.
Sudarshan Guppedar, a native of Belgaum, jumped from the 11-storey Explorer Building, at the ITPB campus, around 5pm. He fell flat on the ground and injured his head severely. He died on the spot.
Sudarshan resided as a paying guest in AESC Layout, Mahadevpura.

The Whitefield police have registered a case. “This is definitely a suicide case as no evidence of foul play has been found,” inspector in charge Gopala Krishna BN said. “We rushed to the spot after being informed by the ITPB authorities about his death. The body of the boy has been kept in the mortuary of Vydegi Hospital. The post-mortem will be done on Saturday morning at the hospital itself,” he said.

A colleague of Sudarshan, who did not want to be named, told DNA that he was planning to quit his job. He had given his resignation and was waiting to be relieved from the company. “But the company did not want to relieve him. wanted to retain him. There was a verbal spat between some officials at TCS and Sudarshan,” the colleague said.
Sudarshan had joined the company on March 13 and was working as a trainee engineer. He was seen hanging around with his colleagues about 10 minutes before he jumped to death. The incident left all the at the tech park shocked.

“We are extremely shocked by the tragic loss and deeply regret the untimely demise of our colleague. We will provide all necessary support and assistance to his family,” a TCS spokesperson said.

ITPB authorities said that Sudarshan committed suicide by jumping from a window of his . However, his colleagues claimed that ITPB was trying to cover up its lapse. Sudarhsan had jumped from the terrace of the building, where no one other than the maintenance staff had access to, they said.

They said Sudarshan had followed a security official to the terrace. While the security person was busy attending a phone call, he jumped off the terrace.
“The ITPB authorities are covering this up. Necessary action has to be taken against the security officials for negligence. We will not let this issue die down,” another employee of ITPB said.

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273 Replies to “TCS Bangalore employee Sudarshan Commits suicide”

    1. May Sudarhsan Get peace in heaven. How ever, This is a shocking news here all news papers in Bangalore celebrating the asasination done by a infy employee.The sad sudarsshan’s story all start forgetting.See, People who works with him, his friends should come forward and atleast do some thing for him now.Can any one have the gutts to sent a mail to Ajoy Mukkarji or chandra and rathan tata? I’m sure they will take this consideration .this company is spoiled entirely by middle layer management.I’m not blaming entire management .However 70 % of middle level management is feared about their seat as young generation start overcoming them in all facts. They have lobbyed and the HR’s also Start lobbying with this groups as HR’s also start feeling that they are loosing their ground . Really this lobby is sharing false feed back to the Senior or TOP management. Today the pulse came out .see the satisfaction index came down in good percentage.And The 3 most important things are always top 5 action items in all 3 years . Nothing happend .See RMG, day by day they are fooling assosicates.Nothing is happening .those RMG’s ,TAG and Hr’s(Excluding sr and L&D people) spending their time in cafeteria and ITPL Mall .later in the evvening they book cab and goes home. See how luxurious life they have .The Middle Managers and HR’s should undergo behaviour training. Sorry for those 30 % people,who are really good in all. they are really good and encouraging and making you to stay here ,even if you are not managed by them !

    2. Here in Hyderabad also, there are some RMG/HR guys.. who have been sitting in Hyd TCS for long time.. around 11 to 12 years and they treat everyone with contempt and treat newcomers and experienced also like dogs… yes like dogs and beggars.. if we have to meet them, we have to wait for hours and hours while they just gossip around.. RMG guy is MS Reddy.. worst fellow in professional side..

      1. TCS is not a Good Company.
        Specially RMG People who have done their MBA from Third Grade BSchool, think they are the CEO.
        TCS is spoiling the Brand Name of Tata.

        1. Correctly said…
          Even every fresher’s is being threaten and bluffed by RMG and HR…
          Its really not following the TATA Code of Conduct, but making its own code. The peoples responsible for same is RMG.
          TCS makes profit by using fresher’s blood…
          Shame to be a part of TCS…

  1. I know there are several bias in TCS made for people who speak that same language and some managers are very scrupulous….they will do anything and everything for their fellow mother tongue persons….this is bizarre for a company that claims to be very good in HR personnels… the RMG group are really bad!! they treat the fellow workers as just dogs….I am sorry dogs are even better treated than the fellow workers…

    1. No you have worng conception…….HRs in TCS fool us around…..they have policies which are only in thier favour nothing in foavour of employees….sometimes mangers treat like – you have to work because we are paying ofcourse we have to work but the way they ask us to do it like asking a labour class…..never join TCS if you want to shape your career the way you want.

  2. Hi,

    I am sorry to hear about sudharsan’s death. I am still in shock after hearing the news.

    I cannot imagine the pain, much more at the peak of his career. We will definitely miss him. Myself andm my friends extending their deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    You and your family will always be in my prayers.

    1. I am also a TCS employee, i dnt want to blame the company for mishaps like this, but there are managers who are unscruplous and rascals, they infact spoil the name of the company. I know a bengali manger who is in UK now, in an insurance account who heads the ab initio projects who harasses girls, he keeps on taking young girl team members for coffee and lunch, and finally asks them “what can i xpect from you other than work, i can help u climb up the ladder if you cooperate with me “, such people should be thrown out of the company , saddest part is he usually traps trainees who are afraid to speak out their miseries….TCS management plz take
      care of such demons

      1. I am deeply shocked that after knowing all the facts you are also a silent witness to this harrasement. If others are not ready to do , you have the full right to go ahead and make a formal complaint. You have to take the initiative before someone else falls into the trap…there should be a whistle blower concept in the company for sure.

        1. All these guys would just post such messages anonymously and not do anything. Good for nothing as* h****, scaredy cats and now they anonymously post the names of the manager and write all stupid stuff. Go and get some back bone guys or shut your f*** up and be quiet.

      2. I am a tcs employee.
        TCS has become worste place to work.
        Managers feel as if its their own company and they have rights to do anything.
        they link everything to appraisal.
        the rating will be given purely on gropism.
        who ever speaks he will punished in rating.

          1. adiga is an ass hole manager in tcs germany……..he is a begger …..he picks up all the empty bottles from reeperbhan and sells in market n gets money ……..a big begger manager….f..ker …..

  3. I am sorry to hear about sudharsan’s death. I am still in shock after hearing the news.

    I cannot imagine the pain, much more at the peak of his career. We will definitely miss him. Myself andm my friends extending their deepest sympathies to you and your family.

    You and your family will always be in my prayers.

  4. Well i work in the ITPL and still taking time to sink in the news… i mean i may not know him in person.. but dude he was alive breathing the same air as me… he also must have had his lunch around the same time i had.. i mean how in human can this be…….. if the tcs employees do not raise their voices now then it is never… that management of your has no fuck chance to play with your life n family… everyone of you should join hands against them and teach them a lesson.. where will those managers run n hide their faces ..teach them .. just teach them a lesson in life.. that they should care less if they are dead or alive.. write about them be vocal… tell them on their faces they are wrong.. and they deserve a punishment…. jobs r there in the market for you all.. don even care a shit for this job… may his soul rest in peace… and may god bless the grieving family enough courage to survive and fight.. but those hellish managers should be taught with a lesson

    1. I totally agree with you. If you do nothing they will harass you much more. Yes there are plenty of jobs in the market. My friends our life and family is more important then these stupid companies and managers. Please find the courage to fight back. God bless you.

      P.S. My deepest condolences to Sudarshan. I would be happy had you quit the stupid job then ending ur life. May your soul rest in peace.

    2. Suicides are still a decision of coward. Please guys don’t mind as i sound negative. If the person died has fought and got that rascals out and escalated it would be a hats off. I have been many situations in my previous and current organisation and i still survive.

      And Ashanti as you said never bother a shit about the job. We are not for employers and they deserve for our demand.

      The ass holes who took his life off has to be punished or sentenced to death as per law.

      Finally guys, Please work for your dreams, or else other jackass will make us work for their dreams..Cheers.

        1. Sheena,

          Just saw your comment. He would have showed his attitude their instead of suicide. Yep i don’t think escalations would work there.

          1. Sheba and Suresh.
            Escalation and ethical harashment will work fine.I’m sure .See All this happens due to 2 layers of people and the ethical and other escalations will always go beyond them .These So Called HR’s and Managers made an impression that no escalations will work .This is just to make sure that they will survive even after they did anything

  5. Well, I am really feeling very bad for his family, at the same time disgust 4 d so called “MANAGERS” in TCS most of whom don’t give a damn 2 d associates working under them. I don’t know what circumstances led him 2 choose dis path, but in the first place he shud have thought about his family rather dan thinking 4 dis stupid job (he cud hav got a much better job, IT market is flooded wid dose)….
    Anyway, TCS doesn’t give a damn about someone’s death , coz dey vl find some one else. One should always think of the consequences that his actions could lead to….. Poor family in dis case, May dey get d strength 2 bear d pain and may his soul RIP….

  6. As we are coming back to explorer after smoke.. we heard a thrash sound and rushed outside ..where we found this guy lying and other 2 guys were near him to help….As hardly few people were there someone told he was on terrace and jumped from there ( don’t know how far its true)…..We did found 2 windows opened at 11th floor that time..

  7. I am sorry for the lost life, may his soul rest in peace.

    Well what saddens me is more than stating the news, the author Dexter has taken out his personal frustration here.

    People are not always good. People are not always bad. This is true irrespective of weather someone is a manager or just a fresher.

    How can you comment on the morality of a HR lady? What proof you have?

    Also why do you have to mention region, language etc.? When people don’t get something they believe I didn’t get it because of my region, language etc. and that I was discriminated against. Why don’t people think “Oh we didn’t get something because we never deserved to get it”?

    This is a ridiculous argument stating region, language, morality of HR, tirade against managers etc.

    Some projects may have a bad culture. But that can never be equated to the code of conduct of an entire company.

    I wish such an incident will never happen. Whatever happens in life, life must go on, and one should continue to fight.

    Once again may Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace.

    1. My dear “Whats in a name”,

      I have worked in TCS Chennai for one year personally and have seen first hand the injustices that happen.

      “How can you comment on the morality of a HR lady? What proof you have?”

      “Also why do you have to mention region, language etc.?”

      “This is a ridiculous argument stating region, language, morality of HR, tirade against managers etc.”

      – well I don’t know about Dexter, but here is my experience. I had to work from 9am to around 00-00:30 am. I was working 6 days a week. For a single causal/sick leave taken I would be told that its compulsory to make up for it on Sunday. I fought about this too with my boss and I was called by 2nd level boss , PM.

      – PM told me that it was because my work was slow I had to make up for it by coming on Sundays also.
      (You might also say that maybe my work was slow. Well, I scored rank 3440 out of approx 2,80,000 in IIT screening, and similar ranks in all competitive exams, in my college I would finish coding programs first before everyone else be it in class or lab, be it assembly language or high levels. I single-handedly finished coding a website for my college internship which was supposed to be work for 4 people.
      By the way after I left that company I would say I am considered to be doing really well in my present place 🙂 ).

      (You might now say it was my fault that I was working so many hours, that I wasn’t assertive enough.
      – Well, firstly it wasnt me alone it was the entire team who was working like that.
      -And after leaving TCS 3 years back there has not been a single day I had to work like that.
      You probably CANNOT relate to the post unless it happens to u. ).

      Since you are asking all these questions let me ask you something. Do you know of any incident which has happened in TCS regarding the above mentioned points? How many do you know of actually? I feel you don’t know much incidents or you wouldn’t be asking such questions. There are plenty of other posts in this website where people have written about their experiences. Read through them and then decide for yourself.

      I feel the same as Dexter here because I have personally been through bad experiences in TCS. Your questions might change the day things on that level happen to you so please do not pass judgement on Dexter.

      “Some projects may have a bad culture. But that can never be equated to the code of conduct of an entire company.”

      – You have heard about people equating the misconduct to the entire TCS. How many other companies have you heard this about? Is there a reason more people say this about TCS? You might say its because of the huge no. of people TCS employees. Lets consider IBM which is the second largest pvt sector employer in India. Do you hear these kinds of things about IBM? In IBM also these kinds of things might happen but why dont people equate that to the entire company? Because they don’t happen as commonly or as severely as in TCS.
      – The reason “some” projects have this is because the code conduct of the company isn’t enforced correctly (by the middle layer to the best of my understanding). So I would say we actually SHOULD equate it to the entire company.
      – Consider this – a mass murderer kills someone you like and you call that person a bad person. You are told that – he might have done “some” bad things but just because of that we cannot equate it to his being bad. After all he has done a lot of good things also. So please don’t call him bad.
      I just want to say that in TCS its EASY for management to commit wicked acts, and they DO commit and EASILY get away with it. I’m not saying that every single management does but all who do give the company a bad name.

    2. All such managers should be thrown out of the company. Being a manager doesnot mean he can do whatever he wants to his subordinates. the policy ahould be same for everyone.
      I request all his friends and well wishers to let the whole world know about the truth and continue to fight for the justice.
      The management will try to cover the issue by giving wrong info to the public. (like in sundays newspaper they mentioned that he had a love affair. they think it is a common reason can be given and can escape from the truth)
      So please don make management to escape from this.

  8. firstly, may Sudarshan Guttedar’s soul rest in peace….he cud ve been sensible 4 another second…..a thot abt his parents wud ve stopped him from committing such unethical act…if managers wer a prob….the company nxt door wud ve given him better options…..I fail to understand is it frustration, is it disappointment, financial probs, I feel pity on these fellows who even think of such act……. No one is born free from all tensions, its part of Life….I curse myself for being a witness…….we wer having tea near the triangle n all of a sudden we heard someone screaming n when we turned to see wat happend….n this guy ‘d jumped off his office window…..he hit the 2nd flr parapet n bounced to the ground flr……..a lady who was standing thre fainted… ‘Whats in a name’ rightly mentioned….dis has nothing to do wit the language or d region….indeed majority of d crowd in ITPL is from TCS….they re happy….some sulk..but they do find many ways to come out of it….lot of stress busters we ve…hobbies…frens…n wat not…..dis is ridiculous guys…..dis is wat happens when ppl made to just concentrate on studies…..write almost all entrance exams….n get a white collar job which is considered as the final destiny….n when the job is at stake….get into unethical acts… kind request… all my frens who consider tat the entire company;’s production is on their shoulders n the stress bank….pls make ur life simple….less complicated…..n just think of optimistic ppl n events in life……Once again may Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace.

  9. firstly, may Sudarshan Guttedar’s soul rest in peace….he cud ve been sensible 4 another second…..a thot abt his parents wud ve stopped him from committing such unethical act…if managers wer a prob….the company nxt door wud ve given him better options…..I fail to understand is it frustration, is it disappointment, financial probs, I feel pity on these fellows who even think of such act……. No one is born free from all tensions, its part of Life….I curse myself for being a witness…….we wer having tea near the triangle n all of a sudden we heard someone screaming n when we turned to see wat happend..a lady who was standing thre fainted……n this guy ‘d jumped off his office window…..he hit the 2nd flr parapet n bounced to the ground flr………….as ‘Whats in a name’ rightly mentioned….dis has nothing to do wit the language or d region….indeed majority of d crowd in ITPL is from TCS….they re happy….some sulk..but they do find many ways to come out of it….lot of stress busters we ve…hobbies…frens…n wat not…..dis is ridiculous guys…..dis is wat happens when ppl made to just concentrate on studies…..write almost all entrance exams….n get a white collar job which is considered as the final destiny….n when the job is at stake….get into unethical acts… kind request… all my frens who consider tat the entire company;’s production is on their shoulders n the stress bank….pls make ur life simple….less complicated…..n just think of optimistic ppl n events in life……Once again may Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace.

  10. Hi

    “Whats in a name” your comments are applaudable and commendable.

    R U a Manager in TCS?

    But even if you try to cover S**t with flowers, it makes no difference.

    In all my life in TCS, all I have seen is Personal Bias, Regional Bias, Lanuage Bias, and Project based Bias.

    What is wrong in taking about the morality of the HR person, who “Auto hard closes” your band disagreement. What is wrong in talking about a manager whose likes and dislikes turn out to be our ratings and bandings.

    Now that you have referred to the code of coduct of the company…… under what moral and ethical law did the TCS top brass take salary hikes in 2009 when the entire world was reeling in recession. Our Promotions were stopped and salary hikes denied. And this is the only company that I have see and heard of who gives a “D” to an employee who leaves the project/account and denies him/her the fruits of his/her hard work. where is the CODE OF CONDUCT of the company in such cases.

    All these years Dexter has given the most correct and authentic information. and in my opinion when there is a blame by Dexter there is authenticity in it.

    Kudos Dexter…….

    PS: All the change cannot be brought about by one employee. All employees who think alike must join forces, otherwise nothing is going to happen. In saying so, I categorise myself as a coward in not revealing my name in this post. Though I am ashamed of being like this, life has to go on.

  11. Hi
    I am also working in ITPL Explorer 11th Floor. Heard from Sudharsan colleagues that he doesn’t like support project but his project manager threatened him to fire from the company. There may be some other reasons for his frustration.

    I agree with the RMG’s bad culture and some managers arrogant behavior.

    May God’s grace strengthen his family members.

  12. Hi,
    i am sad about this incident and he was a too young kid just 22.

    at the same time i am kind doubtfull that he really had any work life issues
    or i dont think any mgmt or engineering teams will really push freshers or 1+ guys to limits
    was he a trainee ? was he asked to leave bcos any other resons like fake exp, wrong document submission..
    I hear that TCS policies are quite stringent with this..

    despite what ever may be the reason, feeling very sad.

    every one should really understand that there are ppl who do much thank less ,pressure full jobs, that too in very humiliating , drastic conditions..

  13. After hearing this news, I am really worried about the new joinees in my team…i have hereby pledged them all support they need….lets put these old culture of our Bald and bull shit managers….let all the youngsters and seniors (who share the same thoughts apart from Mr. “Whats in a name”) join our hands together to create a new and positive generation of TCS…lets throw these oldies in the dust bin….we need a new vision and new attitude to our youngsters who arrive at our company with lots of hopes and aspirations…and a damn lot scared….they need love and support from us….and not this stupid threatening tactics…. Remember …LOVE conquers everything…..lets all join our hands in this….Thanks…

    1. Good Luck Buddy ! Soon you will come out of this company then ! .If you are an aspirant come out and try that some where else .Bocoz those oldies are politically powerful than you and they will sink you in deep blue see. What is the use of spoiling your ethics and time by arguing those people who thinks them selves as the “big Boss ” ! .If you are a fresher or not , you need support initially from those who already there ? have you got this when you came here ? . If you start proving also you wont get any support .

  14. don’t know what some of the managers ( BASTARDS ) think of them selves, they lick their boss’s ass to get manager’s post. We can not expect humanity and well mannered behavior from them.

    What HRs know just a language English? then why they think they are superior then us.

    “Whats in a name” U must be Manager or an HR…………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ONE question for you.
    DID Sudarshan disserve death??????????
    There are people with week hearts who take such decision, we can not stop them. But we should stop managers/HRs to humiliate/ harass employees (people already have hell lot of pressure in their minds)

  15. It is really disappointing to know that sudarshan commited suicide.
    Heard that he was just 3 days old to the TCS family. Will there be so much pressure for new joinee???? People, atleast give some time to the new joinee to even know the project details.
    Managers: If you are the reason for this, really disgusting. Please stop this and become good humans.
    To All: Whatever may be the difficulties in life, please face it.
    Don’t become cowards. Fight for your rights. God has given you life and it is his responsibility to take it. Please don’t take decisions on your own.

  16. Bangalore: A 22-year-old software engineer employed with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) committed suicide on Friday unable to bear the work pressure.
    Sudarshan Guppedar, a native of Belgaum, jumped from the 11-storey Explorer Building, at the ITPB campus, around 5pm. He fell flat on the ground and injured his head severely. He died on the spot.
    Sudarshan resided as a paying guest in AESC Layout, Mahadevpura.

    The Whitefield police have registered a case. “This is definitely a suicide case as no evidence of foul play has been found,” inspector in charge Gopala Krishna BN said. “We rushed to the spot after being informed by the ITPB authorities about his death. The body of the boy has been kept in the mortuary of Vydegi Hospital. The post-mortem will be done on Saturday morning at the hospital itself,” he said.

    A colleague of Sudarshan, who did not want to be named, told DNA that he was planning to quit his job. He had given his resignation and was waiting to be relieved from the company. “But the company did not want to relieve him. It wanted to retain him. There was a verbal spat between some officials at TCS and Sudarshan,” the colleague said.
    Sudarshan had joined the company on March 13 and was working as a trainee engineer. He was seen hanging around with his colleagues about 10 minutes before he jumped to death. The incident left all the employees at the tech park shocked.

    “We are extremely shocked by the tragic loss and deeply regret the untimely demise of our colleague. We will provide all necessary support and assistance to his family,” a TCS spokesperson said.

    ITPB authorities said that Sudarshan committed suicide by jumping from a window of his office. However, his colleagues claimed that ITPB was trying to cover up its security lapse. Sudarhsan had jumped from the terrace of the building, where no one other than the maintenance staff had access to, they said.

    They said Sudarshan had followed a security official to the terrace. While the security person was busy attending a phone call, he jumped off the terrace.
    “The ITPB authorities are covering this up. Necessary action has to be taken against the security officials for negligence. We will not let this issue die down,” another employee of ITPB said.

  17. Fahmeeda,

    He joined in March10 … not just 3 days back. and 5-6 months are more than sufficient to torture a poor boy.
    I am not sure that who is the feason for this. but the talks about managers and HRs are completely true. if they are not the reason for this now then surely they will be in future.
    Youngsters are living stressful life now a days, it is very easy to loose confidance, very easy to go into depression and take unfair decisions. BUT

    Guys: Life given to us is not ONLY for us…………!

  18. Yes, TCS is completing working on Brahmin laws, otherwise WHY N Chandra made as CEO of TCS after Ramadorai. Just because N Chandra is son-in-law of Ramdorai. Mahalingam is more senior and intelligent than N Chandra. This N Chandra is putting lot of pressure with his bad principles of making 30% margins of profit. Again, YES there is biased in TCS. In chennai TCS, if you are not tamilian, your ratings, promotions will get effected defintely. Ask any chennai TCSer. My last project manager was brahmin, he encouraged only brahmins and sent them only to onsite even there 9 months experience.

    1. Hi
      I am an exTCSer and currently without any job. I would like to iterate one fact that employee policies are not the outcome of the fact “who is the CEO” etc. If TCS is pressing for more profits and in this process killing the employee rights, this decision has been taken collectively by all people in the management and not any particular person(be it CEO or whoever else). All of them has to be equally blamed for this outcome. The other persons in the management are not children and they have risen to those posts to share the responsibility of the outcome, whatever it may be(sad or pleasing).

    2. Dear friend,
      All MNC s & even Central government Research organisations have the same type of setup.In india,successor of R&D organisation chairman is selected based on caste.We should n’t balme about organisations.All organisation are bounded by wall.How management guys make that place heaven/pleasant by effective implimentation of their code of conduct,integrity & compliance etc.But it is very unfortunate that all management fellows are overcommitted & sucking their blood as well as thier bone marrow level too.Only people attitude should be changed apart from religion,language,caste etc.Try to stick on for comman goal with team members.I worked in R&D organisation as well as well known MNCs.Based on my experience,US people & project requirements are geniune.But managers wants to lick foreign toes by showing slavery nature apart from non realistic estimate.

  19. Hi All,

    Want to discuss my experience with TCS as well. I joined TCS with an experience of around 1.5 yrs ( equivalent as a fresher) in gurgaon. Before joining they showed me very pleasant picture of TCS but after joining they forced to join a very scrap project which will scrap my career before starting. I tried to reach RMG guy ( Mukesh Dhenwal) , but he insulted me in front of whole crowd. Then he started humiliating and harrasing me daily by other means when i denied to join that project , when i tried to reach HR seems she was also puppet of RMG hand ( never seen so helpless HR in my life) . I beg alott in front of him many days but no solution, he threatend me to fire me me as well causing me to get many sleepless nite. Then finaly i was caught by typhoid due to all this harrasment and tension.

    I am discussing this story becuase i found many people in TCS , who had been betrayed same but they don’t raise voice against it, but i was not amongst them and at last i left the company within a month ( now i am happy, but the experience was horrable).

    God helped me that time otherwise story for sudarshan could have been repeated. But i always regret that guy mukesh dhenwal might be playing with the life of more people ( especially freshers).

    1. So you mean the medical condition was directly related to the RMG insulting you. Guys please stop this non-sense. Dont just rant about not knowing what you are accusing others of. So you did not know how to handle the situation and get sleepless night… think of the RMG when he would have spent sleepless nights when people like you did not want to work in a project and just refused to go to the project and he was under pressure to provide resources. God, you guys are so crazy! so if none of you want to work in that project would that mean TCS will go and tell the clients we dont want to work in this technology. Please shut the f*** up and stop posting such immatured comments.

      I agree that there are issues with the company policy but the company cannot cater to each individuals needs. I have seen guys who want to change their mind about going to onsite and staying at offshore and being very stupid in demanding they be treated the way they want. Are we doing charity here. God!!! give a break guys!!!

      1. T,
        You and I dont need to sell our sould for a fistful of coins. It was the same mentality of making more money that made our ancestors sell us off to the Brits.
        You want us to follow the same path again?
        Lets live and die if it comes to it, lets not sell our souls.
        If you keep morality aside, even a prostitute doesnt like sleeping with strangers, but does it becuase it has GOOD MONEY in it. I hope you understand what I mean by that. Please do not preach people to pimp their minds and bodies into doing something they dont like. You and TCS can go to HELL.

  20. @anonymous : feeling very sad about you buddy and sudhershan as well, being a TCSer i also feel the same . And the guy mkesh who had suffer you so much should had been dragged for some kind of investigation.

  21. Hi… First of all, we really regret for the incident happened yesterday. May his soul rest in peace.
    Everybody should understand if it’s software or IT field, definely thers would be immense pressure. That’s one of the main reason for your high pay as well. We should try to be bold and confident enough in all the situations. Just blaming managers , HR and others doesnt help. Afterall this a project loss but he missed his life. Definitely all the deserving candidates have got a very good and nice roles in TCS. Also employee service policy is too good compared to any other companies.
    But it’s not good to blame TCS and it’s policies. Also dont forget that you will all become managers one day and it’s not good to blame the managers. There could be n number of reasons for this incident to happen . So please do not blame individuals and company policies.

  22. May the sould rest in piece.

    @haj : being in IT field doesn’t means pressure, you can enjoy your work too. And about becoming a manager one day , i personally never like to became a manager on bodies of our brother and sister, not sure about you. So please dont be selfish.

  23. Guys, I’m deeply shocked by this news and I partially agree with this post.
    An employee in TCS does not have visibility beyond his delivery manager and his account HR. Once these guys do not listen to you, there is pretty much nothing that you can do.
    Moreover, freshers join IT companies with a lot of expectations, the glossy picture shown to them during their recruitment is not the same once they join the company. Right from the training to your project allocation all what you experience is just non sense. But you know all, yes all the Indian IT companies have these problems, all of them and I must say TCS is the best among them.
    Yes, TCS is the best !! At least we do have some weird policies like, 50% less salary if not allocated, Half day salary cut if not swapped-in before 8:30 for 3 days.. etc. Thing is that TCS has given more power to employees but some incompetent psychic managers and HR ladies cannot handle it properly.

    At least think of your parents before taking any such steps.

    1. 1 sec, who ever you are.
      TCS is not good at all. If you are in bench you will be tortured by RMG.
      If you are inthe Project liek I’, you will be asked to work more then 9 hrs for atleast 3 rating(Thsi is said by TCS manager Vishwanathan Sankaran 10+ in TCS). Even if you hard and deliver it, you will be ^&*(* because you didn’t help manager for creating Excels, handling project load as he always comes up with some weird idea and stupid plan. Finaly you will get less rating and Band that will result your Salary cut and good future in TCS.

      1. @anonymous : i agree with you, i got a experience in working most of the indian MNC. And i rate TCS one of the worst, pathetic company. Even a company with 100 people, functional on every road side is better than TCS. They make ppl suffer and when seen see that ppl is stressed, they just give him lollyPop of onsite chances.

        1. As I said, TCS has given more power to their employees than other companies. You just have to know how to use yours buddy..!!

          @anonymous – Its not about how many hours you work dear, its about the quality and value addition in your deliverables and its logical correct that you grow only at the industry rate if you do only what you are suppose to do… and i.e, 3 rating…
          Yes, I do know that sometimes managers take biased decisions but guys, this is INDIA and this is our culture- everywhere its the same. Believe me, I my self have faced all these things and have fought for it, but never impacted my deliverables and my client due to that. yes, Its a bit difficult but not impossible.
          At the same time, You might have noticed some employees just playing around in the office, never taking any responsibility in the project but still always keep crying about what others have got and they haven’t. Boss… PPL in other companies and countries have lost their jobs but TCS has not fired a single employee in those bad times.

          At last, I’d like to say that TCS is an open platform where you can experience and experiment lot of things as a team member as well as a manger. And you get rewarded for your positive impacts in the organization. TCS has plenty of opportunities across the world, its just that all these cannot be realized till root level due to its size – 1500k employees!! But i think its improving ….

          1. u r facts are as contaminated as ur thoughts…
            TCS has fired around 6000 ppl during recession… i think u r naive in this industry.. or u do not follow news papers..

          2. I’m sorry.. could not find any such info.

            1. Feb 2008 – TCS asked 500 ppl to resign for consecutive 2 ratings – ie. for 2 yr – is it not fair to fire for poor performance ??
            2. early 2010 – Around 5000 ppl switch to other companies due to economy revival.

          3. Please come out with your name. If TCS is such a quality company why is US president Barrack Obama not convinced? If you have potential, go to US govt and convince them so that they revoke their decision of increasing the visa fees 8 times. This would save huge money for your most admired company and also save its image. Just sitting in your chair and licking the ass of your supervisor would not help these days. If you say that it is not politics that you get good ratings while the others do not, you really do value addition. I would say that your company associates(whom the company sends to US on deputation) does all bullshit and crappy work(because they have been trained by people like you), so that the US president has to take action to stop these viruses to come to US.

          4. Bullshit..!! first of all what does it have to do with the US President ?? the visa hike is for entire IT industry and not only for TCS. Seriously man, you must visit some psychiatric …. ASAP….
            I know your mentality. ppl like you always look at a non-deserving person being benefited and start expecting everything just the same way. You need to start following the deserving ppl and start working as hard as them.

            And FYI, I’m no trainer. m a junior resource, working for a tough client and do not have anyone from my region in the entire hierarchy. Still, have managed to get almost everything I wanted in a very short period. You know how… positive attitude and hard work. So wake up and stop blaming others…

  24. Yes. Viswanathan Sankaran,Srinibvasan Aramuthan are along those manager who torture associates. Vishy start his speech saying saved so many ppl
    s job in TCS and if you don’t perform (actully making his excel, taking project load so that he can show more profit in less head) you will loose the job.
    One time both ^*&^* called me in HELL room, threaten ,blackmail , and humiliate like TCS is their own company. also both are highly biased and decremental and favor only on the basis of Region and Mother Tongue. This issue is raised in Townhall and upper manager are completely aware of all these crap. But they want to make TCS TOP 10 in 2010, so Employee life does not matter for then.
    If you speak to HR, Madhulika, She wont help you at all and return you with some biscuit. SUCH a nice AShHOLE is here in TATA group.

  25. I agree with you all, people who completed 10+ year in TCS feels , that its their grand father’s company and they can do anything like MUKESH DHANWAL ( GURGAON RMG) . But things are changing, they will get punished very soon, not even by ppl as well as by god.

    We cannot afford to loose our young brother’s like this , due to these basterds.
    I will urge you all , please raise a voice through these kinds of forum so that those ppl get punished . This way we can give tribute to our young brother and his soul can rest in piece.

  26. TCS is just a career ruiner. People who have reached good positions , that is just because they had joined during a blooming period. But they actually are capable of nothing compared to this generation. Bloody senior management .
    I hope the people behind this will suffer so badly that they’ll plead for death but they wont get it and will suffer badly

  27. firstly, may sudarshan’s soul rest in peace…….a very sad incident…we wer crossing the innovator building n going towards the other block….n within seconds ppl started screaming…some was trying to call up the ambulance….the ascendas management rushed….n in sometime…we found two ladies taking control…I dont know if its the same HR manager u re talking abt….she was screaming at others to leave d place…….but this was very unethical act my dear frens…..just studies…….try all national level entrance exams…n get a dream job…..n when tat DREAM job is at stake….commit an unethical act…..ppl never resort 2 such an act….he cud ve taken a break n got back to work after sometime…. I work in the creator building n thank god for different company and under a manger who is a better human….my dear TCS frens…I wish u get enough courage n strength to handle any such dumb managers…n wat is this RMG…..

    1. n its very sad when media tissue papers like bangalore mirror says its due to a love affair…..d inputs given by TCS spokesperson !…did d cops take any of TCS employees to interrogate or even they wer biased with watever inputs the so called TCS spokesperson said !!!!!!!!!!!

    2. So called Resource Management Group !!!! They lack common sense and they dont have atleast sense to allocate resource to the project according to their skills,,,, Shameless Creatures are nothing but RMG

  28. Sometimes its hard to believe that a person with whom you have interacted few minutes back is no more … I understand what goes through ones mind when he is forced to do things against will and his voices are unheard by those who matter …Being a fresher, having high aspirations on mind he couldnt understand the bloody corporate life.. He took a hasty decision in a moment of madness… I wish the people who are responsible for this should be punished…Hope TCS upholds its so called values and start addressing employees concerns…..

    I deeply mourn his death, and wish may his soul rest in peace… Hope god gives enough strength to his parents to recover from the loss of their loving child….

    We miss you Sudarshan…..

  29. TCS is well known for its managerial politics.In a general shift project i know there are 3 incident managers for 3 people team.All these 3 guys will torture the 3 team members like anything.Its just an example, but this is happening acroos the organisation.All the f********ing HR’s always acting as (.) (.) to managers.I know everyone take this during pulse but nothing happened.
    ***********No Employee Welfare No Satisfaction**************
    TCS sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. Dear Friends…
    Please send the information whatever you have to all the new media’s and the truth must be published and action must be taken against those bad people. Now itself company management started giving false information to news media like the reason is love failure etc. I request you dear friends please get the truth out and don’t want any more loss of lives because of some heartless machines pressure.

    1. Boss, What media will do? News paper converted the murder case to suicide case.
      Police wont help as ~ 8 digit figure matters. HR and management alredy told it’s Love case. Ask employee ot keep mouth suit. I’m one of them. There’s no proof. Atleast Sudarshan should drop drop a letter for Ashholes. I know very well about management, PC data are formatted. What do you think Police will do? They need evidence.
      He sholud not go Alone.
      Hope Sudarshan’s parent get justice.
      One please, inform to Sudarshan’s parent for this link.

  31. Current management is not capable of runningthe business, Specially Vishwanathan Sankaran, Srinivasan Aramuthan and another who kiiled Fresher by breaking fresher’s nurve, filling heart with depression, humilitations, harrasament. I’m from the same project Deutsche Bank (DSR IT, Trade Finance) and it’s like hell. You can’t leave your chair. You have to givew work log. Once you did your job honestly,you feel happy but Wait. At apprasial time, they wil say “Did you do more apart from 9 hrs? what did you do for TCS? You simply come to office, work for Deutsche Bank and leave”. What the *)(*(*)9 is this bloddy Vishy??? Client pay more than 10X of one’s salary and even that manager do pay cut of employee for Profit.
    Viswanathan Sankarana and Srini asked many time asked employee to put the paper if they ask for release. Senior managerment knows all this , many time this issue is raised in TOWNHALL, but you know TCS Global Top 10-2010 funda. Just suck employee,kick it out , get new one.

  32. I am an Ex TCSer. I was in Kolkata branch for 10 + years. I would like to put my opinion regarding this:
    Reprimanding employees in front of others and in blank rooms are not the culture of branches like Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi only. Kolkata also joined the same bandwagon years back. I was reprimanded inone project from a person called Ashim Dhar (project manager). Today also he is in TCS Kolkata. If there is any newcomer in TCS Kolkata or an existing employee, please make sure that you do not join his projects like ABSA, Sunlife etc etc.

  33. I agree , the senior management is responsible for this.
    The RMG is the black sheep in this organization and their boss chakravarthy keeps sitting in innovator 10th floor and keeps barking all the time…
    What are this guy’s parents going through??
    will these ppl ever underastand ??
    the boy was so disgusted with wat was happenning aroung that he decided to kill himself… If he just wanted to make a stupid point he would hav done some drama..
    This asshole chakravarthy when he goes to colleges he tells TCS is better than his competitors I and W… but does he explain those lil kids in colleges that this can also happen… does anyone tell that we dont give a damn abt whether u r good or bad.. al we care is abt completeing our goal sheets which means u will go where i oush u..
    allocations and locations are a big isue for freshers..
    these RMG and HR’s are like well paid sophisticated janitors.. they are here to clean shit nothing beyong that.. they shud not assume bigger roles in a technical organization coz even if they tried for their next 20 lives they will not understand wat are the feelings and pressure of a technical project..
    and open question to all the ass hole RMG people..
    On wat basis do u fu**in allocate projects to ppl?

    1. I am from competitor company and say that tcs is better…u guys havent seen others so just shoot from d hip…huh

    2. Yes Exactly.. Mr Chakravarthy says he will transist donkey to Horse . But wat is he doing????Converting all young engineers to donkeys . He is ruining the future of INDIA .

  34. Defntly managment is responsible for this incident. if a person has commited suicide means then how much they have troubled him, nobody will think of suicide unless the situation is very bad.
    Friends i would like to tell all of you one thing, Be mentally strong, wat ever may be the situation try to face it. We have labour court we can take help in worst situations.

  35. Who ever has provided false data to police even his children will suffer like this someday… he will be old tat day and his young son will also take an extreme step and then some young manager in his 30’s will say it was love case this person who wver is the spokes person for this will also suffer for this..
    madhulika bi*ch r u listening and seeing this????

  36. I am an ex TCSer who was in the same project as Sudarshan was . I can imagine what would have gone through with him in the time he was in that project. Being under a manager who acts like a Hitler , and the only words that come out of his mouth are “I will screw your career, I will make sure that your career is spoiled, I will put bad remarks in your experience certificate “, I strongly believe he would have been devastated and lost his confidence . Still i believe he should have taken some more time to understand the life in this corporate world.
    Although I dont know the exact reason for Sudarshan taking such a drastic step, I believe media should not broadcast anything without proper evidence. How can they say he commited suicide coz of love failure or personal reason when police are still investigating? What should have gone through his parents mind?????? Hope proper investigation will reveal the truth and if there is anyone who is guilty should be finished severely…..
    may his soul rest in peace

    1. I think you should provide this information to Police or some authentic media ppl to make sure that those bastards are severely punished and other bastards out there can see their fate…

  37. Bangalore guys….
    Do keep us posted about the activities after his death… Has anybody from the top management either Bangalore or Corporate Office reached his family in this distressed hour. We will see how much humane this company is.

  38. we would need a complete resurrection of the infrastructure at TCS Bangalore…there is no need of this RMG group…they are waste….IT work less and “canteen work” more…..we already have a TEG group that caters to excellency of each ISU—make a circuit of this within the entire organisation and the open pool joinees would report to these people…..they will take them to individual ISU’s and one more thing MR recruiter in TCS….if we cannot afford these many freshers the WHY THE HELL do you take them…its better not to take them than torturing them after being admitted to the organisation……..
    and very important of ALL…our ATTITUDE TOWARDS NEW JOINEES….we need to correct that as soon as possible..or else we may have to repeatedly worry such incidents may re-occur…..

  39. every(80% IT ITES) company has dis problem, infy sap cts tcs wipro oracle ibm..every dam company……inefficient HR, n Mgr is der every where as they r high paid for crap wrk…n person directly contributing to project n projuct gets paid smaller amt,this creates intra team prob,n 3rd rate HRs n 3rd rate mnanagers is BIG problem in our country.

  40. May Sudardshan soul rest in peace..

    I have few of my friends working in the same project as sudarshan and heard from them how their managers are. The managers always threaten the associates that they will spoil their career. What those fucking managers think about themselves and definitely they are going to get worst than what they gave to the poor associates..

  41. We are extremely shocked by the tragic loss and deeply regret the untimely demise of our family. We will support and pray to the almighty to give strength to his parents, brother and relatives to tolerate the great loss. Once again we pray the almighty, may Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace. And to his colleagues… please dont take this as an opportunity to blame anybody. We request you people to come forward together and try to avoid such circumstances in future.

  42. We are extremely shocked by the tragic loss and deeply regret the untimely demise of our family member. We will support and pray to the almighty to give strength to his parents, brother and relatives to tolerate the great loss. Once again we pray the almighty, may Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace. And to his colleagues… please dont take this as an opportunity to blame anybody. We request you people to come forward together and try to avoid such circumstances in future.

  43. I work in ITPL 9th floor of the same building, i came to know about this incident after 10mins it had happened. I feel very sad, there is nothing in this world to compensate a loss of LIFE. I have not met Sudarshan in person but as a human i request all his team mates and friends to join hands to find out the truth. MAY HIS SOUL RIP.
    As far as ITPL, I can CHALLENGE ITPL security sytem is not worth for a single penny, everyone in ITPL knows that even when they don’t have ID card they can easily sneak inside the gate that too infront of so many security guards and that ITPL hologram sticker is stupid bullshit idea, i have seen many people stick some underwear hologram stickers on their ID card to get inside the gate and still ITPL security guards allow them unknowingly. ITPL SECURITY SYSTEM SHOULD BE ASHAMED.

  44. hey the manager of dsrit(support project in 11th floor) called srini is a crazy man… he is a psycho.. he is very much capable of threatening people ..
    also wat needs to be investigated is if sudarshan had sent out a mail to the hr…
    people will go to work on monday and they will say get back to normal in 2 to 3 days .. i want to see if senior managemnt takes some action or sit like enuchs…
    this is the value of life..
    trust me folks we will also forget this…
    the world will forget it..
    his parents will remember..
    and an animal like srini will continue to live happily..
    temporaryily he will also be affected but later he will come back to his animal instincts…

  45. It is indeed sad that someone has to succumb to pressure in office like this. I really hope this incident will be an eye opener. Such incidents are bound to happen the way generally HR takes things for granted.

    IT industry has its own intrinsic problems and pressures – problems which are related to work and those related to work culture. It is essential that HR be aware and sensitive about these problems so that they can take timely and corrective actions. This will help to avert such incidents.

    I cannot completely agree with what Dexter has written here about the incident. Some of the comments posted here which are solely based on stereotypes don’t even deserve a read. At the same time I do understand that the emotions behind that. Especially from my experience with TCS, I cannot really agree with the fact that the company as such is biased to a region or language. Well if it does to a certain level, it is also because it is a cultural issue which our society as a whole has. Companies will reflect it to some extend since company is just a cross section of the society afterall.

    But I do want to say that HR has some job to be done here. They have to give some orientation to freshers so that they are able to give work only the importance it deserves. One of my friends was saying if he was so frustrated he could have slapped the manager! It sounded awkward initially. But thinking about it, it anyday would have been a better solution than just ending your life! I cant imagine the sudden loss to his family and the people close to him.

    It is equally important that the managers beyond a certain level are given some kind of orientation to make sure they are always within the limits of professionalism.

    There are companies which already do such kind of orientation of their employees on how to cope with work pressure, how to manage stress, how to use available mechanisms to address issues such as these. But it is sad that TCS is not doing this inspite of being in this industry for so long.

    It really is a big fault on the part of HR if these complains were already raised to HR in this project and if they waited for this incident to open their eyes. I just hope that is not the case. If it is, I hope the senior TCS management takes strong action against the HR linked to this project. It is also obvious they have to take these complains into consideratoin and take stringent action against the managers who are involved in this incident too.

    I just hope, media does not take such incidents and blow it out of proportion, in a way that everyone thinks about this when they are faced with a difficult situation. That is only going to make things worse. What is important is to think about long term measures to prevent such things from happening. Punishing people who are guilty is good and important too. But that would not prevent such a thing from happening again.

    I can’t even imagine what Sudarshan’s family will be going through at this moment. I just hope they will be strong enough to live through these tough times and I hope they have people around to support them.

    May Sudarshan’s soul rest in peace..

      1. Are you one of those who were continously getting a rating of 2 for 2 years?!
        btw, the response for your question is No. I am not a manager.

        The point is, why do you want to assume that if someone has an opinion, it is because he is a manager or if he is a fresher!
        It would have made sense if you responded to all those important things which everyone wrote here. Instead this surveying of whether anyone is a manager or not is not going to take anyone anywhere.

        Was it not you who posted that TCS doesnot require an RMG! (because that post too was done by some nameless anonymous) That indeed was hilarious dude. You should try to run a software company with 150000 resources without an RMG. That really is some vision 🙂

    1. Hi vinod, you are blaming HR for the loop holes in the management. fine to some extent. But the company is run by managers and RMG, they are the direct controllers of the employees under them and they have the power to take action. A manager with +10 years exp can easily influence the decision of HR who is less exp, after all they are some B-schools passouts. The loss is for the employees at the end of the day. So as a manager he can go to any extent to get his work done. The best person to choose are the trainees. Working more to learn something is building yourself that any IT trainee would willingly do, but when you are forced to work and threatened of dire consequences he looks upto HR for help. And if HR turns up to be an asshole or a puppet then ur work life will suck. That’s what is happening to so many people working in TCS. And it can be easily covered up not to be seen by top mgmt of TCS. They are busy with their numbers and quarterly profits. I doubt how Ajay mukhorjee (Global HR head) will react when it is revealed that its mgmt pressure resulting in sudarshan’s death. Isn’t he part of HR.

  46. Every IT employee is having some issue with INDIAN IT companies like TCS (mainly), Wipro, Infy.
    Why don’t we try to step up for INDIAN IT LABOUR LAW in INDIA.
    Once it is in place, every one will get rights to rasie the concern. They no longer ashholes will be able to troubble juniors and fovor for favorite emp.
    Any one any idea, as IT industry is producing huge revenuw amount. Govt must action for their citizen’s safty, action against mental and other type of harassament.

  47. Hi Sudarshan&Family,

    I first pray for his soul to rest in peace, and feel sad for his family members where a life taken by TCS cannot be compensated.
    Their parents should file a FIR against TCS intially and should trigger this racket from behind whoever is involved.
    First and foremost they should find the Project HR,Reporting manager if he has really got release from the project or if he is unallocated then they should pull the RMG HR where the division is headed by CHAKRAVARTHY(CHAKKU).
    If they have really forced Sudarshan to take the support project or asked him to leave the company is very bad top management decision.The Project HR is acting and pretending to the Senior Consultants or Principle consultants to safeguard their seat.So they relase them to the RMG and the RMG inturn now took such a innocent life of Sudarshan.So the role wise acting people like Project manager,Program Manager,Portfolio Manager should be interrogated throughly.TCS people like Chandra sitting in Mumbai and counting only the TCS profit/loss doesn’t make sense.Bangalore TCS requires a lot of Project HR’s to be fired first and then Associate Consultant’s,Assistant Consultant’s and RMG HR too.
    TCS will take more lives if the top management is not going to act right now.

  48. crazy….media groups like india today gives wrong info ….
    this is was it says…..
    Courtesy: Headlines Today

    B’lore: TCS employee kills self
    Headlines Today Bureau
    Saturday, August 21, 2010

    In a shocking incident, a TCS employee in Bangalore committed suicide by jumping from the 11th floor of his office building on Friday.

    Though the exact cause for the suicide is yet to be known, a failed love life could be the reason why man took his life.

    A graduate from the famous Gotge Institute of Technology in Belgaum, 22-year-old Sudershan Moothedath joined TCS on August 9.

    Just 10 days after taking up his new job, Sudershan jumped to death from his office building.

    While no suicide note was found, police suspect a failed relationship could be the reason for the suicide.

    Around 4.30 in the evening, Sudershan was spotted by his friends on the 11th floor corridor of the office building. Apparently, he looked disturbed and hassled. A couple of minutes later, Sudershan jumped off the building.

    He was found lying dead in a pool of blood. Sudershan was rushed to the nearest hospital, but was declared dead on arrival by doctors.

  49. Can someone , anyone tell me the names of these managers please ?Their names should be exposed and should not be allowed to have the TCS cloud to protect these beasts.I hope all off these managers have kids and wish all of them jump off buildings.Its so frustrating that it took a life of an innocent kid .

  50. hi october sky,
    please refer to the comment of “tcs kills another employee” posted between 9 to 10 am today..
    its the comment in bold..
    I really expect some help from u…
    the hr ‘s name has been mentioned in mltiple comments…

  51. Hello,

    I’m sorry to hear this, may his soul rest is peace and keep coming back to take the crap of this manager or who ever responsible.

    But the fact is that this case is pretty much closed by media and cops, saying that its a failed love story. Question: how did the media come to know that its a failed love? (sure they would have received their share).

    Unless one of you has some balls to fight for the truth. I understand its difficult, but you guys need to face it now or this will haunt you through out your life…

    Anyways, all the best.

  52. Viswanathan Sankaran,Srinibvasan Aramuthan–if these are the culprits then they need to be arrested and tried in criminal court under the IPC sections 108A and 108b for charges of murder of that little boy…..all those people directly or indirectly involved in this loss of life should not be let away…….

  53. Again, this will not help him…

    Naming the people on this forum will not help much, media is not looking into this nor the cops. Media is not interested in your issues, they want a story so that their channel gets max hits, you need to raise a silent voice.

    What i would suggest is, you guys hold silent march, banner or something, so that other gets know the injustice happened. you guys can do this in your break.

    I’m sure these people will never get punished but what you guys should be behind is the truth. Just the Truth.

  54. I am shocked to hear the demise of such a young talent from our Indian youth. I strongly condemn the way his higher officials threatened him and made him die. As this is a shameful incident that happened in TCS premises, the company should be sued to any extent or its officials should be brought to justice. This is a kind of emotional and psychical torture they had mounted on the victim. Iwould suggest the government of karnataka to take the matter seriously and sack the officials off their posts and punish them severely. Jai hind

  55. I moved out of the project couple of months ago. Sudarshan was working for a TF project managed by different set of Managers.
    In my opinion, Viswanathan Sankaran,Srinibvasan Aramuthan are not involved. Find out who did Sudarshan spat with last.
    May Sudarshan’s sould rest in peace

  56. Hi,

    This is absolutely true. Srinivasan and Viswanathan are from different portfolio.Sudharsan belong to a different portfolio. I joined as a fresher and I was treated with respect in DSR-IT. There are so many good things happening in this project. There is no point in blaming somebody else who is not involved in this. Please stop naming and shaming them in front of big forum like this. This is truly wrong

    1. then who was that “very manager” who is mentioned through out the comments above as being brutal and did talk to this guy just before his death? Concealing his/her name won’t do any good other than snowing the truth….but remember GOD is truth….it will come out some day or other who ever it may be…..

  57. Sridhar Bakshi in TCS Kolkata is a great asshole manager. If you approach him for promotions he will first see who the person is. If he has links with the HR he will talk to the person nicely. If he has no hold with the local authority, he will ask:
    Why did your promotion not happened in the last account? Have you quarelled with your boss? Tell me, I want to know the details. Then he will force that person to tell something which shows his defect or weakness in the work in the last account. If you are adament he will wait. When the general firing is on, he will submit the name. The danger is not over. The person goes to some nearby company. He will get the name of the company from the HR link. Then he will talk to the management of the company so that the person cannot survive there also. As the choices in Kolkata are limited due to lesser number of companies, he has to come back and beg to TCS HR for the second time offer. I am a victim of this. I am not getting a job after I was forced to quit the second company. After I sat idle for 5 months TCS approached me with a requirement for a lower experience. I did not respond. My wife is working as a school teacher and I, with my experience and savings of 12 years is managing the scene. I do not know how long this will continue. But surely I will not try to join a company where that asshole exist.

  58. its from the comments posted yesterday morning (between 9 -10 am) that we get these two names…..whoever may be behind this should be brought to light….
    and one more thing to our fellow workers …Death is not the solution to all problems…its just like running away from the original problem….in case of any stress…just take your own time to get accustomed with the environment even before thinking of such fatal steps….

  59. May God rest his soul in peace. ..I was there when he had a fight with the manager .. that bloody asshole manager was shouting on him like hell . its not the first time that manager has done this , I have seen girls weeping / crying in his project.. that guy came out of the meeting room and was looking highly disturbed after the fight.. then he went out of the ODC and 10 mins later it happened.. TCS sucks big time . it sucks big time man…

  60. While I do feel pity for Sudharshan but at the same time it was childish on his part to take his life just because some stupid Project Manager was after him. Life is precious. Why to take it away for some silly excuses? I would have rather thrown that crap Manager out of that 11th Floor window.

    Remember……Life is a Struggle and you have to face it, come what may……..

  61. Really sorry to hear the news.My deep condolence for Sudharshan’s family.
    I do agree with some of the comments made by TCSer.There are lots of projects in TCS where employers are biased by region language and favorisms.
    First of all what I would say is proper mix of people should be there in every project..We can’t learn some region language for our survival. Even appraisal and onsite depends on this factor. I am very pity to say that some of the managers don’t have good communication skill. so what they usually do is join some projects where they can survive and usually recruit people whom they can talk in their mother tounge.Funny thing is even team meeting happens in their language. If you raise any complaints about these useless people you will be screwed and will get a negative feedback about your performances in other project . In one account I have seen a GREAT tech lead(Even though he doesn’t know technical stuff),who gets good rating in all the times ,timely promotion and TCS gems and the condition of actual gems in that project is very pathetic.

  62. May God rest Sudarshan’s soul in peace and his family will be

    blessed with enough power and courage to overcome this truama.

    I worked for the same project and I can confirm in this forum that

    Viswanathan Sankaran and Srinivasan Armamudhan are not the

    managers directly involved,as they are not direct managers to whom

    Sudarshan are reporting.Shashi kiran is name of the manager who

    have spat with poor Sudarshan.These mangers have close tie up and

    they have formed lobby. Even with great difficulty and pain if

    someone managed to get release from one’s project he/she will end

    up in others project . It is saying here that “It is impossible to get

    out of DB project , for that you need to quit TCS or Die”

    Sadly Sudarshan tried both options, one by one.

    HR, Madhulika Singh is one of the most important name to

    As already written in this forum, hundreds and thousands time she

    was informed and written about these activities. She was not only

    very well aware of these thing but in fact she was the focal point of

    this crap. She was champion of threatening and harassing

    I pray form god that I will soon get new Job or at least soon get

    release from this crap project.

    Serious actions and major change in management is must now.

    Guys this has crossed all the limits now.
    Someone got killed here,
    someone like us , some one between us.
    Now only we need to do .. all– to end this .

    1. Hi Man,
      Can you able to share these informations to Sudarshan’s DAD ? he has posted his contact details in this forum.Let him knows the truth.There is no point in discussing this matter here .

  63. Regarding Sudarshan Suicide I pray to God that Police and concern people will discuss/ investigate the issue with Sudarshan peers and colleagues.Almost all the TCS associates are facing the same situation there , where there getting ill treatment,harrassment and humiliation.Few associates have proofs like Audio and video recording of mangers and HR threatening and blackmailing employees to fire or ruining careers.Any associates if resigns , are threatened about his background check, relieving and experience letter or blacklisting from IT etc.These things have already crosses all the limits many months ago.RMG, HR and project management have formed Lobby and poor associates have no place to go.

    Even when employees are resigning , these people are making like miserable and threatening employee to ruining career by so many ways.

    I pray from God that Sudarshan’s Family will be blessed with enough courage and power to overcome such shock. I know It is very very difficult.

    May god bless Sudarshan and he will be in peace, where ever he will be.

    1. U are perfectly right my friend even if u r resigning from the job they are threatening like anything and saying we will put black mark on your career.
      Even if the LOCAL ETHICAL MANAGERs are also part of this network.
      If you are asking for help to these guys they are saying ur managers have the right to do so.
      Those nonsense mother f****r s are spoiling the live of many TCS’er in this way.
      TATA Board of directors should look into this matter and take proper action otherwise one day there will be mass revolution and that day will be the end of this emperor.

  64. I think the Ministry of labour department and human rights association should intervene and should set up a CBI investigation on TCS .

    If TCS found Guilty then it should ensure that this should not happen with other employees.

    I belive it will be the responsibility of HR before hiring any employee for his background check and all verification and after that they cannot play with employee life. Employees should highlight issues to Ministry of employee and labour who can take corrective action. if this guy could have approached the ministry department then he would have screwed the happiness of TCS HR and Managers from senior level management.

    The moral is you should fight with the situation rather than giving up. I am just worried about his parents what expectations they might look on this guy who sucided and how bad they are feeling now.

  65. All,
    First of all condolences to Sudharshans family.When I left TCS I was a lead in a TEG group and I can say one thing for sure after supporting 100s of project is and working in quite few of them is that most of the TCS managers needs serious re-orinetation in terms of both management and technology.When I say TCS managers I mean not only project managers… I mean right from project managers straight through to the ISU head.Let me tell you guys a simple fact.Whenever a manager looks at an employee (Junior or senior) who works with Technology .. he does not look at them as a human being …he is looked at as a number multiplied by a factor.This statement is true for most managers , but what differentiates between these managers and good managers is that good managers also treat employees as human beings.Most of the managers and RMG folks use the term called “Resources” which to me is more like prostitutes.I had requested many RMG to use the term called associates in their communications.Some did and some ignored.I have seen bad (very bad) days in TCS and I have also seen very good days in TCS.The only thing that I would like to give an advice to TCSer who feel deprived is that, you should focus on Technology, that is where the managers are weak.Most of the managers in TCS do not possess good managerial skills since almost all of them are technical and has been forced to do managerial work and has even lost their technology now 🙂 .So TCS in a way has ruined their careers also.Since TCS prefers engineers these technical folks uses the hard core method of management and not how a regular MBA fellow would do.If I look at the competency of the managers in TCS you will find a very few of them even certified in PMP.TCS favours loyality and experience.If you have 10+ yrs with TCS you are safe (which is a wrong thought).

    Someone talked about Sridhar Bakshi.Sridhar knows that he has limitations and it is the way of some managers to play aggressive in the first meeting to break the other side.If you can resist it you will be good.In TCS middle management there are few who have a strong spine.This would be evident as to how they speak to onsite.Most of the managers from South india are pathetic in communication – and I am surprised why management really doesn’t think this as a major concern.Only doing a training on communication does not help.These managers should be put in right situation for communication skill development.
    You must agree that most of the projects are bound by time and/or money.So there has to be pressures around the same.The fact that a manager is not able to contain the pressure cascades the same to his team.
    I am of the opinion that if Sudharshan’s death was due to unbearable project pressure or retribution from his manager, it is the failure of the manager and to a larger extent failure of TCS to put the right manager who can handle employee aspiration and goals.
    The people are the greatest asset in an IT company.In technical parlance it is called Intellectual Capital.Its a fact if the people are dealt with properly then wonderful results can be shown.
    Let me put some simple facts:-

    TCS now has 160K people and the revenue is $6 Billion(approx) so per employee revenue per year is $37500 which calculates to $3125 per month which again calculates to $142 (assuming 22 working days in a month) which calculates to $17 per hour.So each TCS employee on an average brings in $17 per hour.This figure is actually less as compared to the nearest Indian competitor Infy which has more than $22 per hour.So the motive is clear “play by volume” and not by quality. I still remember some senior person said in a public forum in TCS that “TCS can run with freshers only”.Now I gather that how true a statement was that.If you are a fresher (or employees having less than 3 yrs exp) then though you will cost less (say 25k per month which equates to 3 L per year) with an income of $37 K per year (see calc above) which gives a margin of more than 1.5 Cr per employee per year.If an experienced pro is taken the margin significantly gets down (you can do the math yourself).So get freshers .. give them some training (may be even unrelated)… screw them like hell and get the work done… if quality suffers .. blame it on these freshers … and beg the client for a re-do a lower cost (still getting the money).
    This is how 65% TCS does their business.This however cannot survive for long as the IT industry is getting more and more matured day by day.

  66. Dear All,
    I am really shocked after hereing this news.My deep condolence for Sudharshan’s family. May his soul rest in peace. I am also working in ITPL.
    After reading above news, it is clear that some managers are responsible for his suicide. I think the people who tortured him are bastards. Because these Bastards donot know who they are? they donot have proper culture and human values. They donot even think that their childrne also may face such problems in future. All these third grade people think that they have achieved something great in life after getting power, money and position. You bastards are slaves, you are not working for your country. Just licking western people from top to bottom becasue they donot use water for cleaning themselves.. Because they know that bastards like you are there in india to lick them. what are you going to get by harrasing any human being based on his caste, language, place? Be human being first. See these money power, position are just like bubbles on the water. Nothing is permanent. Be Indian help our people irrespective of his place, langauge etc. You amy be managers in TCS or in some big IT companies but when go out of your office no street dogs will talk to you. Donot think that money and power bring everything. If same thing happened to your child what you have done? never hurt any soul. There is no doubt that your childrne will also follow the same path. Love our India, love our people.

  67. Hi,
    I agree with tcs bad rmg culture, they are worste people ever found, they act as if they came from sky…i just hate them, they treat the employs like dogs, when a emp go to ask for project req, even if they stand there for hours these people are not even bother to rply them, they will be simply chatting in net or will be busy in phone, i hate those rmg dogs a ton…

    1. totally agree with you!!
      I had the same experience on my first project allocation. Even after going every day and standing in front of their desk for like half an hour , they behave as if you don’t even exist. Someone should teach manners to these non-billable rascals …

  68. I still dunno who’s this sudarshan , But his situation for bread made into join tcs and fuckd p life like this , But this is not the only case in so called firm , all firms doing same thing in different ways .

    So Govt should make new law for IT as a whole .

    Just like a Gunda Act in Kerala .

    Lets pray for his soul .

  69. First of all my condolences to Sudharshans family. I feel for this we all are responsible, just for our petty gains we start toeing the lines of our supervisors without giving the second thought whether they are correct or not.
    And this will ultimatley lead to such behaviours of managers.

    Shame on ITPL management part atleast they should have organized one condolence meeting for this guy.

    I humbly request all of u pls learn to say “NO” until it gets too late.

  70. My deep condolences to Sudarshan’s family, Sudarshan is too young a boy to have gone through stress at such a level that he should commit suicide.
    As far as TCS is concerned,I am not too shocked by this incident.
    My sister(Cousin) has been with TCS for more than 18 months now. I see her go to work promptly every saturday, apparently TCS has releases for the same project round the year!
    She leaves home everyday at 9, and reaches home almost dead not before 10:00pm.

    TCS managers think that its their right to call employees to work on a Saturday when they fancy. I ask, what kind of a depressing work culture is that?!
    And she cant even quit, since TCS has a so called bond with their trainees to suck up to this hell of a workplace for 2 years.
    I work for a very reputed s/w company in blore and i have no such complaints since here, managers are HUMANS and not DAEMONS!

  71. reyyyyy puku na kodaka ilanti feelings vunnai ante okkadu kuda join avvadu ra tcs paniki oka superb company ni ila chatta chesthunaru me lanti vallani iraq dubai lo la me lanti harassement cases ni road pina hang cheyyali ..oka indian la chudandi ra and global compan ra idi repu meeru other country ki velthe me pani nka daridram…and moreover there will be none to share ur fellings..this reflects the way ur brougt up u and all the employees please kick off those basterds and more over bayatiki ravalante bond 50000 kattala idi company a prostituton cheyyistara ma tho …training icheedi me company kosema ga makosam kadha..

    1. mama tcs employee.nuvvu keka chepav ..nijamga ilanti donga na kodukulani gudd pagala kodukulu pani cheyinchukuntaru,curve fitting ani mana jeevitaalaki fitting pettestaru.2yrs tarvata chuste manaki emi raadu.oka manishi chese wrk ni 10 memebers toh cheyistaru.aa vedavaki emi raadu..bayataki vellalante bhayam..konni projects lo matrame life baguntundi..

      and RMG in ITPL like chinmay dash n dash na kodukulu freshers ni pattinchukoru..edo valle tcs ni poshistunatu feel avtunaru..EIS aithe mari daridram.gudisipoinatte jeevitam inka..

      Pls freshers and College toppers if u want ur life 2 be fruitful n happy dnt join TCS..if u r ready join some development projects wit some certifications in scjp and oracle.u wil be happy and can gain confidence after 2 yrs..I bet on it

      1. asshole rmg will give kolkata if u ask for hyderabad.. if u ask for hyderabad they will say it is full and say go to bombay.. if u go to bombay they will say wy u came here we dont want go back to ur place… these mother fu**ers have no work.. aye chakku wat ever if u see this remember… u r an inefficient man.. in ur projects u used to tell only stories… then u said i am tata business xcellence model champion .. ha ha ha ha… see where they put u? after so many years u cant write even a single line of code.. nothing .. all u know is shout.. whenu shout , u hide ur incompetencies and ur fears.. u hink that if i shout the other person will not ask and get scared that way i will hide my shortcomings… ha ha wat a loser u r da….
        rmg , if they had goven proper project t this guy he wud have lived to see another day…

  72. So true!!! Even my cousin works in TCS. Hope she is doing fine there :(. As I know she is missing her personal life, family life jus due to the work assigned to her thru the week. many times including weekends too… all i can do is show disgust and appeal to fellow people to take this matter up and revolt.

  73. The Delivery managers of TCS are like that only even if the Local Ethical Councilors are afraid of these bull shit DM’s. They are trying to tackle attrition in such a misanthropic way. And the HRs in this organization are mere puppet in the hand of this nonsense bustard DM’s. They have forgotten all the tata code of conducts. So it is the high time to raise our voice to Rata Tata , coz the reputation of TATA group is at stake.
    Even they are threatening put a black mark in our career. Such a unetichal practise of misusing their powers.
    May GOD keep this soul in peace.

  74. I deeply mourn Sudarshan’s death, and wish tat his soul may rest in peace… Hope god gives enough strength to his parents to recover from the loss of their loving son….

    I actually work 4 a diff company frm d same buildn…I actually get smewat scared wen i go thru tat place wer he was death….OMG….

    I really understand wat he wud ve gne thro frm his managers and d HR tat has taken such a decision..:-( but he could ve a gathered this courage to fight against all his heartless and cruel managers and HRs and live his life @least for family n frndz who loves n cares 4 him who now is really gonna miss him….he could ve taught dem a good lesson…if not this company der r lot of other companies….buttttt if not this LIFE U DON GET ANOTHER>>>> frm d above i see a lot of dem sufferd by tis company n did take a good decision by changing der company….but all those who sufferd could ve joined n dne smething & should ve taught a lesson such tat no! ll evr suffer again lik this n such such a sad incidence ll nvr happ….

  75. Please all the above Y can’t you quit…. market is so good……… TCS will come to it’s knee on it’s own…..

  76. Really sorry.

    Shame on you Managers and leads of TCS.
    If you cant release them atleast except their resignation.
    Working TEN hours is extreem there..
    Please please dont play with their lifes.
    Will you give back is life now??
    Do you people act like this with your children????

    I request the management and TCS HR’s of all the building to atleast start investigation y people are leaving TCS.

    Shame on the leads working there, No humanity at all..

  77. i dont know why a lot of ppl are under the impression that u shud work over time if u r a fresher! seriously, get over that attitude!!! u need to be open and exhaustive in your approach, and just ensure that you understand everything you do…if you think , you being a fresher should work on all weekends, what a bunch of loosers you should be! no wonder u are in TCS today!

  78. Hi,
    Sorry to know about this incident, from an ex. Let god provide the moral support to his family and may his soul rest in peace.
    ———– That manager.

  79. I deeply mourn Sudarshan’s death, and wish his soul may rest in peace… Hope god gives enough strength to his parents to recover from the loss of their loving kid….
    First of all, i would like to tell all TCS employees if any fu***g Mgr threatens of Blacklisting u, then u too tell him that, anyway myCareer would be over, then i wud also make sure that u won’t abe able to come to ofc from today itself & invite him to come out of ofc gate.
    Believe me, i did the same in my old company & i got everthing done smoothely after that & presently am working with one of a Very good company.
    Or if somebody can post these Mgrs Photos including that HR lady, i guess lot of people in this blog can take care of them to ensure that they won’t repeat this kind of act with any one during their remaining life, whatever is left….

  80. Hi All,

    Could anyone please tell name of the manager with whom sudarshan had his last conversation. I would appreciate if you provide more information like photo or address or department or contact number? Please email to

    Thanks in advance ………

    1. I am seeing lot of complaints in this blog of tamil managers/tls or brahmins supporting their caste or language people. This issue is there everywhere in all sectors irrespective of any language or caste. I am a kannadiga, I have even seen kannada speaking managers giving preferences to kannada speaking people. It’s there everywhere in the country. In other countries they discriminate by skin color, race, here in India we discriminate on caste, language etc.. Most of the times educates like us do this kind of mistake. Being an educated it’s a shame for us. As someone mentioned earlier in this blog as be an human first is what we have to follow. I know that we are all so concerned about sudarshan’s death (may his sole rest in peace). This should really not end by just keying in blog and raising our problems by taking advantage of sudarshan’s death, we have to take some action and join hands. Please any one suggest what can be done to stop such kind of incidents happening in future or how to join hands and create a discrimination free society.

  81. Please stop writing against Tamil in this forum. I know that in Bangalore TCS is known as TAMIL CONSTITUTION SOCIETY or Tamil care services / Tamil – -.
    This indeed very bad and sad.

    Do not write against or blame any particular group or community.

      1. seriously frens….his death has nothing to do with the language…n when u quote abt language…region etc….it just portrays ur nature…n how u look at events in life…pls come out this mind set

        1. Dear friend (not a TCSer).
          People who are writing and expressing their feelings are educated and sharing their expiernces here. I feel it is not good to say that come out of this mind set and nature. You may be lucky person for not coming across such incidents. We are educated and born and brought up in good culture. We personally donot belive on descriminations based on language, caste and state. We love our India and love our People.But because of some third class people such incidents are happening. what you say for this? We are living in Independent India but where is our individual Independence? From morning till evening we are doing slaverism. Any person cannot live as he wants within our social boundries, ethics and following India culture? This is broader area to discuss. If we start writing on this 24 hours is not enough. We have to respect each others souls. Never hurt anybody’s Soul. First humanity next other things. Give importance to human being irresepctive of his other things and follow Indian culture and tradition. Every body will be happy and we can see a new powerful India.

  82. I heard about of this issues from my best friend. we should hang those type of buggers in front of the ITPL. if it a TCS, IBM, Intel, or the company which are located in prime area like outer ring road, or Manayatha Embassy, Electronic City…etc company.
    Should fuck those type of HR’s in all these area they adjust with the Managers and they fuck each other and they put the balm on these type of engineers. very sorry to know about this. i would request to Karnataka Rakshana vedike to look after this.


  83. Seen some of the comments.If number of people in a project is from a particular state then obviously the politics will be there.Surprisingly I could see some of the comments in regional language and that itself tells the attitude of the people.In Bangalore main gropus are great two ‘T’.By seeing them others also start forming a group from their state
    We all are Indians and should strive to acheive a common goal.

  84. I was there in the same account at the same floor in Explorer Bangalore and same dirty politics was played with me upon asking for release but I fought it very very hard to get the release and it was told to me that I will be the release in 2 months but eventually got it in 4-5 months.

    This account is bad as hell. If you are not going by PM,GL way then your life is gonr and you get the band D and I got it yes…from earlier A

    I went through the same depression but some how I was able to carry it on

    I pray for him and those people responsible should be given proper treatment otherwise it will continue to increase.

  85. hiee guys ..

    i was too from tcs.. i resigned from it .. this happens a lot in the projects. and they tell u they take pip and open it in front of the managers. as to what employee has said what. they jus look at the results of the projects. there are hardly onsider the employee.. every one is threatened based on the rating. thee more to say but i thinks its enough ..

  86. This is a criminal allegation. No point in hiding behind anonymous sites. If there is such an allegation, Dexternights should come out in the open and file an FIR against the managers responsible and the company and not make serious allegations in such a cowardly manner.

    If you continue to do this, you would not only be abetting a crime, but committing a fresh one yourself.

  87. I deeply mourn Sudarshan’s death, and wish that his soul may rest in peace..
    There is no point in blaming TCS/ITPL without proper evidence…Well I am still baffled wheather he jumped from 11th floor or terrace ..As I was there during time of incidence and one guy told me he jumped from terrace..if it is so then ITPL should be screwed for its lapse in security..and this can be checked with Sudarshan’s ID swiping timing in/out ….

  88. Hi,
    I do know about TCS work culture. My wife an asst manager client services visits TCS frequently as her client is TCS.AS she says no one has respect to the juniors neither with words or treat. she is never offered a seat she has to go desk to ddesk to get the feed backs.Its worst then the government organisations.Sudarshan’s life never comes back ,but more sudarshans should not be there.

  89. Deepest Condolences to Sudarshan’s family..
    First of all, am not a TCSer.. But i’ve been selected back in 2007 as a fresher.. Somehow I did not join as i had other offer in hand..

    Well, coming to the blame.. i don’t think its good to assume something about managers and HRs and write something here.. Let me make it clear, am neither a Manager nor a HR..
    I understand the frustration of all the ppl who have mentioned some names of their managers here in this forum.. I too am a victim of such kind of harassments..

    But without knowing the truth its better we seal our mouths.. And for the truth, i know it will get buried if expected from the cops.. Get to know what happened ‘exactly’ from Sudharshan’s colleagues/teammates. They would know better..

    I do not know anything about the processes followed at TCS, but right now am just hating it.. Let all those who are responsible for this heinous act of mental torture, RIP soon..!!

  90. Sudarshan’s project team members should join their hands and fight for justice.First of all need to know the actaul reason behind the issue.But I am afriad how many of them should have the guts to fight against higher level management.
    If any of the managers/HRs are involved, they should be punished.They may escape now but in future definitely get their ‘REWARD’.Do you think they can sleep peacefully?No NEVER….

  91. Its really sad and shocking. Not only that, it truly unfolds how bitterly we associates are treated in the IT industry. On one hand we are attracted with a handsome package as salary, but on the other hand we are forced to work thrice as much as being paid to us. The company always makes wholesome profit be it a recession period or a booming market period. We don’t have any future security, no post retirement benefits, and in the long run we are so much pressurized with work that most of us are forced to leave this industry within a span of 10-15 years.
    The HR is the most non-productive department in this industry. Neither does this department contribute a single penny to revenue generation, nor do they perform the job that is bestowed upon them; the job of conforming rules and regulations among employees and managers, the job of analyzing problems of associates that they are facing in the office, the job of a complete 360 degree evaluation structure.
    Thus the managers always take an upper hand and give more benefits to those who oil them the most, not to mention separately the regional candidates. Thus even if some few people leaves the company from the same project or domain at any time, the managers are questioned in very few cases about such high attrition rates.
    Its high time that this partiality by the manager should change, and they should also understand that we though engineers are still human beings and not robots!!

  92. Hai!
    I got an offer from TCS. I study in very good engineering college. Should I join?
    I also have interest in stock market and laundry business. My uncle has 2 donkeys.
    Jai HIND!!!

    1. Maybe because you were the manager thats why. I worked in a project for 3 months in which my boss was changed 3 times. Total 4 assholes. One of them was acting kindly towards us so one day our GL came to our cubicles and scolded him for being so kind to us…right in front of us! He said if he becomes so kind then we will stop working. We weren’t surprised by this behavior. After all we were working like pimps.

  93. Another innocent victim falls prey to the system. Our neighbour’s son who works in an big IT company too, was not granted 1 week leave for some serious medical complications. Now he is bed-ridden for last 4 months with no signs of recovery. Parents please think twice if this is what your child needs to become.

  94. I feel this blog is incomplete without one more “fucking bitch” Sofia, I really don’t know what that idiotic non sense lady does in this project. This lady immediately after login, she wants to meet bastards, rascals hope you already know temt i.e Srini and Vishy because they are the mentors to guide this blady lady to humiliate, harasse the poor team members. I don’t know whether this bitch is belongs to human category (mainly women category).

    This blady lady does not inform freshers saying that its 24/7 support project. At last they will keep harassing saying that “you will be out of TCS” or “you will be terminated from the TCS” or you may get black mark on your experience letter. They conclude in front of associates saying that, you guys will be hung on marathahally road in search of job.

    Why this lady, bastards, idiots, rascals, fuckers and bitch (VISHY , SRINI N SOFIA) why cant they prefer diploma, BSC and temporary employees for support projects, why do they want to play with BE graduates who are technically more fit.

    One year ago DSRIT was full of young boys, I don’t know why this crazy idiots are behind girls, now ODC is quite full of colourful girls, I think there eyes are getting soothened now a days. Is it ?????????????

    1. Absolutely correct .. Adding to this one word that Sofia knows “absconding” . Even if you dying and you don’t drop them mail they will say you are absconding.

  95. Friends,

    Many people used this opportunity to blame all the managers and they wrote all kind of stupid things in the forum.We should talk the truth and but this gone beyond a limit wherein all poor performers and others who are not working started using this forum as a previlage.
    Actually i heard an unofficial information that all the ip addresses will be tracked and soon they are going to find out who this belongs to. All this will be taken and brought to police notice.
    I am not a manager or HR. I know the truth as i belong to the same floor. Actually DSR-IT is a big project and as per the client requirement,its a 24*7 project and people are asked to work in shifts. All the requirments are told prior by all the managers. Definetly there is a professionalism maintained everywhere. It’s not good to point out any managers here and show your frustations.I believe this forum is going for a bad cause rather than for a good cause. I have personally interacted with all the managers mentioned in this forum. They are all good and always they behaved in a professional manner.
    Nowhere freshers would not have previlages like this.
    But again some poor performers and people who wanted release are creating some dramas and writing against them.

    1. No issues man take ip address or what damn sure u r one of the HR or manager.there are thousands of companies.and life exist with out TCS. Dont address with friends no one will be ur friend here.and let me tell you some of us here who had commented are top performers no one is bad at work or frustrated.when u loose life of some one close to u then u will know the truth.24 x 7 is ok but their should be some ethics and humanity in taking work.these are some of the rules of management studies.always there is a way to make work easier and get work done by the way we approach others.But TCS do not have that.Thers is sure some day waiting for u where u realize this.

    2. humare yha kha jata hai ki “CHOOR ki daaddi mai tinka”………. so Mr COOL.. mujhe kuch aisa hi lag rha hai……….. Ha ha ha…………….

      1. He for sure does not know that because he is a TCS Manager. However, they can track someone from IP Address..provided they have it..

    3. Hey Man ,
      Don’t waste your time to find out your IP address here is my ipdetails .This is india man not China or pak .Every one can share their feelings …Mr.Warning if you are not a manager you may be a “manager in making” All the best.Please find my IP deatils

      Windows IP Configuration

      Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection 2:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Wireless LAN adapter Wireless Network Connection:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
      Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::f5e6:4057:13a9:ec7%11
      IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
      Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
      Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

      Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 11:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Tunnel adapter 6TO4 Adapter:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Tunnel adapter Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface:

      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
      IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2001:0:cf2e:3096:1c03:3406:8bb4:b6e9
      Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::1c03:3406:8bb4:b6e9%15
      Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

      Tunnel adapter Reusable Microsoft 6To4 Adapter:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 13:

      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
      IPv6 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : 2002:744b:4916::744b:4916
      Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : 2002:c058:6301::c058:6301

      Tunnel adapter isatap.{0577FFC2-88BE-46D9-9F33-CE4AD7B1AB24}:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

      Tunnel adapter Local Area Connection* 12:

      Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
      Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :

  96. I too would like to add few more points of Chennai TCS.
    WE Used to have one manger in Verizon account how arrogant and stupid he slept with few higher ranking managers like BRMs for her position to remain ….

    Few guys are there they are worth nothing and kept in onsite by buttering to managers and all those who are genuine and worthy would be in offshore working under those worth less.

    I have resigned to TCS recently and told to them..Because of the bad managerial skills in managers i am leaving company and if it continues TCS will sink in days I told ..even now I am telling the same .

    Your company will grow because of US ,If You don’t care for me you are not caring your self.

    There is a problem to the root of the tree and you are giving medicine to Leaves and stems ..the tree even though its Banyan will fall and never gets a chance to regrow ..

    I seriously curse TCS like that.

  97. Hi Friends

    First of all may god bless the soul of sudarshan.I think he joined as a fresher and may be not able to withstand the pressure of work.I too agree that PM wont look at anything they want only the work has to be finished.i also joined as a fresher in L&T Infotech in chennai and faced many problems .
    At that time my PM is Rakesh Bansali most stupid fellow in the world.Each gal in his project used to cry like anything because of him.he used harsh employees like anything.Only thing is the work has to be completed.he is not having any knowledge in technology he cant able to understand the issues we are facing.He used participate in game by anyhow he wants win the game by making ford also anyhow he want win the game.All ppl used to know that thing.
    Finally he made me to quit that company.first i felt like anything but Iam very happy for not seeing that stupid face.

    please dont commit suicide,just think a while before it.Life is gods gift we should not end it in the middle.There are many ways to live in this country and TCS is not the only company in the world.

  98. Hello All,
    My deep condolence to Sudharshan’s Family. I too work in the Explorer Building in ITPL. couple of my friends have see this incident lively. The newspaper quotes that he jumped from 11th floor, but actually he jumped from the terrace. Before jumping he was sitting in the edge for 8-10 min.might be he was making up his mind for the jump.For Sudharsan’s suicide ITPL’s negligence is also to be blamed.
    Being International park and where lot of foreign national work, the security system is so careless.
    1. The Terrace door are secured and monitored by CCTV system. What was the CCTV monitor watcher doing when an unauthorized personal is entering??
    2. What was the security who was in charge of guarding the doors doing???
    3. Sudharshan was sitting in the terrace edge for 8-10 Mins. What was the security doing??.
    4. Even few people informed the security 5 to 6 Mins before the jump,why the security has not acted briskly??
    5. Basic psychology: When a person in depressed state normally tend to take the known route than unknown routes. Means Sudharshan might already make frequent visits to the terrace.Which means the terrace door was not fastened for few days.
    6. When other technical parks have their own Fire engine service and ambulance service why ITPL don’t have one???.
    7. The ambulance reached the site after 45 mins and the police in 20-30 Mins.
    Think that the security was present at the door. The CCTV monitors were being monitored. Definitely Sudharshan chances of committing suicide in ITPL will be lean.Because of ITPL’s negligence a life is being costed. Remember friends Human life is to precious to be wasted.

    1. Very interesting.. I don’t think police are going to take any action on ITPB fellows. I think police people got their pockets filled. 🙁

    2. I am Sudarshan’s father. I would like to speak to the people who have witnessed this incident, just to know the truth. My contact details are given below:

      B-2 Hindalco Colony
      Belgaum – 590 010
      Cell phone: 9743399344,
      Ph. 0831-2472744 (after 5/8/10)

  99. My deep concerns to his parents.

    Know the truth.
    The job which you are doing is not the only thing you have to do in life.
    Nobody has the right for that.
    Everybody has conscience.
    Please use your conscience before taking any decision.
    Work is not the only thing in life.

    My request to corporate professionals:
    Most of the corporate people whom I met donot have ethical and moral values.People create an impression that if you play ethics you cannot survive here.
    Where there are no ethics and moral values,every thing will be hurting some body.
    Please dont play politics.
    Follow your ethics.
    Then every thing will be good.

  100. People feel that in corporate world you should not follow your ethics.
    But its not true.
    When every one is playing politics and missing the ethics,these incidents will be more.
    So I request all the corporate professionals to follow their ethics and moral values.

  101. I feel we Indians crib a lot, i also include myself in the list. but taking such extreme step is not really necessary. We all understand corporate life is quiet different compared to others and of-course it is a screwed up life. So my advice to all is ‘Don’t have any feeling about work’ it is what you do to get paid at the end of the day, dont over commit in financial matters, so even if you lose your jobs you dont have to worry much, if not this job f**k em all you will find another :). If some one really puts a lot of pressure on you at work just give them the finger and let them know what you feel about the situation. No one can just fire you from your job wihtout proper reasons. Be brave and be ready to be independent, as the top level corporates love control and they think they are gods gift to man-kind b**ls to all the AH’s who think so. We are not building rockets here, its just business and there should always be a back-up for everything if they dont have then its their f*ing bad luck …

    May Sudarshan’s Soul Rest in peace. Hope he was around to read this, probably he would not have taken this extreme step.

    1. I truly agree with you boss, I really appreciate… Thats how one has to have a view towards his/her career. Life is just not building up a career or earning money. There are lots of wonderful things. Just explore….. 🙂

  102. Just want to bring some other people in this forum…f……..king manager like Jayaraman ramakrishnan belongs to same floor. He just shouts at people.He will jump in and out and I was literally harassed by him.All these people shud jump and go for a hell…
    Nobody will keep quiet seeing his attitude …..

  103. All this production support projects under Raghunarayan and Seetraman need to be taken away.They all really donno how to manage project and finally all the poor people are harrassed… Too bad

  104. All other managers Sridhar Jadav should be taken for hell…They are very incompetent and called in such a name….They harrase peoplr with problem tickets .
    This all need to be answered ……………………………………

  105. Dear Warning,
    ip adress is dynamic.. u r smart but not smart enough…
    u see the concept of ipv6 has been introduced because there r not enough ip addresses…
    I could have chosen to remain silent but that wud have left u more arrogant…
    Oh World,
    See this person has the guts to come online and threaten others like this..
    this is violation of constitution..every person has the freddom to express hmself
    yes let the police come and question people…
    so that atleast then the truth comes out.. wat ever the truth is .. it shud come out na?
    u r threatening with the name of police??
    are all the lawyers in this country dead?

  106. Managers and Seniors not only in TCS , In many companies even in Telecom field as treating Juniors Very harshly and badly,from my experience.

  107. Well i work in the ITPL and still taking time to sink in the news… i mean i may not know him in person.. but dude he was alive breathing the same air as me… he also must have had his lunch around the same time i had.. i mean how in human can this be…….. if the tcs employees do not raise their voices now then it is never… that management of your has no fuck chance to play with your life n family… everyone of you should join hands against them and teach them a lesson.. where will those managers run n hide their faces ..teach them .. just teach them a lesson in life.. that they should care less if they are dead or alive.. write about them be vocal… tell them on their faces they are wrong.. and they deserve a punishment…. jobs r there in the market for you all.. don even care a shit for this job… may his soul rest in peace… and may god bless the grieving family enough courage to survive and fight.. but those hellish managers should be taught with a lesson

  108. No more TATA
    Let us take pledge that at least those people who either were employees of this bloody bullshit company at any point of time or are present employees should boycott this brand for good. Every educational institution should tell their future students not to join this company. Create mass awareness among the corporate world through NGOs so that nobody gives any project to this company for good..

  109. All the companies managers are same. They dont have any work to do … So they can this things only. I have seen so many managers who gets 2-3 lakh per month and work do zero , only sends 1-2 mails in one days. If u will see their performance then 1st they shld be thrown from company. They are big fool in this word in my observation. They will come to u and say if u have any doubt they u ask anytime and if u ll ask then they will say that u cant do it. This is so easy, I cant aspect from you. I dont have word only to say about them.

  110. All the companies managers are same. They dont have any work to do … So they can this things only. I have seen so many managers who gets 2-3 lakh per month and work do zero , only sends 1-2 mails in one days. If u will see their performance then 1st they shld be thrown from company. They are big fool in this word in my observation. They will come to u and say if u have any doubt they u ask anytime and if u ll ask then they will say that u cant do it. This is so easy, I cant aspect from you. I dont have word only to say about them.

  111. I am a tcs employee working in germany.
    I joined the TATA group few years ago.
    The work culture is getting worste day by day. Every thing is linked to appriasal process.
    Nothing works like tata code of conduct.
    managers declare them selves as hitler and torture associate personally and professionally.

    i tried to contact higher authorities many time but all went waste as they too belong to the same catogary.

    Managers use appraisal as their tool to control employees. TCS’s appraisal process is the worste in the corporate.
    where an employee looses part of his yearly salary if his performance reduces compare to the previous year’s.

    TCS germany HR Sunil joseph is the worste manager in TCS who never answers any employee call even if the employee counting his last minutes.

    Its really shame on tata code of conduct.

    I think sudarshan is not the only guy…..there will be many joining him soon in the list. one might be from germany account.

    frustrated employee of tata

    1. I knew someone will write his name. I quit tcs, but that stupid didn’t even bother to acknowledge it.
      Ha ha ha…what a looser. I hear now that they are sending that indian idle person back to india.

  112. i am so worried to know all these facts about this company,my best friend is going for an interview in this company tmrw.God only knws that i want her to get a job,but hearing all these i dont knw what to wish for.hope she wont end under any of these bloody managers or projects 🙁

  113. I quit TCS ITPL Bangalore because of same reason. No matter how much you perform as a fresher in TCS, your manager don’t show any pity on you. Honestly speaking, even I got frustrated by manager’s cheap and rude behavior and the only way to grow-up in TCS is by “licking the ass of manager”. Forget about HR, they are just puppets in the hand of manager.
    If you believe and have confidence in your talent and caliber, first you show the middle finger to manager and second look for opportunities outside. Believe me friends, still there are many companies who respects your talent.

  114. I quit TCS ITPL Bangalore because of same reason. No matter how much you perform as a fresher in TCS, your manager don’t show any pity on you. Honestly speaking, even I got frustrated by manager’s cheap and rude behavior and the only way to grow-up in TCS is by “licking the ass of manager”. Forget about HR, they are just puppets in the hand of manager.
    If you believe and have confidence in your talent and caliber, first you show the middle finger to manager and second look for opportunities outside. Believe me friends, still there are many companies who respects your talent.
    But SUICIDE is very bad.

  115. I quit TCS ITPL Bangalore because of same reason. No matter how much you perform as a fresher in TCS, your manager don’t show any pity on you. Honestly speaking, even I got frustrated by manager’s cheap and rude behavior and the only way to grow-up in TCS is by “licking the ass of manager”. Forget about HR, they are just puppets in the hand of manager.
    If you believe and have confidence in your talent and caliber, first you show the middle finger to manager and second look for opportunities outside. Believe me friends, still there are many companies who respects your talent.

  116. I am Susheel Moothedath, younger brother of Sudarshan.I’ve been reading these posts.. Kindly note that my brother’s name is Sudarshan S. Moothedath and not Sudarshan Guppedar..

  117. dear Frusto,
    praising hindi by showing others in bad light shows how pathetic your culture has become, yes people may be learning hindi, people learn other languages also, i think you are a chinese agent who is spreading bad information over the wire to bring disharmony in indian public, i strongly urge the site administrator to ban such people

  118. dear Frusto,
    praising hindi by showing others in bad light shows how pathetic your culture has become, yes people may be learning hindi, people learn other languages also, i think you are a chinese agent who is spreading bad information over the wire to bring disharmony in indian public, i strongly urge the site administrator to ban such people………

  119. Yu fall out of yur motherz womb n crawl across open country under fire n finally yu drop into yur grave, no man lives without jostlin’ n being jostled..
    if you’re alive you’ve got to flap your arms and legs, you’ve got to jump around a lot, for evrythin is the very opposite of death, and therefore you must at very least think noisy and colorfully, or you’re not alive… bcoz, human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust – we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper . . so, don’t play d blame game here, no one utta here iz frm IIM & IIT …to create palpable public outrage for undergoing d traumatic situation after the catastrophe,
    If yu guyz think yu are cation & the HR people are anion den show it & go right now to darshan’s family to create n maintain harmony, …
    don’t talk lik a covalent bond, is there any coordinate bond among yu who can practice outflow of financial flow for d organisationz lik “CRY” ..?
    & how much fugitive clock ticks yu hav in yur life to trap d crap, better yu wrap …

  120. May Sudarshan’s soul rest in Peace. I kindly request Sudarshan’s friends and colleagues to escalate the issue to TCS Corporate ethics councilor, TATA SON’s ethics councilor and to Media with all possible information for further actions and follow-ups.
    I’m sorry for diverting the topic. But just like to share my thoughts about few comments written by “Human being first”.
    1. As per Indian constitution, “THERE IS NO NATIONAL LANGUAGE” as such. We ONLY have OFFICIAL Languages for Union and State governments. Do you want to know diff. between OFFICIAL and NATIONAL language status? Please google.
    2. Why Hindi have to be forced on people who don’t know it? Our Country is culturally, linguistically vast and diverse. Present India was never the same India by any time in the past (i.e. all regions of current India was never under a single ruler, never a single language, never following just a single religion any time in its known recorded history. If we travel across India, we can easily notice our diverse culture). So it is NOT fair to say that a single language have to be implied on any one in India.
    3. Why such importance to a Language? Language is not just for Communication. It is part of a particular regions Culture and way of living. So forcing a language is like forcing some other culture on people.
    4. Lastly, if anyone thinks that (I hope and pray no one) widely spoken status is enough to call a language National Language, Please remember a famous saying by Dr. Annadurai, Ex CM, Tamilnadu.
    “If numbers are criteria for providing National bird status, then Crow should be our National Bird. Not Peacock.” (A reminder – India doesn’t have a National Language as such.)
    Now to my fellow TCSer’s,
    I’m with TCS for last 9 years. Had worked in Chennai for 3 years and in Hyd for last 6 years (Got transfer because of new project and challenges. It is a mutually agreed transfer).
    I’m fortunate enough to work with right set of peoples at all roles and faced very little non-professional behaviors in my career. But I can’t say the same about few of the projects. I do know about few projects which are not properly managed.
    1. Most of the cases where people complaining about unprofessional behaviors from Manager’s and HR’s :-
    a) Best way out for people is to try to move out of TCS and make your career where job profile and your aspirations are inline. But please remember – People leave managers. Not company. An unprofessional manager can be in any company. 🙁
    b) If you are bold enough and do whatever it takes to get released from current project, then fight to move out of your current project. There is no point in complaining if you think it is not even listened.
    2. Unfriendly Associate policies – Yes. I do agree that off late TCS corporate policies are not associate friendly. But we should worry about things which are under our control. Not about things which we cannot control. So the way out is – quit TCS. All the very best.
    Lastly, please be bold and never think that someone can screw your career. If you get any threatening from anyone, then I would suggest you to stand bold and say that as if your career, Exp. Letter etc is fudged, then you will go to any extend not just Judiciary, Media but all possible means as any way your career is screwed, you will ensure that everyone involved in this will also get screwed in all possible means.
    I understand that saying all this is easy. But may not be implementable/tried. failed. But if you want to come out of a mess, you need to retry and resort to all possible means available to you as after all you are helping yourself and NOT anyone else.

    1. It is a very good matured reply. Most of the other comments are so badly written and with such disregard to any circumstances than just their own hidden agenda and they accuse every TCS manager of just sitting their and living at the expense of these people who cannot put a message across properly.

      Guys grow up…. you are always welcome to leave the company… no one is stopping you from…. you are not saving India by working for TCS… Now dont brand that I am a HR Manager or anything… I work for TCS and I hate TCS for its policies but I am not as irrational as you guys.

  121. Dear Mr. Frusto,

    Boss who so ever you are a chinese agent or a paki you are a sick educated guy, and if you are our own desi bhai, then you are a seek educated moron, this is what your hindi teachings taught you to insult other people [which i dont think so, hindi is respectable language] , it a simple theory that you might have learnt in your hindi lessons that what you give to others you will get back, so on behalf of all the hindi speaking people i say you are a moron, sick guy who needs some psychological help, who needs to put some restrain on himself, thoda sa akkal baccha hai to bhagwan ke liye apne bhalai ke liye istemal kaar, bewakoof

  122. adiga tcs hamburg manager is a fucker…begger lofer…basterd ,,,,,,,,,useless fellow. i have written his history in the same blog….plz read and reply.

  123. Hi,
    I’m Ex-Tcser, I would like share my feelings here,
    When I joined I felt like I was in heaven as I joined to Tata group of company.
    But all my dreams were gone in vein, I was continuously torchared through out my career in tcs.
    I was not in bench in whole career, one bad day, when I returned from onsite , I got a surprise mail from
    Hanumanthappa BB (HEAD of HR) asking me to meet him personally,

    when I went to meet him , three more top guys joined to torcher me.
    ask me to resign or else I will going to be fired.

    when I ask for the proper reason, they said its economic crissis and many companies were doing this.
    I really got shocked, I consecutive scored higher rating of 4 and appreciated by clients and star of the month etc.

    But all are gone in vain, so called captain(I dont know from where tcs picked this guy), scared me to leave or else fired.

    I left tcs , now I’m feeling why I dint this earlier, why they dint fired me earlier, as I would have saved my 5+ valuable years of my life
    as I’m happiest person now working in CTS

    1. They just called you inside and tortured you… 🙂 Please write a letter to Mr.Bush or Mr.Obama to send them to Gautanamo Bay. God…. where do they create people like you….

  124. Asshole manager:
    I have worked with another asshole manager from TCS Kolkata. His name is Sunder Singh.His behaviour is so rude that you cannot just talk to him. He humiliates people in front of the coleagues and screws the person in appraisal afterwards. Please beware of this type of basterds.

  125. I am onsite these days … and working for a client in Winnipeg. My manager’s name is Nand Kishore (madar chod) and he is a top class idiot. Not sure how he even survived to stay onsite for so long, considering the fact that this shithead does not even know English. He is so called PM, and I am not sure, if he can even spell that abbreviation correctly.

    He kinda treats people so badly during day today activities and also at the time of appraisals. I feel embarrassed with the way he treats me and my team.
    Hate the fact that HR, BRMs don’t do much about these kinda of dickheads.

  126. Hi Friends,
    I belong to a company(supervalue), which has been acquired by TCS very recently. We are a headcount of 600+ people, who are just undergoing the transition period, and experiencing brainstorming sessions from TCS HR and other teams. Recently I witnessed some of the autocratic behaviors of the HR and Technical team representatives, right from the beginning. I have gone through each and every article published by Dexter in detail and also followed all the comments very attentively. I just want to know a suggestion from all the readers and commentors of this blog. Is it in the benefit of the employee to be part of this merged company, or better to look out for new opportunities. .

  127. Hello,

    I am Ramachandra Adiga, TCS manager.
    I would like to market myself. I love to pick beer bottles and empty water bottles from roadside dust bin. If you have any empty bottles please don#t throw . call me anytime on this number 0173-204-444-3. I will take this as high priority and pick the bottles from ur doors.
    This is my hobby and i make money to live here from this.

    I am a greedy basterd.


  128. TCS has announced very good Q2 results but why did not they also announce that one of their employees commited suicide as he was squeezed so that margins are good in financial results

  129. ajoy and chadra are bloddy fuckers they can go to any extent to save their ass…even they can sell and kick their wife an daugher to…sucide for theor promotionand carrerr……we are the people who dosent get anything…….and people in bbsr ts are bloddy fuckers….bbsr magmt sucks specially recently who got promooted to senior con…

  130. I am soory about Sudarshan. its very bad about the management. The Sivior action should be taken on TCS management and subordinates…..

  131. Never accept TCS, Cognizant job offer!!!!
    Especially freshers!!!
    These “Consulting” companies will ruin your career.

  132. F……. TCS HR’s they are postponing my joining date, ek Manager boltha hai join karo onsite bejegha,, lekin ye bhi boltha hai night shift karne ka, dokhe baaz lagtha hai, guys Tell me all things about TCS, ITPL, Bangalore///

  133. Hii to al l TCS employees,

    First of all may Sudharshan Sir rest in peace and god give power to their family to face this difficult time.
    I have just read the comments about TCS.I dont know about tcs weather it is good or bad.but for people who are out of this company is like a dream to work for TCS.I got the placement in TCS and now my joining is in DEC 2011 at chennai.My profile is ITIS.My background is EC and i really dont know about netwoking or software and i have no interest at all in software part.
    I heard that TCS is working in VLSI field(hi tech market).I have done a Certification course in VLSI and i am very much confident about my VLSI skills.Can any1 tell me the procedure how to switch in TCS hitech market.I heard that TCS provide training to their VLSI employess at banaglore .Please my request to all of you Seniors if any1 can help me to switch in TCS VLSI part.I will be very much thankful to you.

  134. It has been more than a year since this discussion started. But nothing actually has changed in TCS. Things have gone from pan to fire.
    Nothings gonna happen of this company.
    I dont wanna blame comp as whole but these managers are in dominance.
    They get projects because they quote cheap.

  135. during 1997, Ratan Tata said manager at TELCO (now Tata Motors) have become “jamindhar” and he forced major restrucutring at Telco..

    Now I think he should have look at TCS…RMG, HR, Recruitment have become Jamindars..they are not answerable to forget employee NOT even delivery / project…they don’t even bother to reply emails , answer phone calls from project teams if the project is not favourite of some ISU head..In TCS Bangalore RMG is happy serving Pioneer badshah and L Center dictator…so if you are not in HiTech, Banking you are screwed and god forbid if you are workign for India Geography then even God cant save you…

  136. First of all, TCS RMG sucks!! I don’t get the reason why a bunch of useless people, with work that any 10th pass out can do (literally), have to behave rudely with joinees! I completely agree with the part that they gossip, laugh, crack jokes, chat while we stand in front of them for hours. Where does the attitude even come from?? And, they’re either in a meeting or very “busy” to talk to you!! I bet the CEO of TCS has less work to do than them!! Idiots!! They won’t be too happy in the end!! Trust me!

  137. I joined TCS, thinking it to be a great Tata’ company and continued there for a decade. The company has detiorated to rock bottom. Let me be absolutely candid here – it is a place for below average people, who are weak technically, who lack ethics and can easily compromise with their values and who fear proper competitive firms. As a result, after few years you find yourself in middle of highly manipulative and insecure people, who are not just incompetent but morally down as well.

    My advice to all young engineers is to work hard, target a smaller (even a start-up) company and do something good for their future. There is nothing left in ‘Tata’ name of ‘Tata’ Consultancy Services’. TCS is now good for BPO/BPS oriented people, not for engineers who want to solve problems, create solutions and make something good for their customers, their country or even themselves. Hard fact but absolutely factual.

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