TCS to announce prmotions in January 2010

Update – Jan 20 2010 –

Only Manufacturing ISU has completed 90% of . Rest of the ISU's the list has not been finalised, so you guys might have to wait longer. Anyway the promotions will be given one way or the other. Dont lose hope.

announced promotions on Jan 15 2010 as a part of its Q3 .

Given the excellent of the company in this quarter, I am happy to share with you that management has decided to pay once again 1.5 times of the quarterly component of the variable pay (QVA) for the quarter ended December 31, 2009. This will apply to all eligible on payroll.

Additionally, we have decided to go ahead with the 2009 cycle globally with effect from January 1, 2010.  This will apply to all associates recommended as per our process and guidelines.

Update 1 – As of Jan 08 2010, approved all eligible cases as per Jul 2009 and recommended candidates. So if you are eligible your prmotion should be under Corporate HR by now.

TCS HR is gearing up to handle the new promotion Cycle which will be run during January 2010, but the big question is Will be Based on Jul 2009 or Jan 2010 eligibility?. Even the HR heads are in the dark on this question, but they are preparing two lists in anticipation of any one of these two criteria. But is a sure thing and will be run in middle of January. Already HR heads of respective locations have sent internal memos about vacation/leaves during this period to the HRs.

Till the time Corporate makes public of the new criteria dont expect HR to approve your promotion, as they dont want to do a rework next month.

On an interview to CNBC 18 our new was quoted as below

Improvement in the sector is inevitably followed by the firming up of wages. Do you see salary costs also moving up after a flat year?

Yes, definitely. We did not have a wage increase last year, so there will be a certain amount of wage increase. But it will be moderate. We are going through the details at this point in time, and we will be finalizing it shortly. But there will be moderate wage increase.

More updates will be posted as soon as available.. Add your feedback here.

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329 Replies to “TCS to announce prmotions in January 2010”

  1. I was sort of expecting this to happen. Many people have resigned in last 2 months ever since market started improving. TCS needed to start promotions to stop this.

    Also, I think like last time promotions would not just be for the name sake this time. It would be along with a good raise in salaries too. Something to cheer about for all TCSers

  2. Everyone has been expecting this. Its just that in TCS one can never be sure.
    Not sure about the kind of hikes we will have. Many people have been waiting for 1.5 yrs now since promotion was approved at HR level.
    Lets hope for the best. Please keep updating here guys.

  3. Every body is being keenly waiting for long, for their promotions turn .But till now there has been no clear eligibility criteria published by so called “Corp HR”,for the promotions which have been happening in recent few months.This is really disgusting and frustrating people.
    I am having very little hopes about Jan cycle.No sure are they going to first clear the pending cases which have been there since 2008 or again create a mess.

  4. Lets hope these peope give the promomtion and the Salary Increases . Already it has seen many if its associates leaving bcaz of the way they had been treated , by low salaries and with the politics in the onsite opportunities

  5. Promotion is sure but they will give around 5% hike only by quoting market uncertainities. They will try these such things to frustrate ASEs/ITAs who are eligible for promotions. TCS wants more freshers who work on their shoes and in less salaries. They reduced onsite- Offshore to 10/90 %. TCS don’t want loyal and dedicated employees now, pressures are on high management and ISUs to show more profits anyhow.

  6. kakak, Is correct. TCS donot want loyalty from its employees. They just need people to whom they can dictact and employees only with less exp does that thinking they may get onsite in nearfuture.

    And yes, higher management are in pressure… when u have a claim of $10, RM himself will look into approval.

  7. Guys don’t take me wrong but still you expect good things from TCS. Even after what happened with us last year. It will really be a good news if promotion will happen in Jan 2010, but i am least hopeful. I really doubt if promoion is going to happen before this financial year end i.e before April 2010

  8. If TCS doesn’t want to stay with experience people , tell in the face , no one wants to stay here. They claim that to be a honest company with client …all are bullshit …why the hell you aren’t honest with employees????…Just telling that salary will increase ..will increase ……..they are just creating problems for themselves…I am also a TCSer but let me tell you if TCS isn’t honest with me I will take 4-5 TCSer more while leaving this company and I am sure everyone will do so the same as no one wants to be with such non-loyal company.

      1. @admin- As per my info, team ultimatix is working on a pay hike module. There is a mid-term pay hike possibly on the cards.
        Can you check with your sources?

        1. As per TCS standards a good hike is 8 – 10%, so moderate should be somewhere around 3 – 5% and most of the times it is the higher ups getting the 5% and lower ones getting the lowest %. This company has ceased to be mutually beneficial long long back.
          Hey come on I dont want any Gyan from Mere TCSer and other guys who smoke crack.

    1. I had seen few comments in this regard in the following web site:
      Salary hike in TCS
      March 16th, 2010
      Last time , immm if i am right it is sometime in 2008, TCS have their employess a hike, so called salary hike. This time around there is big hype news is going around. How much it is going to be? 30 / 40 %. ????

      Is it really 30/40% this time?

  9. I totally agree with some of the comments posted here as it says that TCS does not really want a experience people. this is really true news. I am also one of them who left TCS because of the project and people politics. But I am sure TCS is going to take care of the Junior PPL this time.

  10. I heard everybody bitching about TCS- ones who are there and others who are no more part of it…….Why??? Isn’t TCS giving u salary enuff to eat, enjoy weekends or enjoy ur timepass when in office? what else do u guys want…..
    If u r so frustrated why dont u just leave TCS like other ex-tcsers?
    Moreover dont u realise there are lakhs of people whose dream company is still TCS..but they still havent got a chance to work with it….why dont u feel privileged working in TCS??
    Does any other company offer such a high oniste oppurtunity?
    Does any other company give u clear package details before you join?
    Does any other company let you ” time pass” when in office while being paid??
    Moreover promotion is the wholly at company’s discretion…if company is in good health and if it believes u r fit for next grade only then it will promote you..

    1. Which planet are you from? Clear package details 🙂 umm seriously you would have been paid to write such things. If you can guess your next month salary accurately you are a Genius and you should know something that no one else knows. Thx for all your Gyan on promotion umm why dont you go and screw yourself. Hey just one credit to you, you have a good sense of humor. You were hilarious throughout especially when you have written lakhs of people dream about TCS, good going keep it up. Atleast TCS has given someone like you to make the other frustrated TCS guys relax. Hats off to you.

    2. It seems you are one of those fresheres who do not have any work but getting your salary, passing your time in office. I have met so many freshers who enjoyed this period, but after few years they came to know that they are of no use now. They only know documentation and some crap type of task and do not have skills to clear technical interview elsewhere.
      TCS really want your type of employees only.

    3. hahaaaaaaaaa… high onsite oportunity…. is only for those tcser woh polish his dumb NON-IT backeground manager’s shoes in TCS. Techie people don’t get onsite ..only who knows documentation and well(shoes polish 🙂 )with manager’s or incapable employees on bench only gets onsite. Thats why TCS does not have real techie employee all r fake exprienced and dumb freshers. I hate TCS.

  11. Hello All,

    My friend in TCS recently got promoted from ASE to ITA. He told me that it was his constant pestering his supervisor which worked for him. He is from Mumbai branch.
    On Monday, I have decided to do the same. I am sure the news here by the admin is credible, but we have lost enough time and can’t afford to take any chances. Just thought will share with you guys as I know how it feels to be denied what you deserve.

    @ A Mere TCSer- It is good to know that there are still some motivated employees in TCS. This is because TCS really needs people like you in times when the disturbed ones will start leaving. You mentioned that people who are not happy should leave. Thats 100% correct. Believe me most of the people here would do that once they get their well deserved promotion. You may have missed the point that TCS may be the dream company for many, but still the real picture inside is hardly anything to dream for. Its not easy to work in a place where people who are your juniors join at a higher salary and position after working in ABC company. It is also not easy when the management talks of all cost cutting measures but seeing that they are hardly affected by the so called recession. Regarding onsite, it is true that TCS offers many people onsite, but how many people do indeed get it out of the 140000? If you see the ratio of employees vs the onsite, it will be lower than another small company.
    The point is not to criticize anyone here, it is just to share what people go through each day they work in TCS.
    We all work hard and no one pays you to enjoy. Get that point straight in your head. So if you can’t empathize with people here, keep your trap shut. This forum does not need you. Try to find some ‘I love TCS forums’ (if there exist any) and give your gyan there.

    @Rest- Keep up the pestering and share plz.

  12. Hi All,

    I think the fellow “A mere TCSer” is a very senior person in TCS. If that is correct then TCS is definitely good for him. Getting a high salary every month (being AST and above) and doing no work in office should definitely inspire my fellow friend but please think about thousands of neglected ASE’s who are backbone of this company. So my humble rrquest for these type of people -please don’t frustrate others by writhing these junk appreciation for TCS and please leave this site.

  13. “Moderate Hike” word is very tricky word.People will get confusion to stay or leave TCS…Now Mgmt will take advantage..Again “Mega Bakra Plan” is ready to execute

  14. I think in TCS only guys who has buttering skills gets everything-rating or the promotions.People who are staying late night gets rewarded irrespective of the quality of work they are doing. It’s a shame that a more productive guys who completes assigned work within or before time is considered to be neglected.
    I won’t advise anybody with good attitude and knowledge to join TCS as there are loads of other companies which offers to enormous facilities and opportunities entirely based upon your performance.
    People gets poor band ratings even after gave you a rating of 5 and no project leader or above ever gets a rating of 3, that’s really show how trasparent is TCS policies.
    This mereTCSer said that TCS gives you clear info of package, is he not aware of the fact that TCS never ever says in offer letter that your date of joining decides your promotion fate. If I was told in advance then I would not have joined this company at all.
    Unfortunately all ASEs who have spent almost 5 years in TCS doesn’t have any other option but to wait for another 2-3 months for promotion.
    And there is no point in staying after that and I don’t think anybody would like to stay after experiencing such plight.

  15. It’s 100% true that TCS don’t require very experienced/highly skilled people they want freshers to replace them so that profitability can be increased.No under TCS each ISU has got the independence of running the business as they want but motive is to maximize the profit so that they can please share holder.

    To increase profit

    1. Hire more fresheres at less Salary and get 10-11 hrs work from them
    2. don’t increase salary and don’t give promotion to 2/3 rating people if they want to leave we can replace them with freshers from good insititute.

    3. onsite apply 90/10 model.Offshore profitabiliy is more than an onsite .

    So I will not say TCS is doing any thing wrong but they are just following the other company business model ,so u have to decide what u want from a company ,just complaining about the company won’t help ….Regarding Promotion Last time people promoted to next grade with 1000-2000 salary hike,so don’t expect much hike….in case if they are giving …..

    Advise:Increase your knowledge and see if u are getting the better opportunity here then continue otherwise move on……

  16. I am with TCS for last 6+ years. Some of my observations are:
    1. If you are at onsite and you are not from the same branch where teh off source is going on, you are always at risk of getting a poor rating even if you do great.
    2. No one at offfshore cares about your promotion, your career move. They just want you to get more business for them even if breaks all teh semantics you have with client.

    its teh offshore management who dont want to get into discussion about the clinet management and expect the business to grow somehow.

    1. Hi Guys,
      Can any one who has worked in TCS tells me the designations in TCS and how many years does each designation has (you can specify the minimum years of experience)

  17. Hi All,
    I totally respect the feeling of the people. this forum is meant for expressing thoughts rather than for the fight.

    most of the wise people waits for the right opportunity, and once they get it, they dont wait for either onsite or salary, they will simply change their campanies for good or bad. I am sure that this tcs will do something different from the regular once, as it is loosing quite good number of ppl from the oraganization. But as many of you said, TCS does not care for the experience ppl, that is wrong as, it all matters in project/which account you are and with whom you are working. if your manager thinks in the otherway of what you think then the difference come it picture. But I am sure that there are enough of opportunities exists outside for the many of the people in TCS, But a small advice is if you can grab what your expected from tcs then grab from TCS and look outside for the better opportunities.


  18. Dear Admin,

    What happen to those who have been promoted with a cavity i.e. promotions with almost no hikes. Will TCS normalise the salary structures for all those associates? I have experience of more that 6 years and my package is still 5.5 Lac. My colleagues who have been promoted last year (April 2008) are getting a package of around 7.2 Lac.

    1. I belong to the same community as yours… I am not sure if there would be any normalisation as such… Letseee..

      Its frustrating that our standards remain same whilst your fellow associates grow on a much higher rate than you. I don’t think there is anything morally wrong about this, becos thats how the environment around us judges you.

  19. I was the true follower of TCS, I waited almost 5 years for Promotion Onsite and Good projects. After 3 years working in TCS,when I got selected in IBM and Capgemini I prefered to stay with TCS, to get what…
    1. No Promotion
    2. No Onsite
    3. No Value Addition
    4. No Motivation…
    But its my fault to expect this from this comapny where IDIOTS are handling middle level management, they don’t potrate actual picture to Higher level so that they can get promotions, rewards etc….
    My suggestion is that “DON’T LOVE YOUR COMPANY, LOVE YOUR WORK”…
    if No value addition…. quit and join another company… whether its TCS or other… it will not make much difference…
    Best of LUCK guys…. I *ucked off by loving my TCS…

  20. As per instructions received by TCS Project Managers in Mumbai HR asked them to prepare recomendation as per jan 2010 eligibility

  21. TCS simply doesnt need people who fall in the bracket of 5-10 years. They are sending clear cut message to quit the company.
    Sometimes you wud feel like a beggar…whom the company keeps shooing away…….

  22. Words like attrition,retention and job switch which had become taboo since almost two years ago are making noise yet again. The employees who were waiting for the economy to bounce back before jumping boats are busy again. With the IT market slowly picking up and hiring all set to increase in 2010, the cheer is back on employees face and the HRs are worried again to retain their key employees.

    The story at one of the biggest IT employer in India, TCS is very bad. The attrition rate is at 21% and employees who are quitting are being asked to hold on with their papers for a day or two in order to maintain a decent monthly attrition figures. HRs in such firms are already in soup and it is an uphill task for them from here on.

  23. Yes… I hear atleast 100 people are leaving (from one particular accnt) every month… TCS will only stop alll the nonsense when Media starts getting the real picture inside.. Also, these people will display fake numbers on attritiion rate…

  24. Is it that only the most performing and outstanding associates are given promotion in the january cycle?? I hear from many that normally january promotion is for the excellent performers.

  25. @ADMIN,

    Is there any news for people whose promotion was approved at all levels and pending with corporate by July 2008 and still grade change has not yet happened?

    Initially (last july 18), it was b’cos of band D and they released a second list where many band Ds were promoted and many were left out.

    So, whats the position for these left out ppl? your inputs will be valuable, pls reply…….

  26. Hi All,

    Its good to see that at these people have started the Promotion process. Lets jope that its transparent unlike the last one , when they said that there would be no promotions but still ended up giving it to many people without publicity

    As for as onsite foes , there are only 2 cases i have seen .

    The AM’s doesnt want to release the talented people eeve thoug they cant give them any onsite opportunities. They offer 2 month onsite chance and try to hold on to them.Hence when a opportunity comes these talented people dont get thechance/

    Another scenario is that the people in a long term support project who are good is buttering the dumb PL get to stay longer with no/less opprtunities given to others

    Since there are a few highly analytical people good at buttering their bosses, these people don.t get the onsite chances.Since these people are good the AM dont release them . Hence they dont get oniste outside the current project too. Hence the only option is Leave the complany once you get the better salary.

    And senior people in the likes of ASOC getting 12-15 L doing ultimatix work. Cant this clerical job be done by a BCOM graduate. Such people should be thrown out. These good fr nothing people are just hampering the growth of ASE and facouring the non talented people for the onsite / promotions.

    Lets hope these things changes for a better TCS’s future

  27. Can some one tell if the promotion in January would happpen. I am not sure who would tell this. January as I understand is not a normal promotion cycle. If its special case promotion, do we need to ask HR about it or our supervisor.

  28. Yes, my manager yesterday rolled out an email to my supervisor to initiate the process for all eligible associates. My supervisor in front of me searched for all the associates. There is a column in the report with “Eligible” heading and it should be “Y” or “N”. Also, the number of years and years spent in current role is also shown till more that 4 decimals. Now, I am eligible as per the report, however, one more rumour is that even though the system now shows that we are eligible, the eligibility criteria will be more filtered.
    Also, what about the criteria of 5 years to become ITA, is this being considered now?? I dont fit in this and still am showing as eligible.

    Admin, any more news??

  29. what will happen to people who are eligible from June, 2009. any update on their case??? are there going to be any promotions and any hike. HR is still saying no updates…. is the promotion cycle really going to happen… is the managers preparing recommending people for promotions???

    1. Hi Raja,

      I have been told that TCS will give promotions to those who were eligible for promotions in July, 2009. There will be a salary hike as well. GL’s are recommending names for promotions.

  30. I was eligible for promotion in July cycle, but it has been initiated and approved by appraiser and reviewer just 2 months back.

    So will i get promoted if they promote people based on july eligibility.

  31. Hello,
    I had spoken to my supervisor and was told that I will get promotion as soon as the cycle opens now. My promotion was initiated in June 2008 but I was short of eligibility by 3 months (was completing 4 yrs in Nov 2008) All my grades are B.
    Also, few people in my project have got their promotions initiated in the last few days. They are those who were eligible as of June/July 2009.

    I feel the announcement internally should happen only when the Q3 results are out (expected after 13 Jan).
    All the best!

  32. Hello,
    When is the cut off date for this promotion. some are saying it is of eligibilty as of July 2009 some are saying it is Jan 2010. If anybody can clarify on this that will be useful for those of us who fall in the second category, so we’ll know whether to push for promotion or save our effort.

    Thanks in advance

  33. Hey Guys,

    There are rumours that TCS gave an increment to it’s BPO employees.

    Dear Admin,

    Have you received some concrete information on the same.

    1. BPO increments…

      I heard abt Bsc ignite increments… i heard that the increments were insanely low that a set of people went to HR room to enquire.. Looks like HR responded to them saying he will take a look at it …

  34. Hi Guys,

    Heard that there would be created one more level between existing level to tackle the current situation.

  35. Hello Guys,

    TCS currently in Very bad shape compare to its peers , the attrition rate is stood @ 21% , HR’s are begging the employees to stay at least for a month to control the every month attrition , As a PM in TCS for 10 Yrs , I have to say , Its THE WORST HR PRACTICE i have ever come across in my tenure . As a Global brand they dont have a clarity on salary’s offered , we lost many good resources due to poor HR managemnet , and attitude .

    IF TCS managment is reading this ” Please ACT NOW ” , communicate properly to employees rather than media . We dont want to hear our promotion hikes from Media , Follow some ethics its only on papers .

    Good Luck TCS.

  36. I am ex TCS er and I got the first promotion 6.5 years after my joining in 2003. After that I went from pillar to post to initiate my 2nd promotion but nobody from top management even cared. Finally I left TCS in 2007.
    I only want to show you some figures from the recent annual report of TCS – why the general employee in TCS is the most deprived community. See what the higher management people get from TCS in terms of salary in this report. I do not think something else will demotivate the employees more than this :
    It will take a few minutes to open the document. Kindly have patience.

  37. TCS ‘s only motive is Top Line. Growth only. HR pracitce is in teh hands of inexperience People who thinks TCS is their own company. They think they are teh king and just manipulate rules anre regulation as they wish. Mr Ajay Mukharjee is seating way high on virtual building iwht no real thought and pan about teh resulrces.

  38. Good point is made by Ex-TCSer by showing the salaries of the top management. It is very sad that these people didn’t deserve such high salaries. More over, the curve fitting is done as a whole ie., it will contain ASE to Consultant grade with all the senior associate getting fitted in the band of A,B &C. This makes it difficult for the junior people as most of them will be put in the lower level of Bands. Hence, what you see people gets paid more at the top and people who does the work gets paid less every year. This process is skewed in favour of senior associates.

  39. Guys,

    For those who got promoted in July, Aug and Sep 2009 (who waited for more than a year to get promoted), for them, their actual grade’s VA will come into effect fro April 2010.

    For thos whose promotion is geared now,they will get promoted as from Jan 1 2010, but their actual grade’s VA will be givem only after a year from the date of promotion. SO that means, TCS is giving promotion to control the attrition rate and will give VA only after a year so that people do not leave the organisation immediately after getting hike.

    Anyone has any more info on this??

    1. If this is true, its ridiculous. Well, although i belong to the category who would get a hike as of apr 2010 (as per your comment), i feel that others are violated. TCS is simply greedy. Just showing off only to the Media that they are giving promotions. They will pay for all this.

  40. Guys…first thing, the only odd man out, ‘A mere TCSer’ would either be one of those whose got everything on time(there are many who have been lucky) or just joined TCS with high hopes, and needs to know more about this company…. if he’s not one of these, then he must be one of the AVATARs… all of you are true in someway or the other….lets wait and watch what more caricature this company has in store for us…and where leaving the company is concerned, not only TCS, anybody in IT these days who gets a better offer would leave, only a fool would be loyal to such selfish companies

  41. Hi, just want to share that promotion link has been active , so try approaching your PL’s for the same if you are eligible for promotion.

    Best of Luck….

  42. ADMIN

    Thanks for the info. Things are going quite fast in the last 2 to 3 days.

    Any info on when the promotions would be rolled out and the info onVA?

    By the way, this jet speed initiatve from corporate is puzzling. I think it should be b’cos of attrtio rate in TCS is zooming…

  43. I heard that if you have eligility as of July 2009 but are lacking a few weeks (actual eligibility for example, maybe august 17 2009) they will usually consider the case for promotion. is it true? basically i’m asking if there is there any kind of leeway on the eligiblity? Thanks in advance for any helpful comments

  44. Is there any one whom we can ask where our promotion is pending?

    I’m eligible for July cycle and my promotion have been initiated.

  45. This seems to be a rumor. I have asked all my friends waiting for promotion… none of them have got the letter..

  46. moderate hike – (u will get a hike upto 3% to 5% & it will give Rs100 hike in your take home) & promotions(u will dsgntn but no salary hike)

    this is a tricky game by mangmnt , highr mangmnt will only get gud hikes ( prev yr Rs.1cr hike in pckg of hghr mangmnt its true pls chck it) & promtns , whoever is a associate in TCS will get a middle finger to suck.

    so please do a jump,
    its useless to be in TCS – no hikes,no prmtns,no onsite,no recgntn,no value

    dont get fooled by hikeless promotns do a jump njoy life…………………………

  47. This company’s leadership is some bas* hand…dont ruin your career here….sale sab harami hey… promo,hike….i wish the comp will go bankrupt soon….and all the emp above consultant grade loose their they will not get job anywhere after loosing here……i have all the good wishes for pepole to assoc level….enjy

  48. Thanks guys for logging in and providing info on promotion. We all are waiting or this. Request all not to misguide or provide mis-information. I have checked with my BRM and he does not have any idea about January promotion. He says he has not been communicated by HR regarding the January promotion. But my case is dierent as it was initiated in 2008 July Cycle. Not sure whats going to happen.

  49. hi,

    I have too checked with my GL.I think people are spreading out rumor here.Please stop all nonsense rumor.Lets share the true things.

  50. TCS a place to work where in you need to forget your ambitions, got to have 1000% patience and forget about your career growth and finally you got to sideline your personal growth interms of money. guys come out of that shell which neither supports you nor benefits you. there are lot of oppourtunities outside. the attrition rate is climbing up drastically in TCS. even then TCS will not give good hike. because they want to preserve that money so that they can pull in some top guy, appoint him as board of director or independent director, feed him with crores of money and project in media as if they have achieved a biggest things in corporate world. most of the quarterly profits are used to feed the top management. and the people who really work are give peanuts. this has been trend in TCS for years.


    good luck. rise to the occasion. many other companies are hiring which are honest, ethical ,straight forward and does not resort to FOOLING the employees

    1. Its confirmed..
      Message from Ajoy Mukherjee..
      “Given the excellent performance of the company in this quarter, I am happy to share with you that management has decided to pay once again 1.5 times of the quarterly component of the variable pay (QVA) for the quarter ended December 31, 2009. This will apply to all eligible employees on India payroll.

      Additionally, we have decided to go ahead with the 2009 promotion cycle globally with effect from January 1, 2010. This will apply to all associates recommended as per our process and guidelines.”

    1. Promotion will happen..
      Ajoy Mukherjee..
      “Additionally, we have decided to go ahead with the 2009 promotion cycle globally with effect from January 1, 2010. This will apply to all associates recommended as per our process and guidelines.””

  51. Just a simple question – Are they planning salary hike alongwith the promotion? People who already got promoted last year but did not receive salary hike in VA, will they get what they deserve this time round?

  52. Some promotions were released last week, but i do not know which cycle these guys promotion has been initiated and guys who say this is a rumour … “pls prove me wrong”
    One thing I do not understand in Ajoy’s message is “This will apply to all associates recommended as per our process and guidelines.” What does this mean ? Why do they want to apply such hidden rules which an employee is not aware of ? I understand that they do not want to release promotion guidelines to the employees … but in such case why do they give reference to such hidden rules in the notifications ?
    I’m frustrated , but I can’t leave … and probably many of the friends out here share the same views.
    Wait has been long and is enough … I request the mgmt to release some concrete message or atleast stop giving out such open ended messages.
    Yaha pe tho na sirf dheri hi , saath mey andheri bhi hi …
    Pls clear the air…

    Good Luck to all….

  53. True,“This will apply to all associates recommended as per our process and guidelines.” is clearly a open ended message there needs to be a greater “transparency”.Internal sources confirm that HR is proactively in certain “Geography” and calling up the accounts they are looking into and asking to push cases forward for ‘promotions’.Its still ‘wait & watch’ only time will tell..what’s going on in their ‘Grey Matter’.

  54. Latest Info :

    Those permitted last year will get their complete package from July 2010
    Those permitted in Jan 10 will get their package from Jan 11

    1. @Admin :
      Are these dates confirmed by HR….. pls add some more details on the source of this information…it will help all of us to clear the air

  55. Request to Admin to provide inor for my case: I had a D rating in year 2007 no D in my entire stay with TCS. My promotion was recomended in 2008 July still waiting for it. Shoud I get the promotion this time. If so would my VA be appplicable from July 2010 or Jan 2011.

    1. No heed for waiting. boss make a move.

      even mother does not feed child until he cries , but here ic crying to desperation.

      Kick you butt and move forward.

  56. @admin,

    What do you mean by complete package from July 2010 or Jan 2011. Currently there are many ASE’s whose package is around 5 lacs per annum. When they are are promoted to ITA, does their package increase to 6.5 lacs which is the benchmak package for an ITA in TCS.

    1. @ ASE vs ITA
      U r hugely mistaken dear friend. I m an ITA and my salary is still 4.9lac. Got promoted in the last cycle where the salary did not increase but certain perks like food coupons incresed by 2k. That was it. I had Joined TCS as a fresher in 2004. So there is no such thing as benchmark now. ITAs used to generally earn 6lac plus by default but that was before 2007.
      What this means is people like me, who got promoted last time without a hike, will get complete package from July 2010.
      Unfortunately those getting promoted this month will have to wait for one more year to start getting the new grade salaries.
      The moderate hike (Approx 5%+) will apply from April 2010 to all TCSers except trainees. That is all confirmed employees.
      Hope everything is clear though may not be cheering.

      Good luck with job hunt as this promotion is useless. As for me I may wait another 6 months till I get my full package.

  57. Guys check Ultimatix for latest Info:
    There is a reply posted by Ritu Anand on Justask.

    Regarding Promotion Eligibility: “Promotion will be effected for those who are eligible as of July 2009 and whose promotion recommendaiton is approved by their supervisors and business unit head”

    Regarding VA hike: “They will get their dues. Environment contiunues to be challenging hence the impact of many things have to be seen in a company. Thanks for your support”

    It seems, there is no plan for VA hike for those got promotion or getting promotions in Jan cycle.

  58. Hi Admin,

    Please advise me on my current situation.
    I was recommended on 31st july 2009 in system and It was approved at all the levels and currently pending with Corporate.But when my suoervisor recommended me for the promotion in July 2009,I was short of 3 months in my meeting the eligibilty cirteria of 4 years.
    ?Now,will I get my promotion in this cycle???

      1. @ASE, My promotion has been initiated in Jul 2009 but I am eligible as on Aug 2009. Do you think I will be eligible.

  59. @ASE vs ITA Sorry to say but its difficult I would suggest to talk to your supervisor and HR and ask them to push things. ALL THE BEST

      1. Same situation last yr in 2009 my promotion was approved by supervisor BRM, HR and pending with corp. HR they say no reason exp less than 4 months in ASE grade I joined in 2005 nov with 1 yr exp

  60. nopes.

    similar cae with me last time. pro initiated in jul08, completing 4 yrs as ase on 01sep09, but didn’t get it. those of us who joined from college 15 days earlies (<15th aug) were considered eligible as they completed 4 yrs as on 31st july09 🙁

    but, all the best. if u push too hard with your jugaad out there, anything is possible, there are 100 exceptions i know of!!

  61. Hi guys my promotion was initiated in sept … is pending with IOU HR. But i was eligible since Jan 1st 2009….will i get promotion this jan….

  62. Go to Ultimatix -> HR Mangmt -> Employee Self Service -> IOU Details & Workflow Approvers -> Designation. I just saw and designation is changed to ITA

  63. Hi

    Is it true that promotion is released??.My promotion got intiated in Jul -2009 cycle .I checked -Ultimatix -> HR Mangmt -> Employee Self Service -> IOU Details & Workflow Approvers -> Designation .
    But its is the same 🙁

    1. @Admin, Promotion letters have been released now. One of my team mates got promoted to Consultant. He just got the letter a couple of hours back.

  64. I vouch for ASEtoITA. Some of my friends designation has been updated in the path Ultimatix -> HR Mangmt -> Employee Self Service -> IOU Details & Workflow Approvers -> Designation but he is yet waiting for the letter

  65. Can anybody give me the approx percentage of persons who got promotion within 5 years of joining to the total number of employees in the same band?

  66. Guys ,

    Can any one of you post the actual changes in salary , bcaz i have heard that some ITA get arnd 7.2 l / Annum. Also does any one know on the use of the EAP program ?? if the approval would reault in some extra benifits ???????????

  67. my designation has changed in IOU hr details also recieved teh promotion leter…but while searching name in ultimatix the designation has not chaged..and also in my supervisor it is howing with corporate HR…please confirm

    1. this will change in the next couple of weeks. the search & IOU databases are different. the updates will happen after sometime !!! it will reflect soon. If you have a got promotion letter, it means you have got the promotion, so Congrats !!!

  68. I think I have heart sentiments of many….ooops …excuse me for tis…
    But did the affected guys really think what I had written earlier…This is real world…u have to get used to it……this does not hold true for any particular company…it is true for all…if u want respect and are not given in your current company u can shift to others …if u are UNABLE to do so it is your fault that u cannot achieve ur dreams and keep working with your existing company…
    Stop bitching…do something ….

  69. do u think they have dispersed all the letters ? or are they still updating processes ? i dont see mine anywhere …
    pls reply

  70. Mine was initiated in 2008 July. I did not get promoted in 2009 cycle as I had a D rating. I have not got my promotion letter yet in 2010 Jan cycle. Not sure why. Checked with HR and HR says they dont know as teh list is with ISU head and the criteria are with ISU head as well. I think she was trying to fool me. I had just 1 D in my entire stay with TCS. I had my last promotion in 2005. Can someone let me know if I am eligible for promotion as of 2009 July.

  71. guys i got promotion in ultimatix yesterday night.Hahahahaha.i got promotion only from ITA to AST.salary is same as what i am getting now.I am going to accept the offer which i am holding.These senior management peoples are really cheating low level employees who are really working.

  72. Admin, Plesae update if there are some more batches to be released or should we lose our hope now. Mine was initiated in 2008 July still dont see any promotion letter.

  73. Hi guys
    Sick of this promotion drama. Can someone please tell me what is the notice period nowadays. It seems TCS keeps changing this. When I joined back in 2004, it was three months for people at offshore and 6months for people at onsite.

    I am currently on deputation in UK and scheduled to return back in 15 days. I would like to tender my resignation at onsite itself so that I dont have to serve the whole period at offshore.

    Help would be appreciated

    1. ASE still: The notice period for people retrning from onsite is 3 months. thats what I remember. Its better you server notice when you return to India and join offshore.

  74. @ASE Still, pls be careful of the overseas deputation agreement which u would have signed while travelling to UK. You may be forced to pay an amount up to 5 lacs if you dont stay at offshore for 6 months after returning from a long term deputation abroad.

    1. @ASE
      I had heard a few months back that the notice period is down to 1 month for offshore and 3 months for onsite.
      Though the agreement paper I signed probably said 6 months.
      This is important because if its 6 months, then it would be stupid to resign now. That way I may loose the april hike and have a terrible time. I will have to resign 3 months after going offshore and then serve 3 months notice at offshore.

  75. IS the promotion being done in batches.
    Has some from base branch chennai got their letters
    I know people from bangalore as base branch got their’s
    Must be done on batched based on the base branch
    Guys Please give some light on this

  76. Hi guys promotion is showing in IOU and promotion letter also came but still not showing approved in my supervisor worklist……

  77. @admin,

    You mentioned the possibility of promotion even if there is a lack of elibility of 1/2 months with the help of HR/ project. Can you please elaborate a bit more?

    i.e, If I have a lack of 1/2 months and it is pending with corporate HR, what would be the correct channel for my supervisor to provide such help?

    Would appreciate any help you can provide as I have a lack of 1 month and my promotion is pending with Corporate HR. but my supervisor is new to TCS and does not really know what has to be done.

    Thanks in advance for any input.

  78. Hi Admin,

    I have been recommended for Jan2010 cycle, any idea whether it is on or the currency promotions are for only for july09 elegible candidates?

    1. Guys,

      Just wanted to leave an update
      1) You’ll get promoted only if you are eligible & have been recommended
      2) I was eligible in 2008 but was not recommended hence did not get it in July 2009 last year
      3) Another colleague was recommended last year but was not eligible as per the criteria. Hence he did not get promotion now (Jan 2010 cycle)

  79. @ No Name,

    my case is exact as like yours, not even a single mismatch. I have to het AST promotion and am waiting from JUly 2008. It was approved at all levels from then. Do let me know if you have got the same.

  80. Hi All!!

    Intresting to see these comments :-).. have been with tcs for more than 7 years now….enjoying my tenure here. My recommendation for junta is to get your over due promotion and switch…that way you can demand more pkg from the next company. Most of the companies are same when it comes to profit making so don’t loose your heart and think of yourself first before company. I have also seen many junta staying late just to please their bosses, they are meant for TCS :-), dont bother and dont adopt the same habit..Plan your future and set targets.

    I know about incapabilities/inefficieny of middle mgmt here so utilize that to your gain n be shrewd :-).



  81. Any one please update me
    In My supervisor list my promotion status showing completed. But still i was unable to see grade change in ultimatix.
    Please update me what is the status in supervisor speed after promotion

  82. @ASE, you will only get promoted to ITA if you have a total relevant exp of 4 years (B or C), as on July 31, 2009. Also before Jan 5, 2010 your promotion should have been initiated and approved at all levels. This is when you will be promoted.

  83. @test thank for update
    Yes MY total EXP is more than 4 yrs(C grade) till jul 2009. and its initiated by my supervisor. And approved by BRM ,HR.. till last week it was showing pending with corp HR for approval ,but this week on Monday its change to completed at corp HR level .but still i was unable to see grade change in ultimatix.
    Please please update me

    1. Where do you track that it pending with corp HR for approval, thn changed to completed at corp HR.
      Is there any way to track this workflow…
      Pls tell me if there is somthng
      And also is it is officialy mentioned anywhere that 4 yrs has to be completed as on 31July09, i completed on 31sep09 .. any chances..

  84. Guys any one from GE ISU got promotion in Jan cycle
    I have checked with some of and no one has got yet.
    any info will be helpful

  85. Band D: My BRM says that my promotion is cleared from his work list. I have not got any letter. The local HR says that I have not got promotion since I had a D band. Iam not sure If I am elligible and did not get promotion or I am eligible but they have still hold my promotion waiting for my reaction.

  86. Hi Admin,

    I have been recommended for Jan2010 cycle, any idea whether it is on or the currency promotions are for only for july09 elegible candidates?

    Could you pls update?????????????

  87. I heard from one of my fried that if you have a D rating in last 4 year, then you are not elligible for the promotion. This is quite strange. Last year when my promotion did not happen, I was given the same reason, if you have a D rating your promotion wont happen in 3 year and it would take 4 year. Now I get to know its 4 years. If I stick with TCS then next year also they would say that it requires 5 year untill I leave TCS. So Its time that I talk to my senior that I am quiting TCS as on today. This is high time that people react. I dont have a job on my hand right now. But let the message be clear to the management as to how much it hurt when there is no people factor in a compnay which is driven only on profit.

    1. @ No Name please confirm
      was given the same reason, if you have a D rating your promotion won’t happen in 3 year and it would take 4 year. Now I get to know its 4 years.
      You Mean 4 yrs? Or 5 Yrs?
      In MY case ……………
      in 07 i got 2 rating because of project change , my promotion was initiated in June 08 but got rejected saying need 4 yrs if you have 2 rating .now 09 cycle HR is saying corp is reviewing your case . i don’t know what they are reviewing. Already my exp beyond 6yrs, +4yrs in same grade,
      in 2007 one team mate join with 3 yrs of exp and he gets his promotion without any problem in 08 and i am working from last 6 yrs still struggling for promotion . only once got 2 rating

  88. @ No Name,

    That may not be the case..There are lots of people with current year D ranking who got the promotions. I knew a person, who had D, and got a promotion in Aug 2009 and he quit TCS last month.

    So dont get disheartened,, things will work out for you as well…

    1. Band D. I spoke to my supervisor and he says my promotion has been cleared from Corporate. However, our ISU HR is not giving promotion as they have put one more criteria of not having a D rating in last 4 year. My supervisor do not want to lose me and he is trying his best for my promotion. I have told him that if its not working out please leave it as I am no more interested to stay in TCS as the company does not value people and only value top line (Money) and I ahve also told that I would like to quit TCS as early as now. So dont know how he took it. This is not at all a pressure tactics from my side just because TCS thinks they can do what ever they feel they should also see the dark side of doing this.

  89. No Name please confirm
    was given the same reason, if you have a D rating your promotion won’t happen in 3 year and it would take 4 year. Now I get to know its 4 years.
    You Mean 4 yrs? Or 5 Yrs?
    In MY case ……………
    in 07 i got 2 rating because of project change , my promotion was initiated in June 08 but got rejected saying need 4 yrs if you have 2 rating .now 09 cycle HR is saying corp is reviewing your case . i don’t know what they are reviewing. Already my exp beyond 6yrs, +4yrs in same grade,
    in 2007 one team mate join with 3 yrs of exp and he gets his promotion without any problem in 08 and i am working from last 6 yrs still struggling for promotion . only once got 2 rating

    1. True: Yes you are right. Earlier, it was the policy that you need to be in the same grade for 3 years. Now its sure that you have to be in teh same grade for 4 years. If you have a D then its one more year. Its not declared yet, but this is what teh criteria they ahve applied for the current promotion. Please speak to your supervisor and HR as well. there are cases which they are reviewing again based on recomnodation from supervisor.

  90. @ No Name
    i am not sure about your information in my team all who is eligible without D rating and 3 yrs in current grade got promotion only D rating person are waiting

  91. I agree with @True. He is absolutely right. If you have been promoted in TCS and have been in current grade for 3 years, then u wil move to the next grade.

  92. Admin:
    Could you pls confirm whether Jan Promotion Cycle is Over or still they will be releasing letters. My promotion was iniated in July 2008 and got D rating in 2009.
    Current Status shows “No Action” in Corporate Column. I am an EP and already spent 3 yrs in same designation. Can you pls confirm whether my promotion will happen or not this time?

    1. As per TCS HR, the cycle will go till 12th FEB’2010 and you will get promotion as soon as the head of your ISU approves the promotions in his ISU.
      So there are some ISU heads who still havn’t approve the promotion at their level…I don’t know why they want to delay it further 🙂

  93. wishes to all my seniors here,
    sorry for interfering on promotions board but i have to;;
    tcs conducted on-campus interview on 15 th july 0f 2008 at my college where as the recruitment branch is chennai
    i got offre letters and all formalities but havent get call letter.
    i’m a BE(comp sci & engg) graduate, cpmp sci students werent called though ece students were called. And my grand seniors please any one help me that when shall them call me.. i’m waiting eagerly and my cant able to answer my f&f..
    pls my seniors and so thanks

  94. My last status was Pending with corp HR(not sure how whats there now,Is there a way to check this from my side) and as of July 2009 have more than 4 years of experience wth C or B grades all time.Yet to receive any promotions.
    Whom to contact.Any one in TCFS got promoted.

    1. Just to add….. My promotion cycle started on July 2009.Is there a way to check my promotion status as of now.Where in ultimatix can we get them..Thank you

    2. No One has got promotion in TCSFS, as ISU head havn’t approved the promotions.
      As soon as he approves all promotions, after a batch run, you’ll receive yours.

  95. Message from Global HR Head:

    I am pleased to inform you that I have already finished the career of a lot of TCS professionals. But I am not satisfied. So I am pleased to announce the initiation of the annual corporate firing exercise wef **** date. In this regard the eligibility is the following:
    1. Associates who have already gone mad because of their gross neglect.
    2. Those people whose date of birth is before 1970 but they are still below Consultant level.(Buggers!!! why the hell your brain is not keeping pace with your age…. You fools….)
    3. Those persons who have quarelled with our esteemed BRMs.
    4. Those people who do not know time management. If they are late for more than 5 days in a year(year!!!!)…..

    The steps for the exercise will be the following…..
    1. Mr Ashok Mukherjee, our veteran HR head will prepare a list of all eligible candidates in consultation with the BRMs and GLs.
    2. Miss Suparna Bose, our corporate nominated admin lady will prepare some fake L1 visas. This is to throw the associates out of the building in some remote location so that they cannot discuss with the local HR….
    3. The GLs and BRMs will behave cruelly with the associates for some weird reasons.
    4. All sort of challenging work will be given to those associates who are billable.
    5. Some threening phone calls will come from the corporate HR office in the desks of the associates.

    1. All HR person in TCS are coming from very very low level colleges. They dont have even good communication skills. Getting poor salary but showing high attitude hahahahahah. I am really feeling pity for these people. May gold help them but no chance hahahahahaaaaaaaaaa 🙂

  96. HI Freinds in TCS,

    1) I got a D rating for the fiscal year 2007-2008.

    2) I was eligible for promotion by Dec 2008 itself, Because of D rating the system was not allowing to initiate the promotion on July 2009 for my appraiser, because the First cycle was opened on July 2009 only.

    3) Now the cycle has again opened and my appraiser was able to initiate the promotion as I completed one year by having a D rating (Means Dec 2008 to Dec2009) so He can initiate the promotion now and he has initiated that, approved by IOU HR also.All this happend on 18-01-2010.

    I hope this is clear.

    1. Only Manufacturing ISU has completed 90% of promotions. Rest of the ISU’s the list has not been finalised, so you guys might have to wait longer. Anyway the promotions will be given one way or the other. Dont lose hope.

  97. Hi all: The bad news is that the promotion were hand picked by some senior guys at the ISU. Hence, i your name does not appear in the list, then your chance o getting the promotion is almost 0. There is no need to wait for any more cycle. Check with your ISU HR i your name is in the list or talk to your supervisor if your name is in the list. There is no criteria for the promotion this time. If your name is in the list you are through else no.

    1. Please take my ward. There is no more promotions unless your manager pushes higher management. Just think, in your group, some people ahve got theri promotion and others have not how is it logical. I can understand if one ISU has not been released not within an ISU. The best way to conirm is to ask your supervisor to show you the promotion link.

  98. My Promotion was initiate in June 2008. But since i came to onsite my rating was D in H2 that year. Before that it was C. So will i be able to get promotion or not ? I am in Banking domain.

    Almost all my colleagues have gotten their promotion,but when I asked my manager he said to wait for some time and see since they are releasing in batches. Is he just simply saying this or is it true ?

    Any updates will be really welcome. I am now 6 yrs and still in ASE. its very frustrating.

    1. ASE:(: Take my word. If you have not got promotion, then its over or you this year. There is no more batches to run. Yuo can ask your local HR and she would be able to tell you that your promotion is not done.

  99. Hi All
    At last grade change in Ultimatix –> HR Management –> IOU Details & Workflow Approvers
    ALL the best fot all ..

  100. ASE 🙁 , you have to push your manager and request him to push ur case to corporate. or else I am sorry to say that you may not been promoted since you have a D band. Dont just sit and relax and think that your manager will do something and dont believe TCS management boss….thats the greatest mistake which you will be doing if you start believing them. So ACT now and ACT fast!!!

  101. May I get the info from any of the associates what is the average increase in salary(gross) they are giving for those promoted in this cycle?

  102. @Ex TCS er – the basic is becoming 14k for all ITA’s and final package for a person with grade B is 5.38
    This may vary depending on the current package of the ASE.

  103. Just another question – When will be the new package for the ITA effective from?
    As it is based on July 2009 cycle(as claimed by management) it should be effective from July 2009.

  104. EIS 1.0 Parent ISU has still not released there promotion. Don’t know what’s going on and what are they waiting for. Hopes are diminishing

  105. I am not so sure the Promtion has been done only for the people who are eligible from JULY 2009 or also for the people who are eligible in Jan 2010.
    According to the TCS criteria(3 Years in one grade) i am eligible for promotion from 28 Dec 2009, and my supervisor told that your promtion has been intiated and approved by the HR. Don’t know where it got stuck.

  106. Well ‘Loyal TCSer’ time to wake up and smell the coffee……. and if possible, also the s**t falling all around you.
    Only ppl til Jul 2009 are getting promoted in the Jan cycle. I missed mine by just a month – however I don’t care as my decision was already made. Either the next cycle will be in July or next year.
    So it’s upto you – learn to ‘experience uncertainty’ and keep your fingers crossed forever, or uncross your legs, stand up and reach for better opportunities. With such a top heavy structure glass ceiling arrives at ITA position.
    Is the hike worth our 5 yrs experience ….. look around. People are getting 8+ lacs and they’re not even lucky. With onshore experience 10 lacs is not beyond reach.
    Expand your horizons and let go when the notice period is just a month.

  107. Hi Guys,
    Can any one who has worked in TCS tells me the designations in TCS and how many years does each designation has (you can specify the minimum years of experience)

    1. If you are planing to join TCS, then think once again. If you are joining on a higher position then its a no no for you. If you are joining either as ASE or ITA then may be.

      1. Please provide me with the designations in TCS as well as with the years of experience required. I wanted to know what is the minimum years of experience for ITA (I.T Analyst) and which is the next position after ITA and how many years are needed for that position.

        1. Minimum years for ITA is 4 years. After that it is 3 years of wait. However, How it works:
          1. Once you join as ITA, you would get a D rating somewherein teh middle.
          2. Then the criteria changes to 4 years.
          3. Then there is a recomendation process that tells if the guy is extremely good, and is needed in the current project and no one can replace him then only they owuld consider for promotion.
          4. If you get a C rating and then get a D rating in the year when promotion is due, then you dont get the promotion.

          In nutshell, its very confusing to get a promotion at teh senior level unless you are very very close to your GL.

          1. Perfect scenario….
            ITA to AST took me 4.5 years.
            D(Released from project)
            B in first half

    2. Hey don’t join bastard company like TCS. TCS is my ass 🙂 and all poor quality managers of TCS lick my ass.

  108. HI TCS Freinds,

    Did any body has any news when they will announce promotions for D rating cases my supervisors are trying and they told that it is there in the corporate list when it will be released any news on that.I have a D in 2007 and 08

    1. If others in your group has got promotion and you are waiting, then forget that you would get this time. There is no news about giving promotion to guys with a D rating. If you get a D rating, the compnay wants you to leave. Feed this to your mind.

  109. Hi Admin,
    I joined TCS as an 3+ Years exp professional in June 2008 as an ASE. I haven’t got any band yet . As on 31st July 2009 I had around 4.3 years of total exp. My promotion was initiated in mid January 2010. I belong to FS ISU. Many people in my ISU got promoted but I am still waiting. My HR says I am eligible, but since one batch is yet to run so it is taking time, it will be completed before 10th Feb 2010. Any idea if My HR is correct or I have been taken for a ride?? Is there any chance of getting promoted even now???

  110. Yes, you are very much eligible for promotion on confirmation as per TCS standard policy. You deseve it dude!!

    Fight for your right..Dont step back

    1. Dear friends ,
      It seems TCS is doing all sorts of wrongs for junior level employees. There is only one medicine to it … If you just quit the company there wont be any damage as freshers will again come and face the same treatment… Hence spread the message through all your colleagues to their parent engineering colleges not to sit in TCS campus interview as those selected will be sure to be cheated by the management… Already it has been announced that the new recruits will be getting less salary in their training period. If the majority students follow this principle for 3-4 years , the company will get a lesson….


  111. what is the inhand while training and inhand after that.recurited from campus on a package of 3.15.what is the training period.

  112. I am still waiting for my promotion from ASE to ITA. I am eligible as on JUL 09 but have been nominated in the first week of Jan. I have been assure by my supervisor that it will happen soon.

    Are the batches still running? Is the corporate still working on the promotion cycle.
    @Admin Please clarify.
    someone who have reliable info plz share.
    please do not speculate.

  113. @ ADMIN

    As we all know, promotions are happening batch wise as well as ISU wise. They clear it like this:
    1) All straight forward cases first, which were approved in july 2008, but were not given in july 2009 due to some reason or the other. This is through.
    2) The next set of straight forward cases initiated from july 2009 to Jan 2010. Here the ppl should be eligible for promotion as on 31 July 2009. This is also through.
    3) All straight forward cases eligible for promotion as on 1 jan 2010. This is on hold.
    4) Current year band d cases irrespective of when the promotions are approved. This is also on hold.
    5) Also, I heard, people who are currently not allocated but due for promotion will come to the bottom of the list.

    Can you plz confirm from your reliable sources as to whether there are plans for rejecting promotions for current year band D people. I fall nder point number 4. mine was approved in july 2008 at all levels and unfortunately I got a D in 2008-09

  114. The Designations in TCS are as follows
    Sr CON
    Pr CON
    and regarding promotions from one level to another is 3 years, without having D. otherwise it may shift to 4 to 5 years for each level. If you have rating of 5 for 2 consecutive years then you are eligible for promotion to next level if your supervisor recommend. All these rules on the Book. But in the reality it all depends on your PM and GL. If GL is very stron in organization and he likes then you may get promotions as per his wish. If he is dummy guy then you are gone for the case.

  115. Atlast, I got promotion letter today but the hike is only 24,000 per annum. Any body has any idea as to what is the minimum salary for an ITA??

  116. I am fed of of being ASE for 5 yrs now and so want to be ITA.
    But if anyone expects promotions to bring substantial salary hikes in this company – ha ha ha!

    Gud luck!

  117. TCS Promotion Update : Promotions Captured in this Cycle –

    1. The associate must’ve been eligible for a promotion AS ON July 31, 2009
    2. The eligible promotion (as on 7/31/09) must’ve been initiated in Ultimatix no later than January 6, 2010
    3. Any old cases prior to July 2009 which were eligible and initiated in Ultimatix but missed in the July 2009 promotion cycle will also be picked up in this current January promotion cycle
    4. Any cases eligible for promotion after July 31, 2009 (i.e. August 1, 2009 and after) will be processed in the next promotion cycle (July 2010)
    5. There may be exception cases that were process by the ISU outside of the above aforementioned guidelines – this may happen. However, we don’t have the rationale for these particular cases and will not be able to compare these cases to others which did not get processed at this time

  118. @Boss, do you have an idea as to when the July 2010 cyclet might start? I mean will the promotions be out starting july 1 or july 31?

  119. @Boss, thanks for the update. Any idea about the hike for an ASE to ITA during that time since this time, the hike was very nominal

  120. @Boss,
    what happens to those unfortunate souls who were eligible as of July 31, 2009 but whose promotions were initiated after 6-Jan-2010 and are now lying with Corporate HR? any concrete update on those? from ur update it seems they have to wait till July, 2010. is that true?pls confirm.

  121. @frusto; Please speak to HR / Account Manager. As far as my information; everyone eligible as as on 31st July2009 and recommended during given cut-off date are getting promoted and cycle will run till 15th February2010. HR is in process of compiling list of people who missed the deadline; but there is nothing concrete communicated to HR about such promotion . it will only be taken up after Feb 15th. There’s also uncertainty on July ‘2010 cycle eligibility criteria; will it run off period till 1st Jan 2010 or 1st July 2010. my opinion; TCS Corporate currently wants to clean-up the back log and then intends to start of fresh. so it might take time year or two for it get back to old ways of yearly two rounds of promotion; H1 and H2

  122. admin,

    I spoke to HR yesterday and I was informed that the variable pay for the people who are promoted in Jan ’10 will be given along with the appraisal in April. I have recently became an ITA and expecting a B band in the appraisal . My package is around 5.3 . Any guesses what figure I will reach after appraisal ?

  123. What a shame! TCS corporate management hiding fior cover. TCS site is up on sale. Actually it has been hacked. FOR those who dont know, TCS claims to be one of the largest IT service providers and IT consultancy firm in the world. HA HA! ROLF!

    1. You need some networking lessons. There is something called a Domain Registrar which tells a system to goto IP address when you In this case, it was the Registrars systems that were compromised and they replaced the IP with and hence the UpForSale page you saw. Infact numerous other sites have been compromised since sunday evening.
      None of the TCS systems nor any other property was compromised.

    2. You need some networking lessons. There is something called a Domain Registrar which tells a system to goto IP address when you In this case, it was the Registrars systems that were compromised and they replaced the IP with and hence the UpForSale page you saw. Infact numerous other sites have been compromised since sunday evening.
      None of the TCS systems nor any other property was compromised here.

  124. At last i got my promotion letter today.
    Guys , I got to know from HR that they will close all pending but eligible cases by17 th of feb(before the payroll runs).

    All the best!!

  125. @ ASE-ITA

    Are you sure of the info you have posted, I got to know from my local HR that current year band D cases may not get the nod this cycle. Very confusingg…Can you pls double check with your HR and post back on this specifically.. advance thanks. mine is eligible as per the syatem, approved in july 2008 adn still waiting…

  126. @ASE-ITA; what do you mean “All” pending cases; any criteria or all pending as in all pending……congratulations on getting promoted.

  127. I was a Band D on 2007-8 due to changing project. Band B 2008-09.
    Total experience 5.5 yrs. Promotion initiated on July 2009. HR says pending approval with ISU head. I am not exactly understanding wht is going on. My manager is also trying. can you guys give some light.

  128. Are sure @Gas and @Boss I heard the cycle happen till 17 of feb…….
    Even otherwise what about exceptional cases…..I think they would be updated directly into the database…..What about people who have been recommended by their manager with a business case…Can you give us some light
    Many Thanks

  129. @ADMIN,

    Yet again, please help in clearing all doubts about the closure of the promotion cycle which is going on now…Is there any news about approved promotions but with current year band D and corporate not acting on. Please illuminate with some inputs.

    If the pending cases are not cleared in a few days from now, i think we need to wait till July 2010 to see like a pig near a dustbin if there will be news of promotion. pigs are infact better than us in getting some thing better.

  130. @ ALL,

    Got few updates. It seems the cycle is frozen but for very few cases. Current year band D cases and Unallocated cases are left out in this cycle. As i said earlier, if there is an increase in rating in this H2 for current D holders, they might get promoted i the next promotion cycle. I can be July 2010 or even later depensing on the market conditions. If there are few current D people whoc gt promoted,it might be only from ASE to ITA. All Current D associates expecting AST and above are denied. Lets carry on with our work and look for better chances outside instead of cribbing.

  131. @Admin Can you update the actual content in the top………Just be sure of the authenticity of the info that is being shared………………………………………………

  132. Hi..admin please clarify..its a band D in 2007-08 and band B in 2008-09..5.5 yrs exp. will I be promoted to ITA? Experience Professional..confirmation rating was 4. Please let me know I need to take decision accordingly..


  133. @Admin do you know if ISU-ERU has any plan to release all the review cases..
    please let me know its very important for me..they have not released a single case from ERU those which went for review

  134. @ All,

    Lost all hopes. There is no ppoint in talking on this topic.Its high time adn a warning bell has rung. Better oppportunities are there is HP, infy, CTS, wipro. Lets join the Quit TCS movement.

  135. Sometimes I feel that the govt of our country cannot recognise people. It gave the award “Padma Bibhusan” to both F.C. Kohli and Ramadorai. These people are the worst exploiter of work force.

  136. Hi All,

    Any updates on VA balance from April 2010. Currently the July 2009 and Jan 2010 promotion batches are without any hike in the VA component. We all are speculating that VA will be balance from the next financial year (April 2010), but still there is no formal communication about the same. Anybody has an update on this???

  137. I got my promotion from AST to ASOC. Thanks all of you. Specially Admin. I got just 500 rupees hike in my basic buts its ok since I dont intend to quit TCS for now. For others waiting or your promotion, all the best.

  138. Hi,

    Does anybody got any formal communication from HR or Project management that VA will be getting balanced in April (after the H2 Appraisal Cycle)???

  139. Its really frustrating. Only who knows better oiling and knows how to buttering their so called good for nothing supervisors, only they are eligible for good rating, promotion and onsite opportunity in TCS and this is the fact.

  140. Hi Guys,
    I got an offer letter form TCS, Gurgoan for the post of ASE grade C1, I have experinec of 3 years 9 month. They are giving me package of 5.5 .

    I recently joined a samll firm in Noida ,january 2010, here i am getting 5.30 per annumn. previous to that i have experince of 3 years 6 month in wipro, there i had worked as Sr. Software Engineer.

    TCS, Gurgoan is telling it is a govt project in C++ for which they have recruited me.

    Can any one suggest is it a appropiate grade C1 for 3 years 10 month exp guy?Is the salry offered being negotiable now?
    Beacuse of TCS name and onsite oppurunity (may be later) is charm for taking this offer other than that i dont have any interest to join it .

    please suggest will it be good to join the company or wait for some more time before switching to TCS.

    Thanks in Advance.

    1. @new joinee
      For your experience the package seems to be good. Also your grade is reasonable, if you dont have experience as PL, then this is the right role.

      I think this is the best deal you can get from any Indian MNC, so go ahead and join.

      1. hi Dextre thanks for your reply .
        My friend just joined TCS as ITA with a exp of 4years 5 month., i dont know the pakage for it.

        when one can expect a role change , how much time you have to serve as ASE ?

        1. To be eligible for ITA, you need a minimum 4 years of experience and in some cases they might select someone with a month or less as ITA as well. But these rules are expected to change and these days most people withing TCS get ITA promotions after 5 years.

          You should be eligible for ITA in the next years promotion cycle if the current rules dont change. And again this is a good deal, considering many with around 5 years of experience are getting less package than you in TCS.

          1. Do u have any idea abt the project that is in C,C++ , unix Linux in gurgoan, They told it is govt project, but dont know whteher it is Indian or some other Govt / what are the onsite chances for this?

  141. Hi I got promoted from AST to ASSOC during Jan cycle. Currently at US. Will there be any change in my US salary after the much hyped hike?

  142. Hi All,

    I have been offered position of ASE in TCS with package of 4.7pa. I have an experience of 3 yrs. Initially the HR called up and was offering 5.25 package, however on recieving the offer letter, I saw the package was 4.7 !!!!. I m too much confused and amazed. I haven’t accepted the offer letter yet(Its validity is 7 days). Please someone help.

  143. As far as I know, 5.25 is a little high for your experience as per TCS standards. However as you say they had offered it earlier, rejecting it may be a wiser option unless they are offering you a good project and technology exposure.

    1. Thanks Ex_TCSer, but considering my current package which is 3.6, a 45% hike to 5.25 is average. Also, my friends with same or less package with same experience have received 60-80% hike in other companies. (Syntel for example)

      How would I get to know if I will be in a good project unless I join TCS? Also as I said, on phone I was offered 5.25 but on paper its 4.7. It seems there has been some mis-communication due to which this has happened. I am following up with HR on same.

      1. Ok, the thing is that almost everytimeeverything (%age of salary hike) depends on how much you are drawing currently (except in some rare cases where you have . So for a 3.6 package 5.2 should be the minimum

        1. Sorry for the incomplete post earlier.
          Ok, the thing is that almost every time (%age of salary hike) depends on how much you are drawing currently (except in some rare cases where you have the technology expertise which is not readily available in market) . So for your current package what they have offered you is certainly less considering the variable component in it too. Hence rejecting it seems to be the only option according to me. Regarding the project, generally you would be allocated the same of the Manager who took your MR. You can follow up with the HR on this.

  144. Hi dexternights,
    I attended an interview and cleared all the three rounds on March 20, 2010. The statuses were updated in the online portal on March 26, 2010 saying Technical, MR & HR were cleared. But still I am not receiving my offer letter from TCS. Any idea when shall I get the offer letter?

    1. Hi Ram,

      Although, I am not sure but I have encountered same issue. I had also appeared for TCS Walkin for .NET and had cleared all rounds. After 2 days, HR called up and offered me 5.25 package. I called them up after 5-6 days asking when they would release the offer letter. I got the offer letter after 3-4 days but to my surprise the offer was 4.7 (less than what was offered on phone). Considering my current package which is 3.6 and my experience(3 yrs) a package of 4.7 is only 30% hike. Also I would get hike in my current company which will be anything between 10-20% (may be more). So a 30% hike doesn’t make any sense.
      I called of the Talent acquisition head to ask what is going on and this was what I was told: ‘Higher management is thinking on putting hold on recruitment for .NET and we will get back to you’. It implies either u have to compromise at a much lesser package as in my case or u have to wait and watch.

      Anyway, I will suggest you to get in touch with the Talent Acquisition team ASAP.

  145. I have been promoted to ITA in Jan 2010, with hike of only 24k in BOB. What is the slab for ITA with 5 yrs exp. in TCS.

  146. Sorry to mention, my gross was 5.23 pa, and now it is 5.49 pa with 24k hike…What is the Slab for ITA? Do I expect any hike in VA for ITA slab?

  147. Now my band is B, so how much hike can I expect? From last 2 yrs my basic remained 14700 and even VA not changed. So can u pls tell me how much hike in Basic and VA pls?

  148. I joined TCS on 1 Aug ’05. I was on LWP for exactly an year in 08-09. My band has always been B except for this yr when it was C. Will I be eligible for promotion to ITA in July cycle?

    I asked the same from my HR. I was informed that it is too early to comment as they are awaiting for this yr’s promotion guidelines which will come in May. This time they are expecting RELAXED guidelines.

    Actually I am concerned because people eligible on 1 July are considered in July cycles, along with 30 days relaxation. So people joining on 1 Aug and later are considered in next Jan cycle. I discussed the same with HR and I was told this is true. I just want to know if there is a way out of this situation – to get promotion in July cycle itself. Because waiting for 6 months because of not meeting the eligibility by 1 day will be bad.

    1. You will be eligible. Make sure that your boss recommend you for promotion and is approved by supervisor. Pl note, eligible does not mean you have absolute right to get promotion. If your supervisor don’t agree check with him how it can be achieved.

  149. TCS- Bad management- NGM IndiaVertical
    As said above by some one, TCS is distroying many of its employees. Especially most of the bad things starts with NGM India vertical. Here GLS and PLS are chamchas. they support the chamchas and they dont support performers. TCS is good company with BAD management.
    What ever the implementation projects that is handled by TCS in india under NGM are scraped and poor clients does not understand that. because of politics, they give projects to TCS.

  150. Hello All,

    TCS has kept ITA’s waited for 1-2 years and even now they have not been given promotion hikes. Thay have been told to wait fo one more year.

    Will we get arrears for this duration.

    Rao Sahab

    1. RAO SAHAB ji , aap TCS mein naye ho kya?

      ASAL hi mil jaye bahut hai SUTH ke baad mein chinta karna . yehi mil gaya tu bahut hai. ek saal baad bolienge dada fir ek saal milega promotion tu kya karooge .. arrear hi gaate rahan gana..

  151. Hehe.. TCS has made a joke again with its employees, After giving promotions now HR says that for salary increament will be effective from atleast one year after promotions. So promotions is only for name sake…
    Also salary hike is not as much as it is hyped.
    So enjoy.. TCSers

  152. TCS Attrition rate will go up to 25-30% in the APRIL 2010 EnD. The appraisal process is over and people will not getting good hike a very marginal hike would be dere ….which is about 5 to 9 % . May God helps those who will left in TCS after April 2010 because company will left with Freshers and seniors who will be 10 + years of experience . The middle level technical guys are leaving TCS.Unchee Dukan feeka pakwan …. TCSer gone in depression. The Problem with Tcs guys are if he or she will be in TCS for more than TCS than nobpdy in market gives job to TCSer.This is the reputation of TCSers in Market. They just becoem the damad of the company nothing else and start frustating other TCser. No technical only managers , technicals would either be at onsite or he/she may be fresher. TRUE line for Tcsers.

    1. Nandini Chandrashekar, Bangalore, June 27, DH News Service :

      The Ministry of External Affairs’ passport application process in the City is in such utter mess that Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the software company that was awarded the contract by the MEA less than two years ago, faces the prospect of losing it.

      Billed as the MEA’s flagship project, the services at the Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs) have begun to go awry slightly over a month after the Foreign Office-TCS project was launched. Consequently, far from stabilising, the project has floundered, leading to complete chaos for citizens seeking passports.

      MEA sources in South Block told Deccan Herald that problems, from obtaining tokens at the PSKs to slow servers which crash frequently, as well as waiting out an agonisingly granting process, continue to bedevil the project which kicked off on May 21 as a public-private partnership (PPP).

      Deccan Herald had earlier reported on October 1 last year that a 20-member team from the Standard Testing and Quality Control Directorate of the Department of Information and Technology had detected hundreds of “bugs” in the software, developed and employed by TCS, that caused innumerable issues, including problems in data migration. This caused a delay in the launch of the project by a year.

      But the problems faced after May 21 by a considerable number of applicants during the supposedly streamlined process have infuriated the MEA mandarins who have issued TCS with a deadline to put some order back in the project, failing which they are considering cancelling the contract given to the software firm.South Block sources, however, said both the MEA and TCS must share the blame for the sorry state of affairs.

      Having done away with other agencies and organisations that accepted passport applications in Bangalore, there was a too much burden at the PSKs where an increased number of applications turned up to apply for the travel document.

      “Coupled with a glut of applicants, the troubled software has not been able to handle the pressure. In the initial weeks, the TCS servers crashed several times,” an MEA source disclosed. After the launch, the system has broken down so frequently that applications who registered online had a trying time filling in the information. Many such applicants have now returned to the PSKs for manual submission of the forms and supporting documents.

      On an average, under the earlier system, the Passport Office at Koramangala could easily process 300 applications a day. That figure has now come down to 160. The pressure and the problems encountered by the PSKs led an MEA source to bemoan that “We deserve this. They (TCS) have let everyone down, including themselves.”

      As of today, according to MEA sources, TCS has been fined Rs 48 lakh for the delays and problems in implementation of the project. Even now, integrating the TCS software with the old working system, called PISON, of the Passport Office is yet to be completed.
      TCS, whose ideas of resolving problems are at variance with the MEA, finds many reasons to attribute the problems to. One being, the greater number of walk-ins (people without online appointments) is one of the major factors. But TCS employees, who indicated they were in favour of a third PSK in the City, do not account for the fact that not all citizens are expected to suddenly turn Internet savvy and insisit on online registration.

      At the PSKs, harrowed applicants will manage to finish the process in an entire day, if they are lucky, or else have to return at least a couple of times more to get all work on their applications done.

      “If the number of people queuing up was too much to handle, why did they curtail submissions at other centres like Bangalore One, even before their systems stabilised,” asked an exasperated MEA official.

  153. can any one tell me when is the current May 10 promotion cycle starts and ends…and who are eligible for this cycle..

    @dexter : please ans

  154. U will get a hike in the basic pay wef the promotion date , but the VA will be the same for one year.

        1. Hi tcs1000,

          I have got variable pay change from Jul 1st as below which is contridiction to your amount. I am also band C. Is there any condition behind this?

          Performance pay 1 – 13500
          performance pay 2 – 2900

          1. I really dont knw…. did u get ur prom in July’09 or Jan’10? If its Jan’10, thn may b u will get the full amt after 1 yr and this amt is jst aftr 6 months.

  155. Guys who got promoted in July 2009 – Please give feedback about the hike you received one year after the promotion date.

  156. Few of the ISU’s have started releasing July’10 promotion letters. I am sure BFSI hasn’t started yet. Any ideas how soon it is going to come?

    1. How do we get letters? through Ultimatix or Email ? Also, can you please let us know what ISUs have started to release the letters?

  157. Guys,

    Any News about promotion Letters???

    Is there any information regarding interview for assoc and above for promotion?

    I heard TCS may delay promotion for 6 months for some associates at senior position.

  158. My friends I have worked in TCS for 5.5 years and left after promotion from ASE to ITA.There was only increase of Rs2000 in basic.Please keep in mind companies are for making profit. TCS is bloated with excess employees. Freshers get stuck in documentation and PMO activities.So dont expect good hike. The best way is shift to another MNC and return to TCS at higher grade and package. I worked very closely with Project Managers and there is total discord between sales , delivery team. The HR officer told me it doesn’t make difference if associates are going as there is a long queue of freshers.
    After 5 years of continous service my CTC with appraisal of A was 5.4lacs.

  159. Guys; its been long since i have posted any comments; i think Promotion letters have started to come out. its first week of July’2010. not sure on the criteria . I will get confirmed news in couple of days. Also; even if you get promoted; VA will be starting July’11

  160. I think they have delayed the july cycle. As there were extensive backlog promotions last time. Looking into the current Euro Crisis its delayed further.

  161. Hi Friends,
    Someone told me that the policy of giving VA hike after 1 Year will be revised to 6 Months. Is it true????
    If it is so then even I can get a VA hike as I was promoted in Jan 2010.
    Please update………

  162. Hi,
    They said they will increase the variable pay after we spend 1 yr on the promoted level. I got my promotion in July 2009. Thus, I have completed 1 year on the promoted level, but there seems to be no communication about the pay hike.

    Any body got any pointers?

  163. @ Boss : Hv u got any update as you said u will have it in couple of days….. I heard that it is going to be released in next week but no clarity on VA.

    Also can someone pl let me know what is the basic pay for AST & VA as one of my friend has got an offer with 20,000 Basic pay + 34,000 VA PM

  164. I suggest all US client don’t give any project to TCS. TCS will definetly Scrap the project as TCS does not have real techie people. All dumb managers are from NON-IT background and they know only how to take others credit and politics. I strongly recommend all US client and techie people stay away from TCS.

  165. Hi Admin,

    Can you start a new thread ” TCS exploiting employees in the name of July 2010 Promotion”

    The big shots have said many heavy words in Media , but when it comes to delivering, they are providing peanuts in the name of promotion and asking us to wait for 6 & 12 months for remaining portions

  166. Can anybody promoted inJuly 2010 let me know whether all promoted at the same time received the updated VA letters and what is the magnitude of those VAs across all grades.

  167. Hi All, forgot to post my update that i got promoted last Thursday and 7 more in my project got promoted as we had ours pending for last one year. VA hike will be split into 2 parts; one will be set between January2011 till June2011 and second half will follow it up till Jan 2012.
    No immediate hike or any sort of hike in basic or any other reenumeration’s. Just one component got added; vehicle allowance. very disappointing figures; but yes “Got Promoted”. not surprisingly; i wont be in TCS to see the next promotion. had enough !!!

  168. Hi everyone I joined TCS as a fresher in mar 2010 and currently working as a database administrator , can you guide me on what should I do ,leave tcs after 2 years of exp or hang on or go for MBA

  169. Hi Admin,
    I joined as EP in Dec 07 with 2.3 yrs (tcs relevant) exp. Promotion initiated on Dec 09 and pending with corp HR. But didn’t get promotion on July 2010. Got a D in 2009-2010. what is the reason behind it? can i expect it on January 2011?
    thanks in advance.

    1. No January Cycle in 2011. If you get D/C/E band any time then better leave TCS ASAP. This is my sincere advice.

      TCS has created some hidden criteria which they do not share in promotion guidelines.

      There are so many eligible people who recommended this year. Their recommendations are pending with corporate HR but they did not get promotion. Also no one is giving firm answer. Now you can understand that what’s going on in ‘so called’ Ethical and employee friendly company.

      Any IT company is simply a broker and Body Shopper. Either thru T&M or Fixed Bid. TCS shattered TATA’s reputation.

      TCS is part of TATA group then now I can say TATA is blood sucker. They are proud of for making bull shit third class trucks, cars etc. He should be kicked out from India ASAP.

  170. Anyone knows when was the promotion cycle initiated? Also what was the critieria for this current results?

  171. Guys don’t make mistake by leaving TCS . I know the fact about tcs. Even though TCS pays less in offshore it pays very well in onsite. TCS sends his all employee to onsite and once you go you will not come back. TCS will never send back his onsite employee to offshore. All my friend who were in TCS now at onsite(US) since last 4/5 yr and enjoying there. As per them they will not come back as TCS is not willing to send back. So dont quit TCS and go onsite as TCS sends all his employee to onsite. I did the mistake by quiting TCS and now not getting onsite. I am regretting for that.

    1. Leave TCS, Sooner the better. No Onsite. TCS reduced filing visas. Clients are looking only for senior resources having atleast 10+ years of IT exp. TCS offer average salary at onsite. Also TCS reducing onsite and increasing offshore.
      Seems like ex-Tcser is actually not an ex-Tcser, he must be any nonsense tcs HR.

      1. Hey.. I can give you lot of reference who went to onsite after 2yr of exp and now settled there. Now the situation may be little bit tough. If you are still in tcs fight for that, fight with your manager to get onsite. Regarding salary you can save min 1 lac per month at onsite which you can never be able to save in India. So dont get frustrate and strive for that.

  172. Hi,

    I have got promoted in January 2010 as ITA. Actually my relevant exp in TCS is 6.00 as per the ultimatix. When they calculate the promotion eligibility for AST is 3 yrs from ITA or they will take the total relevant experience as a elegibility.

    Please clarify.


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