How to obtain older versions of Sun Java – JDK or J2SDK or J2SE

Many have asked me how to obtain the older versions of 's Development kits and runtimes. Here is the archive of all the older versions of Sun's Java installations and runtimes.

Sun Java – Older JDK,J2SDK,J2SE Archive link

One might wonder why these older versions are needed, most developers use older versions of JDK , J2SDK for sake of compatibility with respect to servers. For instance any WAS running version 6 will need J2SDK 1.4.2 update 9 . And most Development teams all over the world are still using J2SE 1.5 versions of JDK and JRE.
The above link has links for

JDK/JRE – 6 6 Update 16 6 Update 15 6 Update 14 6 Update 13 6 Update 12 6 Update 11 6 Update 10 6 Update 7 6 Update 6 6 Update 5 6 Update 4 6 Update 3 6 Update 2 6 Update 1 6

JDK/JRE – 5.0 5.0 Update 21 5.0 Update 20 5.0 Update 19 5.0 Update 18 5.0 Update 17 5.0 Update 16 5.0 Update 15 5.0 Update 14 5.0 Update 13 5.0 Update 12 5.0 Update 11 5.0 Update 10 5.0 Update 9 5.0 Update 8 5.0 Update 7 5.0 Update 6 5.0 Update 5 5.0 Update 4 5.0 Update 3 5.0 Update 2 5.0 Update 1 5.0

J2SDK/J2RE – 1.4 1.4.2_191.4.2_181.4.2_171.4.2_161.4.2_151.4.2_141.4.2_131.4.2_121.4.2_111.4.2_101.4.2_091.4.2_081.4.2_071.4.2_061.4.2_051.4.2_041.4.2_031.4.2_021.4.2_011.4.2 (Initial)1.4.1_07 + documentation1.4.1_061.4.1_051.4.1_041.4.1_031.4.1_021.4.1_011.4.1 (Initial)1.4.0_04 + documentation1.4.0_031.4.0_021.4.0_011.4.0 (Initial)

J2SDK – 1.3 1.3.1_251.3.1_241.3.1_231.3.1_221.3.1_211.3.1_20 + Documentation1.3.1_191.3.1_181.3.1_171.3.1_161.3.1_151.3.1_141.3.1_131.3.1_121.3.1_111.3.1_101.3.1_091.3.1_081.3.1_071.3.1_061.3.1_051.3.1_041.3.1_031.3.1_021.3.1_01a1.3.1_011.3.1 (Initial)1.3.0_05 + documentation1.3.0_041.3.0_031.3.0_021.3.0_011.3.0 (Initial)
J2RE – 1.3 1.3.1_251.3.1_241.3.1_231.3.1_221.3.1_211.3.1_20 + Documentation1.3.1_191.3.1_181.3.1_171.3.1_161.3.1_151.3.1_141.3.1_131.3.1_121.3.1_111.3.1_101.3.1_091.3.1_081.3.1_071.3.1_061.3.1_051.3.1_041.3.1_031.3.1_021.3.1_01a1.3.1_011.3.1 (Initial)1.3.0_051.3.0_041.3.0_031.3.0_021.3.0_011.3.0 (Initial)
J2SDK – 1.2 1.2.2_17/_017 + documentation1.2.2_16/_0161.2.2_15/_0151.2.2_14/_0141.2.2_13/_0131.2.2_0121.2.2_0111.2.2_0101.2.2_0091.2.2_0081.2.2_0071.2.2_0061.2.2_0051.2.2_0041.2.1_004
J2RE – 1.2

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