Microsoft to launch IE 9 in September 2010

is preparing for its next big launch party, the next generation of its famous Web Browser Explorer, Since the launch of IE 7 Microsoft has steadily rised in the Browser Games, with IE 8  MS started following the open standards in rendering moving away from its own implemenation.

With Microsoft tries to beat and in terms of performance and native hardware rendered support for . MS boasts of considerable performance improvement in Javascript implementation (Sunspider tests) , ACID tests (95%), and HTML 5 rendering.

Microsoft has been target of   critics prior to IE 7, but the criticisms have reduced and general stability and image of IE platform has generally been positive in the last few years.

Considering that IE is the only browser with a 64 bit version and Most of the new purchases are in 64 bit version, IE 9 can be expected to create considerable buzz.

You can test drive IE 9  here –

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