Not so professional – Infosys Chennai

(This is a user contributed article -if you have any questions please leave a comment. Similar articles on Indian industry are welcome)

I am writing this here not to create any confusion among or to defame organization created by great minds like “Mr.Narayana moorthy”. I just want to stop the unethical and unprofessional practices followed in department. I don't want anyone to suffer anymore in that department.

I am an Engineering graduate with more than 80% from a reputed engineering []. I got placed in Infosys through on-campus interview. I felt so happy when I got selected. It was dream coming true for me. My days at Mysore training was so great except that extended training which we had to undergo due to . I completed all the streams successfully [generic, OS, mainframe] with CGPA more than 4.9. When we were eagerly waiting for our posting, HR informed that we were put into CCD department. We were all shocked to death. We opposed their decision but nothing worked. After wasting our 7 months time in training, was not a good option. HR told us that CCD would not be worse like we were all thinking. Then we underwent CCD training in Mysore and some of us got posted in Chennai – Mahindra city.

The First weirdest thing was when we had to call the CCD head “Sir”. Even if anyone calls him by his name, he would give them an odd look “How dare you to call me by name? You know who I am?” I don't understand why we were told in my ILI classes that we should not use “Sir” and “Madam” in corporate environment. So then is CCD not a part of Infosys? Is it run by some local company? Please give the ILI sessions to this gentle man.

When we were introduced to our senior CCD employees, first thing they asked us “Why did you join this department? We are all trying to escape from this place.” We thought they were complaining about CCD department as there is no career progression. Later we realized they were referring to our Head and resource team Lead. I thought politics was common and if we work and exhibit our talents well, we could survive here.

The first assignment we were given was we had to go to all the user places and collect the employee details [employee ID, employee number and project code] , cubicle details and other s/w information. Note: Total capacity of Chennai, MCity DC is more than 10,000 and it s still increasing steadily]. If they really want this information, it can be retrieved by many easy methods. There is no need to go in personal and do it. Employee details can be easily retrieved from database system or from active directory by running a simple query in less than one minute.

Our CCD head and resource team lead blindly denied all our good suggestions as they were keen on sending us to collect these details as if they were no other work there to assign to us. And moreover cubicle details have to be collected by facility persons or H/W asset management team [resource team]. Another way is, if you drop a to all PM MCity distribution list for employee details and cubicle details working in their project, they will get it and will provide it to you. But what is the need that we, engineers who graduated with more than 80 % in reputed engineering college and got CGPA more than 4.9 should go and collect these details. These details [cubicle details] can be collected by even a 3rd class school student.

My CCD head and resource team Lead called this as a new initiative. [Here resource team lead means not human resource [HR] – /desktop asset managing person.] Though she is not our manager, she thinks that she is our manager and acts like HR person. These practices are fully supported by our CCD Head. There is no limit for anything here.

Finally we went to user' [employees] places and started collecting the details. This work went for more than a month. While my other batch mates who got into other units were coding, we were collecting the cubicle details. We spoke to our Head that we would want unit transfer as we were not interested in collecting user and cubicle details. He shouted at us and denied our request. Even at one point we planned to quit as a mass, but it didn't go well. So we went to user' [employees] place and collected the details.

In the first 6 months, we didn't do anything good except calling employees on their extension and collecting their cubicle details. They gave us some work like account unlocking and other small s/w installations etc. After 6 months, they came up again with new initiative “port detail collection”. It is the worst of all. We have to go to user's place and bend down the desk and collect port number located near the power plug point. The fun part is we were again asked to collect user and cubicle details as the data was expired over a time. Yes, these details change every day. Is this the feasible solution to maintain user details? If Infosys leaders don't know how to maintain their employee details feasibly, then how are they going to maintain their client accounts? Are they going to send employees to their client places and collect their details manually?

The ultimate comedy is they called this as initiative. Nice initiative!! [Note: Our great Infosys Leaders like NRN thought if they give good ratings for initiative in appraisals,  people will be more interested to develop new, efficient and time saving  s/ws and methods so thought they introduced this.]  You know for initiatives there is good rating in appraisals. They put this task as a great initiative done in MCity CCD department and get good appraisals. When we put that in our appraisal as initiative, my head said this was not a good work and we got nothing in appraisal.
We were totally embarrassed many times when we went to users' place and collected cubicle and port details. They would treat as like facility people and every time we would want to say to them “we are also employees of Infosys who finished engineering and Mysore training with good percentage but we were unlucky and so got into this work by fate. Otherwise we would be working like you only”.

Ok. These and all are some of the bad things happening here. I don't want to write everything here as it would take another 20 pages. You may wonder how people work here. Actually nobody wants to work here and everyone wants to leave this place ASAP. Every month MCity CCD people quit Infosys. The Sole reason is they cannot tolerate stupidity of MCity CCD head and resource team Lead who is B.Sc Nutritionist graduate and she is unofficial manager of MCity CCD department. Even my PM would afraid to talk to her as she has strongly laid her foundation here.

I can hear people saying it is common everywhere. Yes. It is common everywhere. But there should be some limit for everything. There is no professionalism and work ethics here.[Other Infosys units are good only but except here . ] They are running their own empire here. Some time they behave like college senior and rag other junior employees. It is not fair. We really feel like we are working for some local dada[Rowdy] gang.

As I could not tolerate them anymore, I started searching for a job and got one too.
So I am quitting infy – my great Infosys.
While you people complain that you didn't get onsite opportunity or CRR1 or for putting you into different , just look into our case. How pathetic it is! We were treated like facility people. I really feel bad that I could not do anything about these unethical and unprofessional practices.

Though Infosys's slogan is powered by Intellect and Driven by Values, in our case is it true?
HR and other higher officials are not doing anything about this. They simply sit in their chair and close their eyes and create the policies. They always think about the ways to impress their boss and never think or look into employees' issues.
If there is only requirement for facility, why did they recruit us? They could have recruited 10 th completed guys. Why did they recruit engineering graduates with good marks?
P.S: If you think, I am trying to catch attention or spamming here; you can ask anyone who joined MCity CCD department and verify the above information.
P.S.S: We are not supposed to sit and read newspaper in Lobby area because we are in internal support. What about other employees? They are also in support only but for external client so can they read newspaper in lobby area?
And we are not supposed to drink our tea/coffee in work place as our MCity CCD head don't like it.
P.S.S.S: The incidents mentioned above are 100% true. 🙂

P.S.S.S.S: I m not saying whole Infosys is bad…It s really good company to work with. It provides world class training and teaches work ethics. You can never get such a good training anywhere in the world.

For every young man, Infosys training is a true dream.

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220 Replies to “Not so professional – Infosys Chennai”

    1. I agree that there must have been something wrong. But it is highly improbable that everyone was conspiring against your group or you.
      One just needs to leave the company when he/she is this unhappy. After all, it is all about competitiveness. While all your peers got allocated, why did you not get allocated? Also it is all about business my friend. It is only that we do not get much info at the beginning and thus we feel bad at everything. I think you have lot of disrespect for facility people. Let us always respect everyone irrespective of the nature of work.

      1. “But it is highly improbable that everyone was conspiring against your group or you.” – where does he say that? please read sensibly before posting.

        “While all your peers got allocated, why did you not get allocated?” – has he already mentioned that he cannot write everything. just because you don’t have the answer to this stupid qs u think he is incompetitive? he scored more than 80 percent and 4.9 CPGa, comes from good college – therefore he is definitely competitive.

        And you are an a**h0le !!

        Ur a major dork!

    2. Yes when one is unhappy they obviously switch to some other company or find a way out, but it is more important that they share their experience and voice out to help a wonderful oraganization like INFOSYS not to lose their reputation…and to bring out someone with a bad attitude who is a threat to the pride of the organization….

  1. Attrocious…
    Will some one bring it into the notice of the Management of
    Infosys so that they can look into the mess

  2. Thanks for taking out time to write all the details about the way you and your fellow colleagues were treated.
    It only adds on to the fact that Employees often leave organizations due to their Bosses.
    Actually, we all have something to learn from what has been shared above.
    As we grow up the ladder and become managers ourselves, lets not forget that we were freshers once. Let us learn to treat our colleagues (juniors and seniors) with respect. Let us learn to nurture our sub-ordinates & learn the good traits from our seniors.
    This could very well be the story in any organization. We should not tolerate exploitation ourselves and should not tolerate the exploitation of our sub-ordinates.
    I am sure the culprits would get their due and in the mean time I wish you all the best in your career and hope you do not get to experience this in the future ever again.

  3. YOu should have simply quit, if the things were so unbearable. At the end of the day, it is just business. I guess you were overtly emotional about working with Infosys.

  4. The AAD Senior managent headed by Mr. M***** will not be worried about this because they are all well satisfied by the initiatives done by AAD VCity head. That too today they will be least bothered since one out of 😯 is leaving the team.

    Back in 2008 also they were not worried when 4 out of 8 from the team. Employee satisfication is a unknown word to the head. It is not the old days where Infy employees once selected will there for 20 to 25 years because of the banner.

    The HR team (if they are really working) must remember that in last quarter 7200 employees left the company. This information was given by the CEO of the company itself.

    CEO sir please excuse me for adding this line I have a great respect on you, but I have to write this here so that something will be done for the poor VCity AAD labours (employees)

    If someone from Infy management sees this please take some necessary action to seperate AAD Head and Resource Manager atleast.

  5. I am very depressed and sorry to write this in very late phase; because my mouth was tided up in Infosys by Mr. XX… I am also among on of them affected by him and her. There were many folks affected like me.. Still affecting… The only cause for me and many of them to leave from Infosys is Mr. XX… Not only for me Infosys is a Dream company for many… Still I love very much Infosys, because of Infosys, today I am standing in IT field as a star.. Nobody was able to speak anything since he was able to give any type of punishment to anyone in the team.. and Mr. Aj… & Resource Manager who are as Informer for him.. I can write many incidents which were happened by MA but I don’t want make any issue on this as I would like to save or not happening like this incidents for the guys who are currently in CCD Mcity… This type of peoples should be kicked out of the company….

  6. Infy management , Plz take some necessary action. I left infosys coz of Vcity AAD head only. I loved my infy and my job but these ppl only made me quit.
    Noone working here is ready to complain against them as everyone here knows what he will do to us.
    Soon Vcity AAD team is going to end up with 3 0r 6 ppl – Mr.head, resource mgr, aji and their gangsterssss … all other will leave the infosys

    1. ya… some months back 2 laterals joined ccd … they too quit…
      Notable incident was one of them were using one PC and it was seized by this gang intentionally one morning without informing him.. he spent his days here without PC… how cruel! The reason was he didnt obey them…….

  7. CCD is Computers and Communication Division.

    This is just and example of what Chennai ha s seen .
    The situation is almost same in Chandigarh also .

    With people quitting like anything , The management is not letting them go before serving 3 months , not even if you pay out. the threat of spoiling the experience certificate.

    especially the internal projects like CLO , Finacle etc.

  8. I left infosys last year because of this ccd. After graduating from a reputed engineering college , my job in infosys included sticking stickers in printers, going to each cubicles and installing softwares (click next and finish ,thats all i had to do ) , checking server names and noting it down, calling computer users and confirm the assets they own.

  9. These Vcity-AAD Head is not eligible for anything..i think he is an uneducated guy..He is making everyone to trouble

    Dear management,

    Please Kick him out of from INFY

    1. One should be aware of the fact that everybody is part of the organization AAD so called head behaves like the co-founder of the oraganization and has plans to retire from the same company with such bad attitude towards his collegues…every great men are respected for their behaviour and not the power or position they hold..let this go into AAD Head

  10. Yeah i too heard Vcity -AAD is worst & Not professional because of some culprits & Spoiling Infosys (India based MNC) name also

    Better my suggestion whoever quits send an internal mail (After receiving relieve letter) complaining that bullshit senior lady to all teams.

    Atleast whoever joins as fresher let them aware & let higher Management take action.

    Thanks 🙂

  11. i would like say thanks to MR.NR & his team to built enterpership across the globe.

    But due few dirty middle mangement like this will destroy the infy ethics & culture. please try to recover soon.

    always their is different between working for SLA & Solution.
    i think MR.XX is working only for SLA. think accountablity & creadblity he have to become senior manager.
    Is VCity AAD did any innovation so for.
    IS VCITY handling any challanging technolgies in AAD .

    Than what HR is doing. is HR will work only for apprisal.
    i would like to question only HR not VCITY AAD.Because they have to protect the resources. not MR.XX.

  12. Guys, I was also affected by the above mentioned guys.. i strugled with them for many years, there was a xmilitary guy leading for AAD (Computers & Communication Division) who is a literal SHIT and never botherd about the team, now there is another guy, god knows what he is doing..
    AAD is a very good and very interesting department, i learnt a lot from there. only people are scared due to these kinda shitties.. they spoil the brand name
    Pls do not blame HR, they have their own HR system inside AAD, so even if you complain against them your next appraisal will be screwed..
    But guys i am happy that only one appraisal i got screwed but rest three years i screwed thier happiness.. so what if i dont get money and promotion.. but i felt happy. they were scared of me..
    This mr. ma… thinks he is the boss and never should take our own decesions, who ever licks his ass he will be promoted irrespective of experience or knowledge or any thing. if you want to get promoted or get good rating you have to lick his will also get longterm overseas opening, i left because i dont lick and never got promoted for 3 years and no overseas chance,
    I left Infosys ONLY because of the bosses not for money.
    I would suggest girls not to join this department till these kind of ass lickers are there..
    All the best.. be happy

  13. hope the article is read by right set of folks and suitable changes are done to arrest the dissatisfaction at ground level. Glad that atleast it was brought out in public forum.

  14. It is akward to know about such people in Hifosys. But, what are these employees doing inspite of so much training to speak up at the right time to the right person.
    For instance: I had an idiot manager. I complined about him to the DM. He was treated appropriately. Till the time i complined, all the projectmates were suffering for a long time and shring this kind of stories in the public. Why are people afraid of taking a little risk and responsibility some times.

    1. Do u think noone complained about them? Many did. See.. the fact is he is the head here. If we go to next level, they will send us back to him only. HR n all are not going to do anything about this.. Whoever raised their voice against him was given CRR 3 or 4. so now everyone is silent.

  15. Its live Govt. office where U have to call ur manager Sir.What higher management is doing ?????????????? some one should forward this link to them.

  16. Instead of doing work in , better we can be in our home itslef…. Process is there, but it is in dustpin…
    There is no hierarchy management.. Just I worked with
    3 months… Then I felt that i am loosing my career in this …I left INFY immediately…

  17. Actually there were lot of old employees with out any proper skill set.
    in AAD, managers are called as IT manager, location manager and regional managers…..they dont know anything technical….since they stayed for a long time, they were given promotions and moreover no other company will give job for them….so they dont go outside as well…..its not one person…in bangalore there are 4-5 managers for aad, and two senior manager for them and one regional manager above them…what exactly are they doing…

    what exactly is happening in aad…how to create policies and delay the work….

    i dont know when operation teams will be saved .

  18. I was so shocked to hear the things that are going on in the AAD dept. Never knew things were this worse. The things that were said about the HR Managers are true to the core. They don’t give a s**t to employee grievances, but are only interested in conducting crappy events which will make them look good and does nothing for the employees. I too work in the same place. I had an accident a few months ago and was hospitalised for over a month. I informed my HR manager on the very first day, I was out of surgery about this. But she put me in the absconding list and I had a really difficult time getting back in the rolls. So much for the values. And there had never been any useful responses for a number of issues that we contacted her for. May be a psychology major is yet to figure out how engineers do their work.

  19. Hi,

    Infy is a very forward looking visionary companies, they are preparing their employees for year 2012! call centers OMG.

  20. hey folks,
    I read all the above stmts. Dont blame CCD Head for all the happenings yaar. he is not that much worth yaar. i feel pity for him b’coz right from the entry of that Resource Team Lead(DEVIL), he is like a doll and that vampire has the remote. She activates and he acts. There is something between MAA and THIS LADY(by fate she born as female thats why calling her decently else would call her only using unparlimentary words)

  21. some guys here really have bad experience, but i was also a part of AAD (not in VCity)… I joined as a rookie, fortunately i worked under very good and supporting managers, this gave me oppertunity ( i would say ‘liberty’) to work the way i liked to work. i did a lot of new things which were not there earlier, had the oppertunity to work on the latest and greatest technologies, more over my managers always backed me up. rarely i heard a ‘No’ if i was right.

    I had my share of contradictions with one of my managers, and i had to take the matter to his manager… but it was dealt appropriatelty.

    after reading all this… i believe i was lucky not to join Mcity 🙂

  22. This is not about humilitating someone but wanted to make this point about him (MA), he thinks he has got a lightening smile and shows his teeth always but sorry that is seriously horrible and terrifying…also dont act innocent with a cunning mind and pull others leg attitude…

    P.S. XX is only short name dont think that is his graduation coz he is a illiterate…

  23. Situation is same in almost all DCs. After joining AAD, for about 2 months i was sitting idle. I think our manager did know what to do with B.Tech AADians(unlucky AADians). After 2 mnths i got a task. To format around 300 machines. They asked me to work for another Saturday also. Around 100 machines in store and no one available for help. That day i did housekeeping job also. After that next task. VOIP data collection, then cubicle id, Port data collection, system formatting and allocation etc etc.

    In the end, our calibre and efforts go in vain and it’s a play of fate.

  24. i have something more interesting abt CCD…as i am a part of this them
    there are lot of funny and craziest teams with different names.

    Operations team
    around 6-8 members in a team , total of a 6 – 7 teams.
    above these 6 managers, there are two regional managers. above them again one practice manager.
    what exactly is the use and role of these many managers, i am hear for nearly 5 years and i was not able to figure it out.
    if u want to become a manager,stay in infy for more than 7 or 8 years without any skill set, other than doing politics.
    so what is the hope of engineers, answer given my managers are lack of visibility, communication skills, initiatives, etc. again pity on operation team.
    still how soem people get promotions, answer is simple….be a chum chum for managers.

    noc team,
    One manager in the team, blaming other teams, finding faults in others work etc…only reason is no work. he comes to office as he wish, sit and watch gmail, orkut with all proxies, call for a team meet and tell useless stories and his junk experience where team doesnt have any option other than hearing it. really pity abt that team. one more interesting fact is one more useless guy along with him, says yes for everything whatever he says. whatever u ask, only answer he says, his onsite manager has to answer, why apprisal rating is bad, its machine problem , else because of his manager has changed it. so what exactly is the role of this guy here, just to fool that 20 – 30 member team with useless stories.

    corporate team.
    initially people were dying to join nsec, but not the case now, integ is literally begging for engineers. actually speaking its a two member team now, almost all the skilled engineers moved out.interesting thing is for years together they are implementing OLA.for any change in internet and vpn firewalls, we have to depend on integ nsec, independent of noc or operation teams. as there is no sla, required changes will not be done immediately. so how can a engineer answer to a customer, this has been discussed in lot of meetings, but no use, we have VP’s, AVP’s, practice managers, regional managers…..cant these many people fix this OLA issue.we say we are iso20k certified. whats the use.
    if there is any confirmation required from ism team for any change in firewall, nsec will not coordinate with ism though they sit in adjacent cubicles, only operation person should speak. is there any horns grown or what.
    even a ccd person from operations team are not able to get teh work done from integ for ccd purpose.

    what is the problem in working as a team. everyone with ego problem.

    for a dmz hosting, it takes more that 6 months to one year. delay is due to useless proces.

    what is the process word defined here.
    process is something how to delay and drag the work.
    in more clear manner, how to reject the work or avoid the work. so what is the answer given to customer…rejected due to policy ..i dont understand what LIC policy is that

    security team

    wow what a team….i cant find words to praise the service done by them.
    whatever the change sent to secarc, a commen template will be updated and sent back to operations. do they have OLA……again answer is no…..

    so what is the other side answer of this OLA, it will be fixed in the newer version of AHD. when this newer version of AHD will come, i am staying for the past 5 years and till now i have not seen and update on it. if it would have given to the freshers who had joined, they would have designed i believe.
    will it take 5 years to design a software. even its not designing, just modifying the existing software. i dont know whether this is designed by emag or emsg.anyhow all the best, pls keep designing for next 5 years.

    finally i heard one more thing…..couple of my friends resigned, they attended exit interview, you know what really will be done.
    HR guy will call, one lady along with him with a laptop, i really dont know what is the use of that laptop, i think its for database and shell scripting. qeustion is what can be done to retain you. answer is no option . no other questions or discussion. immediately approved.

    i dont deny altogether infy is bad, its really good…but psl dont join ccd, never mind whereever it is ro whichever the location is.

    i have more to type….but i am busy with some work… will allocate time later….and will be back sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

  25. i have something more interesting abt CCD…as i am a part of this them
    there are lot of funny and craziest teams with different names.
    Operations team
    around 6-8 members in a team , total of a 6 – 7 teams.
    above these 6 managers, there are two regional managers. above them again one practice manager.
    what exactly is the use and role of these many managers, i am hear for nearly 5 years and i was not able to figure it out.
    if u want to become a manager,stay in infy for more than 7 or 8 years without any skill set, other than doing politics.
    so what is the hope of engineers, answer given my managers are lack of visibility, communication skills, initiatives, etc. again pity on operation team.
    still how soem people get promotions, answer is simple….be a chum chum for managers.
    noc team,
    One manager in the team, blaming other teams, finding faults in others work etc…only reason is no work. he comes to office as he wish, sit and watch gmail, orkut with all proxies, call for a team meet and tell useless stories and his junk experience where team doesnt have any option other than hearing it. really pity abt that team. one more interesting fact is one more useless guy along with him, says yes for everything whatever he says. whatever u ask, only answer he says, his onsite manager has to answer, why apprisal rating is bad, its machine problem , else because of his manager has changed it. so what exactly is the role of this guy here, just to fool that 20 – 30 member team with useless stories.
    corporate team.
    initially people were dying to join nsec, but not the case now, integ is literally begging for engineers. actually speaking its a two member team now, almost all the skilled engineers moved out.interesting thing is for years together they are implementing OLA.for any change in internet and vpn firewalls, we have to depend on integ nsec, independent of noc or operation teams. as there is no sla, required changes will not be done immediately. so how can a engineer answer to a customer, this has been discussed in lot of meetings, but no use, we have VP’s, AVP’s, practice managers, regional managers…..cant these many people fix this OLA issue.we say we are iso20k certified. whats the use.
    if there is any confirmation required from ism team for any change in firewall, nsec will not coordinate with ism though they sit in adjacent cubicles, only operation person should speak. is there any horns grown or what.
    even a ccd person from operations team are not able to get teh work done from integ for ccd purpose.
    what is the problem in working as a team. everyone with ego problem.
    for a dmz hosting, it takes more that 6 months to one year. delay is due to useless proces.
    what is the process word defined here.
    process is something how to delay and drag the work.
    in more clear manner, how to reject the work or avoid the work. so what is the answer given to customer…rejected due to policy ..i dont understand what LIC policy is that
    security team
    wow what a team….i cant find words to praise the service done by them.
    whatever the change sent to secarc, a commen template will be updated and sent back to operations. do they have OLA……again answer is no…..
    so what is the other side answer of this OLA, it will be fixed in the newer version of AHD. when this newer version of AHD will come, i am staying for the past 5 years and till now i have not seen and update on it. if it would have given to the freshers who had joined, they would have designed i believe.
    will it take 5 years to design a software. even its not designing, just modifying the existing software. i dont know whether this is designed by emag or emsg.anyhow all the best, pls keep designing for next 5 years.
    finally i heard one more thing…..couple of my friends resigned, they attended exit interview, you know what really will be done.
    HR guy will call, one lady along with him with a laptop, i really dont know what is the use of that laptop, i think its for database and shell scripting. qeustion is what can be done to retain you. answer is no option . no other questions or discussion. immediately approved.
    i dont deny altogether infy is bad, its really good…but psl dont join ccd, never mind whereever it is ro whichever the location is.
    i have more to type….but i am busy with some work… will allocate time later….and will be back sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon.

    1. I would so agree with whatever has been told about the NOC team.
      NOC manager is like a showstopper, if you join this team you have no further growth. He never lets anyone grow.
      His only work is to fight with all the CCD managers and delivery heads of the projects. Having read firewalls and not accessible routers you can have a career value that no other team in infosys would give you.
      he has excellent troubleshooting skills, its so good that whenever there is an issue he cannot resolve it immediately becomes the problem with the client network.
      He has setup a stolen network design from his pervious company four years ago, mind me mentioning it- its been his only achievement till date.
      You can see him sleeping in his cubicle the whole day.
      if you speak to him about your appraisal, his immediate reply would be how his appraisal has been going bad even after taking enough effort. Obvious it has to go bad there has been 7 resignations within 1 years time.
      if you smile at him and agree to whatever he says, be sure enough to get CRR1

  26. The resource person is not worthy to manage technical people, let her do all the asset tracking and taking head count of the desktop…she was recruited for that job luckily she managed to play the role of assist manager(she thinks so..) but after all these pouring comments she would befall soon or later…ALL THE BEST …

  27. Dear Friends,
    Every where politics is there but Today if you are really in good position that means you have learned lot of good/bad things from your seniour’s only.
    If not in good position that means your still thinging abt problem caused & abt the creator, but they still grow(will get/getting thier punishment).

    People of 80% are excellect worker, 18% are smart worker and 2% are informer for thier manager.
    In this 2% ppl grows much in the same oraganization, 18% ppl with thier smart work they adjust them self and succeding in same/other organization.
    Remaining 80% ppls are excellent but they spend much time in thinking abt problem caused & abt the creator, due to that they are wasting thier precious time.
    This kind of expression is not only effecting ur “Mr.XXX” also spoiling your good thoughts/delay your growth.

    My dear friends request you to stop spending time on althose things and look for your success with your briliant/honest attiude.

    Wish you a happy life.

  28. I agree.

    This xxx.. is shameless disgrace and rotten weed to this company.
    Once I saw him abusing Security Walla for not reserving a seat in bus in front side.. In fact, the ignorant & innocent security guard had got a seat for this rogue using his lunch box, but at the rear side of it.. What a shame!!!!

  29. Arul ( Blessing) Nambi ( Trust ) what a shame. First go ahead and change your name before quitting Infy. Its better to quit before the management pushes you out ( In Tamil: Kazuthai pidichi Veli thallamaa) .

    Priya – No comments about you. So Dont worry.

    1. One more suggestion…
      To test the talent of Mr.XXX , let’s assisgn data port collection work ( So called Initiative- Life time achievement Initiatives ) for one month . Then he can understand. How this type of peoples are promoted in an IT sector who don’t know the IT industry ethics. Also requesting higher management to promote him to VP-Housekeeping as he knows how fast one can collect the data by roaming around the buildings.

    2. One more suggestion…
      To test the talent of Mr.XXX , let’s assisgn data port collection work ( So called Initiative- Life time achievement Initiatives ) for one month . Then he can understand. How this type of peoples are promoted in an IT sector who don’t know the IT industry ethics. Also requesting higher management to promote him to VP-Housekeeping as he knows how fast one can collect the data by roaming around the buildings. 🙂

  30. [Not from CHN MCT]

    Guys, I too affected from this. First of all, I didnt get my desired location to work after I had software training from mysore.I am an engineering graduate and I am doing

    1. Reimaging of desktop.
    2. Software Installation.
    3. Did Date Collection(going to each cubicle and collecting all data).
    4. Keeping VOIP in cubicle.
    I am dedicated only to do above mentioned job.(Job Band-3)

    I have very good co-ordination with my users and they are extremely happy with my support from top level to low level.

    Atleast people in AAD Vcity are in some Domain(Win2k, Networking, SAM Anchoring,etc). My fate is worst than AAD Vcity.

    Tons of Thanks to the person who initiated this. Wish you and others(who suffered) have a good future.

  31. [Not from CHN MCT]

    Top Level Management “In contractors se Bachao, Hum bichare mazdoor aur kitna zulm sahenge”. please do something before it goes infront of media.

  32. when i got into infosys i thought i was not worth to work in infosys but after seeing you(p…..) i got confident that am more than worth. I think u got the same feeling when u saw nambi.

    Mr.XX may i know who interviewed you coz even 10 th standard student will not select you. I think i made you happy by saying 10 th standard student instead of 1 st standard student.

    Judge amma sathya ma solren
    Naan avan illa(— SRY – MODERATED —)

    1. NAMBI ivar solrarunnu yaaru melaiyum kai vachidatheengaa ASHIla potida poranga ( As long as Mrs.P is not complaining , you dont have any issues)

  33. Hey ! guys, r u talking about that Comedy piece.. 🙂 thanks a lot am really happy to hear this kind of great words from all of u. That hell should be come out from the Dream Company. He is the One & only Enemy to spoil the lot of freshers & experienced people’s life. As per the old proverb, he has a — SRY – MODERATED — behind (the billar) his success 😀

  34. yellarum comment adichacha apram naalu peru vittu pochu, moonu peru vittu pochingra peche irukka koodathu.

    Sari ya, antha pulla pecha ketu ungala kasta paduthunathu thappu than. athukaga unga veetu pullaya nenachu yenna mannichirunga…..

    (dai dress readya irukka?.. Adamala arambichu veluththu vaanga pogudhu udamba irumbakkikada kirikaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..)

    Innum yethana oor panchayatha thanda theekarathu. vidura vidura ippadi adi vaangiye annan adutha electionlaiyum jeyichuruvanda…………

    For real apologies watch this

  35. Mr. Maa by God’s mistake, mustache is growing for you. Dont try to appear in different getup by altering it. To be said really we are getting vomit when we see the alterations you make in it.

    Being in a prestigious post do run behind girls. to be said decently everyone thinks of you that you r a rogue. Remember you too have a daughter. you know one thing all girls working in CCD likes to join the party we celebrate outside infy, but because of you they are not coming.

    1. Sorry i made a mistake i wanted to ask why he runs behind the girls but due to curiosity i typed wrong. sorry 4 that

      1. Best Power,

        You are right, however why one need to keep hopping just because manager is not good! In my opinion, he did a right job to bring it to everybodies notice. Looking at the comments, it looks this probleml is not only for hist location. Most of the Ex-XXD employees have left because of managers and not for money. That said, it is a very good company to work provided you are in right business unit. In his case, he supposed to get placed in software project, rather than XXD, that something managment should have done it without asking.

        Good luck…

  36. Questions to that XX. Philosophy

    1. — SRY – MODERATED —
    2.— SRY – MODERATED —
    3.— SRY – MODERATED —
    4.— SRY – MODERATED —
    5.Why your using the word ‘TEAM WORK’ while in meetings without knowing the meaning of Team work?
    6.Why your putting XX after your signature without studying any basic manners?
    7.Why your wasting Company money in the name of Election?
    8.Why your give Server administration to the Network guy & vice versa?
    9.Do you know the meaning of the below words?
    a. Manager b.Man c.Human being
    10. Why your misuse your position?

    Please realize that all the peoples have their own thoughts & they have their rights to speak without barriers.Everyone has comes to this amazing Organisation with thousands of dreams.But very rare worst fellows like you & that lady will erase their dreams with the field change.

    It is really appreciate if someone forward this conversation to the HR Management. I will try to do that in order to let them know the truth about AAD Heads.

  37. Never expected that I would come across this kind of conversation about AAD. As Ex-AAD person I feel very sad after going through above article. As far as I know, I worked with very good and excellent guys who helped me a lot in learning things. There are people who have ego problems. But its obvious everywhere. If we aim to learn something, Its a very good place to learn things right from basics. I hope these discrepancies will be taken care & CCD would emerge as one of the best departments in Infy…

  38. I don’t think by posting our grievances here will get a punishment to Mr.X he has his data to prove his worthy of course we all know howmuch fraud is there in the data. there were mails sent to HR and his Manager by some people who left the company due to him which all went into the dustbin. even a manager ran away to pune due to his unbearable torture. but nothing could stop him from getting promoted.

  39. buddy r u really very much influenced by reading chetan bhagat recently?with a engineering degree(that to also now a days/readily available)and cgpa4.9,many people i know r working in infy ccd,and they feel cool after long term of work period(u need to be sincere and honest to ur work when u begin with a new job), if u r so frustrated, u should have thought initially, any work u do to earn money is better u think twice before talking bad about the company where u have earned ur first salary.don’t pollute the wishes.hope u will get to know more companies and there enviornment, and compare them with infy in ur long life.

    1. Wellwisher , I think you didn’t understand the situation properly. They trained us to be Lion and they asked us to be donkey. In a group a group of donkeys , donkeys may feel cool after long term, but not the Lions. If they would have said us initially that we will be donkeys we would have thought initially regarding our joining. So before posting comments ,understand the situation on which comment is being made.

  40. True. Even people are in more bad condition outside AAD/infy. at least you folks are lucky that u in your first job u are working in an ac environment. folks , remember one thing, bad & good both will be there in work life and you hv to come out with all challanges to grow. if u see only bad parts about your work, you cannot grow and doing this u are just spoling the spirit of others who actually doing very ggod work. today you tals all bad things in ccd, just talk to your freinds who awork under delivery and see how dengerous are the externel clients. they can even spoil your entire life just telling a small line about yourself. So think twice before you spreading all these and personal attacks.

    have a good day

    1. Mr. Some one, so you mean to say that , if you get an AC environment you are ready to do even an irrelevant work, that contributes 0% to your career growth.This is Bull Shit !!!. It may may be mentality of yours but not ours.

  41. people here are not complaining about anything its about sharing their grievance unless you were part of it you will not get to know the heat. If you dont know XXX personally then this forum may appear to you that people are complaining, just bcoz its your first job nobody would wish to do housekeeping or gardening in the HiFOSYS premesis when their batch mates who got trained with them can be far more better.. why is that some people alone are screwed up. Sitting under AC is that a criteria that your life has found betterment.

    People here are not jumping to any conclusion it is only after the ill treatement they flag their concern.

    True facts about XXX before judging him right or wrong…
    1. Birthday’s of fellow team mates should be celebrated only if they are close to him.
    2. Farewell party to any collegue he dislikes is abondoned
    3. He has the right to shout at anybody treating them like a school children
    4. Appraisal is done based on his will & wish whether he likes you or not
    5. There is a dorm available in the XXX area which only he can use, if other members use it even when they are unwell then what you can expect is a odd look..
    6.He used office cab to provide lunch
    7.He uses storage(not the desktop but the server in the data center) to store movies and some of his personal photos
    8.Sir is how you should call him…(please shed your govt job nature and join the IT community)
    9.People or managers who disobey him will be shuttled across DC within Tamilnadu or even farther but dont hope for a onsite :)…one of the manager was sent to Pune who has his family and children near to MCITY office..
    10.Dominate others for your own benefits is his slogan…

  42. Hi Well wisher,
    Can you stop posting ur stupid words.
    //with a engineering degree(that to also now a days/readily available)and cgpa4.9 //
    Do u think getting B.E with CGPA 4.9 is as much easy…Don’t say blindly..

    //many people i know r working in infy ccd,and they feel cool after long term of work period(u need to be sincere and honest to ur work when u begin with a new job),//

    who told this.. To do CCD work, no need to engineering graduates(either fresher/Exp).Diplamo Guy is more than enough to follow the syupid process and the destop support.Dont spoil the peoples life.

    The peoples are joining not because of work, it’s because of the name “INFY”.

    The real truth is , once you joined INFY and after joining this CCD, we cannot resign because the interviewer will ask hell lot of questions..that is the reason the peoples are there in CCD for atleast 1 or 2 years.

    Since not much work in CCD, Coming to office and have a tea on time and hav a lunch on time.. etc.. actually the peoples are wasting their career..

  43. Hi Somone
    //Even people are in more bad condition outside CCD/infy. at least you folks are lucky that u in your first job u are working in an ac environment. folks , remember one thing, bad & good both will be there in work life and you hv to come out with all challanges to grow. //

    Can you stop saying these idiotic words.. who told u that peoples are outside in INFY is in Hell… we are also in AC env man
    there was a proverb”A cat closed its eyes and said that the world is dark”

    If you want to grow in the network domain,I am saying that don’t be in INFY.what is there to learn man. with full of desktops and lots of girl friends, does will help u to improve ur career….. 🙂

  44. I read your entire story word by word and I can understand if you say you had a very bad experience, but in this entire articles there is one line where I don’t agree with you —

    “But what is the need that we, engineers who graduated with more than 80 % in reputed engineering college and got CGPA more than 4.9 should go and collect these details. These details [cubicle details] can be collected by even a 3rd class school student.”

    I believe if this is your attitude you need to change it otherwise you will never get success and satisfaction… No job is small or useless. If they assigned any job to you there must be some reason… try to find that…

    I am also a project manager and I interact with lot of trainees daily, most of them comes fresh from college and want to do only Development work.. No testing/ Maintenance etc… Why SO ???

    SHould we hire 3rd class student for all other work except coding. all other work which an engineer don’t want to do can be done by 3rd class student if we train them and if we start hiring them, your value as engineer will become zero ….


    P.S. — I don’t work with infosys and I am no where associated with Infosys …

    1. i bet you wont accpet a position other than a project manager. before giving speeches realize that you wont settle anything lesser than project manager..right?

      what if you were asked to do the same ? will you do that?

      1. Answers to your question is already posted in another comment just below this, I will do everything and anything my manager ask me to do…

        And Project managers also have supervisor and bigger manager on top of them…

        I miss my post as team member where I was not responsible for anybody else working for me… I am very happy if you give me post where you have to look intro one direction only either Top or Down…

        If you have to take care of both side then it is always more challenging than being a leaf.. You will understand it only when you become manager…

        My comments are not against this story rather I am trying to help you guys by giving some food for thought and if you change your viewpoint you will find that you did something good at the end of day even if you were collecting MAC address…

  45. Hello Mr Think About It…….
    i have the answers for your question…

    during the time of interview, they asked me full of technical questions.
    one and only technical. almost into routers, switches, firwalls, datacenter, design etc,….
    Normally managers will be interviewing , they could have told that time work also includes cubicle id collection etc……they didnt tell abt initiatives, they didnt tell abt asset management and capacity management…why was it not told……
    where u one of the manager amoung this group…if so change ur attitude first.

    if you are bold enough(managers), be transperant while interviewing.
    tell abt the responsibilities clearly.
    the freshers where not taken as hardware engineers, they were recruited as software engineers…..u son or daughter will start his career as software engineer and he will come and tell u that he is wiping the system with his shirt. that time u can sit and advice him saying the attitude story…..

    in which dictionary software has the meaning of going and collecting mac address and switch port details…

    moreover this is the pains of the affected people who are a part and who were a part of infy.
    99% of the employee leaves a company not because of company policy.
    its because of managers attitude. that is the reason managers stay for years together.

    1. Exactly what you said is correct.

      I too joined Infosys by admiring at Mr. Narayanamoorthy’s work, his thoughts and how he brought the company to such a high level from just a small team and some more.

      But today the situation here inside Infosys is getting worse. Why it should be like this? I believe definitely Mr. Narayanamoorthy won’t accept this. In the submitted comments, Some Higher level management people have given some comments about their views from the experience what they got. Also some said these are the complaints given by frustrated employees and stop complaining.

      Ok fine. We stop complaining. I do accept this from management perspective. But will it answer all the questions asked by the frustrated employees (you call it as frustration, but we claim that as eagerness and interest to learn and grow). Will it not help the company to increase its productivity if an employee satisfied with his job? “Not full satisfaction, at least some”.

      1. They are showing high requirement from CCD for lateral entries. Interviews are also conducted for those high requirements. But what is mentioned in this article (irrelevant to the requirement) are the actually happenings. Will they show what the real requirement is for?

      Surely nobody will turn up if they show the real requirement (asset tracking, port counting etc) and what they are going to work on.

      2. Is it wrong to aspire for growing along with the available/new technology? Why the same opportunities are kept hidden for particular group, when our friends are moving on to the next level. Why such a partiality is shown and named the same as politics.

      Why they have given the name politics for this childishness.

      3. Somebody said “at least you people have got job to do under the AC environment”. What is there to do with AC when there is no job satisfaction? I really bet that nobody will leave the company if one gets job satisfaction. Mr. Narayanamoorthy also hates people switching over multiple companies for the sake of having more money and change.

      Why company management should worry about company productivity when a right person is provided with right job. Surely such right persons will support the company at all situations including recession.

      If a person is not doing well, though the company provides the right opportunity for that person to grow and develop by self, then there is justice in throwing that person outside the company or quitting by self. But the situation here is in reverse. “RIGHT PERSON IS READY. RIGHT OPPORTUINITY IS ALSO READY. WELL KNOW BRANDED COMPANY. BUT SOMEONE/SOME GROUP (either management/single person/company) IS HIDDING / BLOCKING THAT RIGHT OPPORTUNITY TO THE RIGHT PERSON IS VERY HARD TO DIGEST”. If opportunities are not there, then why they are recruiting and some say that as “it’s all in the game of business”.

      4. Will they (this management) do the same for their own children? Will they allow their own son/daughter do this kind of work after having such a good education? One should learn from the basic and move on to the next. Yes, it is like that only. Fine, let me accept this work as basic for a fresher. Then what about the next and where it is. Who will accept this when his/her future is not shown/known? Who will guide them? Will the company or their parents have to come behind after their education also?


    2. Mr. Sword,

      I forget to add this line in first comment — If my boss ask me to wipe the system with my shirt, i will do that without thinking even today. I am in the industry for more than 12 years and I am also A COMPUTER ENGINEER FROM A WELL KNOW COLLEGE… Forget about my son, my son will never think if somebody ever ask him to do this.
      And If you think you leave a company because of bosses, come work with me, I am sure you will also clean system with your shirt for me and never complain about it.. Any of my team member will do. None of my team member leaves me but they leave my Organization…

      SO I will still say that you need to change your attitude…

      1. Fine, none of your team member leaves you but they leave your organization. That is good to hear and I like it.

        But the person who will not leave you at any time obviously can stay with the organization where you are at any situation including recession. Is it right or wrong?

        We do accept no work is useless or worthless. But everybody needs compassion at some point of time. Will or will not. Mr. Narayanamoorthy use to clean his own toilet whenever he uses it. I too do that. We don’t expect a good package for that.

        Why they should give such a high salary for this work and calming that as market standard. If they give the appropriate salary for this work, everyone will get alert on looking into this package and it will help everybody to change their attitude accordingly based upon his/her wish.

        I appreciate you; and you are such a good person. At least you are answering /giving suggestions for our frustrated queries.

        We are ready to change our attitude and almost changed already and went on looking for better opportunity and settling down somewhere. What about others (mgmt). Will they or only we have to?

        1. good to hear that you changed your attitude…

          Salary is decided based on your capabilities (some time) and not based on what you actually doing..


          1. Here our capabilities are getting ruined. That’s what we are trying to convey from the beginning to all the human beings all over the world.

            If our Salary is decided based on our capabilities, then why they can’t decide and give the work based upon on our capabilities.

            For your easy understanding and based upon your statements,
            Salary is directly proportional to capability. Obviously the same capability should be directly proportional to the work what we do. Hence proved.

            It is so simple to give free advice/suggestions to others, but hard to follow. Only people who gone through /going through that experience will have that pain and fear in their young minds. Not by the somehow settled people.

            After all these nasty comments, still they are recruiting innocent lateral entries (who are not aware what is going inside Infosys). So it clearly shows their mentality.

            This time they are giving the confirmation as work location as Sholinganallur, Chennai instead of MCity, Chennai, for profiles like Citrix. Only God knows how far it is true.

          2. Here our capabilities are got/getting ruined. That’s what we are trying to convey from the beginning to this world.

            If our Salary is decided based on our capabilities, then why they can’t decide and give the work based upon on our capabilities.

            For your easy understanding and based upon your statements,
            Salary is directly proportional to capability. Obviously the same capability should be directly proportional to the work what we do. Hence proved.

            It is so simple to give free advice/suggestions to others, but hard to follow. Only people who gone through /going through that bad experience will have that pain and fear in their young minds. Not by the somehow settled people.

            After all these nasty comments, still they are recruiting innocent lateral entries (who are not aware what is going inside Infosys). So it clearly shows their mentality.

            This time they are giving the confirmation as work location as Sholinganallur, Chennai instead of MCity, Chennai, for profiles like Citrix. Only God knows how far it is true.

  46. Hello….I have gone thru the Entire thing…Seems to be bad!!!!!..And I dont know yu people blame HR whatever issues yu facing in yur company even if toilet is not working……HR people are also the employees of a company and they are not rule makers and juz they are also the followers…they also should act according to the management principles and obviously not ethics..They juz do their work like recruit or fire….if not done.they will be fired…cool.try to find the problem where it lies.Simply blaming a people will not do…and i apppreciate yur decision on shifting ur job…

    Gud luck….

    1. Hr Professional, I am 100 % sure that you should be an HR. You HR ppl really know what kind of job you were suppose to do ?. If you cant work according to ethics, then why did you chose this job. Because of some of the HR ppl like you who doesn’t know what an employee supposed to do, Intelligent minds are being posted to irrelevant departments. Which ultimately results in high attrition rate.

  47. I am an EX-MD of a company. I have been reading some comments regarding the internal matter of Infosys. Probably written by some frustrated youngsters. The expectations and desires when remains unfulfilled for a prolonged period, leads to frustration .But this is not the way to express their crippled mind. These writings tarnish the image of the company and its personals. Purposefully trying to tarnish the image of any company or a person is a crime. It is easy to write about any body; particularly about the higher ups and government officials, and if ladies are dragged in it will attract the interest of readers and enhance the enjoyment of the news. This could happen with any person or any company. These matters come under the CYBER CRIME, and an enquiry could establish the truth and facts and culprits could be booked. I really doubt, Is it purposely some one trying to spoil the image of the company? I hope Infosys take a serious view of this.

    1. Pls. go ahead and launch FIR against this cyber crime.
      People sitting at the top doesn’t know what’s going at the bottom.
      This seems to be an old tradition in Infy….

      This was the small snippet of story of an Infy Guy… But think about the people who are supporting CCD as RE from other companies.

      I was working as an RE for a long time from another giant company.
      My work was to support Infy people/CCD for high end server related activities, but in turn we RE’s got continuously humiliated by these CCD’s.

      They considered us as we are just uneducated laborers…
      I still remember how we used to do the work for which CCD’s are responsible and at the same time how CCDs used to humiliate us.

      Inward / Outward entry in the registers, taking the register from one person to another… if that stupid CCD person is talking(to friends & not professional) over the mobile..he will just ignore you and you might end up waiting for 30-45 mins. This is just to take a signature on the register.
      You have to move items from one bldg to another without any help.

      Somehow i feel these CCD’s are the blackhole in the infosys…eating up all the productivity of employees.
      eg: if a critical high end server has some issues and some part needs to be replaced, then apart from doing your regular duty of bringing up the machine need to receive the part(courier) at the Main security gate..make the entry there(this sometimes takes 45mins as security may be busy with other tasks). then being the part to the respective building..make the inward entry..(this takes minimum 15 mins)… then continue your work.

      Returning the part offcourse is the worst job….

      I have seen Infy Bangalore for 1.5 yrs… as an RE and i know how does it feels dealing with these junk people.

      Last but not the least… as i mentioned earlier i was an RE from a giant organization..and i complained all this stuff to our management…. but they took no action ( as they afraid they will loose the business with Infy).

      This message is to all the Infy Employees and to all my RE’s working at Infy.
      RE’s shudn’t do the work what they are not supposed to do…..

      1. I Do aggree how they work is meaningless to company like INFOSYS & the worst part of infosys ALL RE are treated like Robbers at main Gate for that issue INFOSYS mannagement of security has incharged a GAY security guy to Check RE Only, we are humans like other Employees of Infosys. i worked for 2 years i could not take the crap infosys polices towards RE So i moved out of INFOSYS nightmare

  48. sharp!

    I am also one of the employee affected by Mcity YYY head & XX. I quit this job only
    because of the MCITY head. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. If you need any proof,
    I am ready to come anywhere anytime and speak about this in person.
    Even after all these things, if no action is taken about this guy, no one can save Infy image.

    please take neccssary action.

  49. dear managers.

    don’t recurit any bsc’s and engineering students ccd related jobs .

    recurit only bXX with hardware networking this stupid work who is doing in techinical geys with managers work presser.don’t recurit soft ware related persons. plz plz plz plz i am a x infosian

    1. Don’t say bulshits..why B’com ???? they have plenty of options like CA and CS,MBA etc…. recruit under matriculations….U think u r an engineer so B’com is having no value.then why U enagineer people are running for CAT for MBA????
      when MBA is purely commerce thing and B’Com people can do better as its their subject.

  50. Hey buddies , looks like u people have been brought up with all the comforts in life…… Look around friend u’ll find sooooooo many people who have no job…. They are dying to work at a place like this … I think this is basic attitudinal problem of the youth, who come with a prejudice about IT.

    I’m just reminded of a real life story related to me by my father of KIRLOSAR. When his son C.S. Kirlosar returned from US after completing his education, his father assigned him , his first job in the Hanger(where they park the airplanes), you know FOR WHAT???, to clean the screws and work in the bay, cleaning and tightening the various parts of airplane.. DO U THINK HE WASN’T QUALIFIED ENOUGH TO TAKE THE POSITION OF MD IN HIS OWN ORGANIZATION???? THINK BUDDY, THINK. This kind of attitude run a long way to influence your personal life’s as well….

    1. Hello Mr.Think wise , story telling will be good until the same occurs in your life. You cant force an engineer to do a unrelated work. What if , he has given a opportunity that he deserves and he proves himself. Don’t just post what you think. Reality is different from story.

  51. I have read all the comments this is the same in XXX dc were we have an Hitler and an yes man next to him, they rule the place there. This is India man , nothing can be done. any one who talks gets it back and the we need to live in this environment the next 10 to 20 years this would be the same. Great people talking about vision of India is just would be a vision. We all know nothing is going to happen. Max this site would get blocked and you cons urns would all go down the drain.

  52. To be the best in this world beat the best , why tell u because learn from the scratch when know the problem that time u will learn to handle the things that u don’t know. When u prove that u can handle anything and u surpass everyone you may also surpass m-city CCD head OR resource team Lead. That is the way to take things one Step Higher in your life.

  53. To HR Professional

    Here resource means not HR

    Resource executive is one post in CCD who takescare of desktop and laptop allocation in CCD.

    nothing to do with HR

  54. CCD is rusted with old buddies
    No room for new ideas.Appraisal goes as per there wish.
    Best rating CRR’s given those who are close (Bucket holders ) to so called managers(I dont have word to say such stupid managers)
    Under managers some seniors who are acting like PIMPA’s.
    CCD is becoming worst now a days…..

  55. CCD is offering free services to its internal employess as it is one no value added for ccdians if they work hard or so

    So other dept has taken for granted what ever they need.

    management has to think seriously wrt stop free service and charge internal project folks based on the requirement and request

    this will help in 2 ways

    unnecessary workload will reduced to ccd and ccd becomes internally profit team and ccdians will get recognized.

    this is not only case of ccd,it also applies to SA&A,quality and many other BEF teams.

    what we will get in the market for free.not even a single choclate

    nothing but y CCD has to deliver free service

    so management has to take serious decision on this

    Bring some changes which will create intrest to work, otherwise these kind of comments will be comman

  56. Why is infy mgmt not doing anything about this head and that resource lady?
    May be tat s the reason why everyone is leaving that department.
    What a Shame!!

  57. How come desktop managing[asset managing] person can handle IT professionals?What technical knowledge that lady has? Technical team and resource allocation team should be functioning as a seperate team only. Why is it not going into management’ mind?

  58. It seems to be both are think that, they can rule the peoples who are all working the DC. I know they dont care about their sub ordinates. i agree the above one among the post saying she is not eligible person to do so., she is taking too much liberty from Mr. xxx because of the special relations they have!!!!

    Additinal information they both taken leave this week……. ( i hope they are discussing to inprove the company by putting combined effort) Room pottu yosikkaranngappaaaaa…….

  59. They think that they are the boss for the whole DC. She is having the sapecial commitment with Mr.XXXX so that she is acting as indirect powerful manager!!!.

    New update : Both went on leave this week …( Room Pottu Yosichiruppangalo….. ada company improve panna thanppa….)

  60. I confirmed with one of my friend working there.. Its sadly true.. and one good news is that this article is creating quite a stirr inside there.. Lets hope the situation will get better in the future atleast.

  61. Request INFY management to sort this out and train the manager to behave like a professional and not something else

  62. Hi All,

    Two years back ethinic day was celebrated at Infosys, Mcity. Arulnambi and his team has demonstrated a high time rowdism and totally unprofessional behaviour in the Campus. He wore a transparent shirt – showcasing his body, whistled and shouted around the campus with the entire team of contractors. He was carrying 4 Feet Aruval ( Sword) – How come security & HR team were totally shut on that day. Is it possible for a Software Engineer to perform such activity inside the campus ??. I think HR team is losing their hold and they have to blamed for the entire debacle. Offcourse NRN sir will be busy in his Son wedding. Enjoy Nambhi !!! till your last breath in Infosys 🙂

  63. Dear all,
    as one among they guy who wrote article, i would like to share my views abt more than a year in infy
    1.basically, there is no dignity of labour for ccdians. Others look at them very cheaply.
    2.infy gave me job and sal when there was recession.
    3.infy took advantage of recession to play employees as footbal, not just ccdians.
    4.ccd as a unit irrespective of dc, is infected by some disease. Few good ppl r there. Curing is required.
    5.i had done work of pasting stickers to machines, moving machines from cub to cub. Though i did not enjoy work, i enjoyed d money paid for it n learned many things watching those huge, not-seen-before peculiar things. Happy to feel d technology.
    6. I was of d opinion tat my mngr was bad. After seeing this, i think he was d best.
    7. It used to pain a lot when my friends in other units tel in dinner tat they solved some bug or implemented some feature or tat they got a pat from onsite team for d good work. 8.also i was deeply pained for being guilt of tellin lie to ppl outside infy when they asked abt my work. I used to tel them, m a sw engg. N m enjoyin work here.
    9. I would have not complained here n stil consider joining infy if infy had told me before joinin or soon after joinin abt my was like today night i went to sleep dreaming of gettin into project based on d technology m trained in but tom morning i was told i’ll b in ccd, to which i was not mentally prepared .ppll who trained us themselves pitied us, there only our misery started.
    10.always tot “y only we hundred?”
    11. After this article mess, i wonder wat would b d condition of those of us who r stil in tat job.. They’l surely b preparing answers for d humiliations thrown at them by ppl outside by callin or mailing. b frank, i stil hold d infy brand tag on my shoulder wherever i go.
    12.if i was tryin to see this article from being within infy, i would have been under d fear tat some hr should b tracking d links i visit.. My mngr must b seeing my desktop sittin in his cub with some remote control. N tat when i quit, they’l put negative fb in nsr n spoil my career. Such was d insecurity there.
    12.i feel some old non worthy branches have rooted deep inside themselves in infy. Unfortunately i guess these old branches have worked under then top management, n r taking advantage of havin worked under them.
    13. D aad head had once visited our dc n had a chat with us. With d way tat conv went on, then only i felt tat problem is there from root itself. I felt ccd is a dust bin n al useless things r dumped into this unit.

    …finally wat i feel is, problems r there everywhere. It’s up to us how we deal with them. I found d answers for al these in my own way n m quite satisfied with it. I wish u too find ways to get out of these problems. Good luck.:)

    1. XCCD ,
      I agree with you, CCD is not worst department .Some senior most phsyco people make it worse . I have seen few people who are supportive with in CCD. Many things to learn with in that CCD but damn f***king seniors make the department as hell.

  64. ….

    many extreme things are said here…from Ciber crime to f’s and S’s.
    as a peer to the guy who wrote this article, i am sharing my views here…
    1. Main problem being ccdian is that there is no dignity of labour, whatever may be the work he/she does. He is seen as a labour than as a professional in the company.
    2. organisation had given us job and salary when every other company was firing ppl. we should be thankful for that.
    3.I have great respect for ccdians, whtever the work they do. I felt they should have told us before joining or soon after joining about the domain in which we’ll be working. I think i still would have considered joining infy. It was as if you wake up with a sweet dream and you get a horrible news in the morning.(that we’ll be pout into ccd), for which we were not mentally prepared..
    4. As a general perception who has worked in that unit, one do get a feeling that it’s filled with deep rooted worth-less branches, because of the gratitude shown by the company for those who have worked in the intial days.
    5. I always had this feeling in my mind ” why only we fateful hundred…?”. remember most of the people out of these 100 had cgpa 5 or nearly 5(max is 5). those who were less-skilled and those who were interested in this technology could have been asked to join rather than going with their own algorithms fo allocation.
    6. It pained a lot when my peers in other units used to tell us that they solved some bug, or implemented some new feature or tht they got a pat from onsite team while we had nothing to share such proud things. same was the case when outsiders asked about our work. forcefully we had to lie that we are doing programming job(and not pasting stickers or moving machines or going to every cubicle and asking the name, empid and getting port details..))
    7. I have done the work of pasting stickers or moving mochines from cub to cub but i learnt a lot in the process. The exposure to the technologies we got was awesome(i was fortunate to be under this team, others did struggled for that also).
    8.I wonder how difficult it would be for those of us who are still working there after this article mess as ppl from outside will definitely throwing unwanted questions at them and these guys will have to answer them. Also if they have a thought of changing their career, wonder how it goes in the interview explaining about the technical experience.
    9. I was of the opinion that my manager was not good, but after reading this, i felt she was the best.

    feel like to tell some more things but gratitude of having got a good pay for doing not-so-worthy work and making me a professional from a college student stops me here. problems are there everywhere. It’s up to us to find the answeres. I have found mine….u?

  65. Is mgmt doing anything to keep such exploitation of employees under control. No wonder why there is such a high attrition rate. This should have been like this for quite a long time now and how the mgmt has been ignorant like this.

  66. Had gone thru the same pain hence can understand the level of dis satisfaction in u. :(.. In fact I dropped the same kinda mail to NRN n other upper level ppl whn I left but as usual thr was no response at all.. in C-Life they say transperancy towards all the stackeholders but once u r into the situation its really difficult to walk the talk … I’ll simply conclude by stating that Infy ruined my career..

  67. Resource executive is one post in CCD who takescare of desktop and laptop allocation & Material inwards and outwards with in the bulding from outside CCD but they are putting other company people head to maintain the database to check. Resource executive have become lazy bums…. in infy.

    1. To Xccd,

      Dont blame all the RE’s are the lazy bums, some dirty bums(Pr….) are spoiling all other worthy peoples who are working for the organisation & personal Growth whole heartedly. As a known person i know the process and practices are compare with other companies infy is doing better practice and good system they have. But like Mr. MAA & Mrs.P.. only making this kind of issue by violating and misusing their responsibility.

  68. Hi All,
    I was the first engineer to oppose to take the Invetory, cubical no., employe code, port no.
    But my manger not listining at all . i am talking about the Pune DC (CCD).

    Finally i decided to leave the compny and before 8 month ago i left the Infosys.
    At that time we had given some suugetion How we will take this detail effectivly but Manger was forcing us to do this manulyy.

    But still i loved very much to Infosys.

  69. whatever has been written is all correct .The senior managers o Infosys should seriously think .By the way dont blame resource people .All resource folks are not same .They are the poor people loaded with huge responsibilities .Something called Irace has been implemented which has devalued the job of respurce management and people working in this domian are going thrugh emotional turmoil as there is no growth . Has anybody in senior management ever thought of this ?? Infosys used to be a great place to work with but not any more .. There is no fair deal…

  70. nobody are thinking about RE struggling here to make CCD life happier

    pls don’t trouble other company RE…..

    it is my Request towards to CCD

  71. Mysore CCD have one PIMPA who sits in GEC2.His job is to find only others mistake of other collegues and project infront of manager saying he dont know any thing ,she will not do any thing,She dont know how to work,he is useless etc.In front he will not show any thing and acts like he dontknow any thing.
    what he knows and what he expertise god only knows.

    He resembles Musuree Krishnamurthy’s Acting in old kannada films

    He devoloped onether mari PIMPA also.

    Both these fellows are destroying the team

  72. I don’t work in office. I have accumulated lot of wealth. I have bought 2 petrol bunks in Anna nagar. I don’t pay income tax regularly. If somebody has guts please inform the Income tax department. I don’t work in office please complain to the higher management. You cannot do anything. I will grow my belly doing nothing in Infosys.

    1. By the way my full name is Binokumar Puthenparayil. I’m planning to screw all the resources in my Delivery unit. If anybody dares they can try doing anything.
      I’m a cunning politician. I have screwed the lives of many people. I plan to suck out more money from Infosys. Secretely I take money and give offer letters for new joinees to Infosys. I cannot even talk proper english. Come screw me.

  73. Forget about all. Infy has now become Goverment type company. and no body cares if it is profit and having cash reserves more than 1200 coroes

  74. Narasu and Sarasu act

    Mysore CCD has Narasu and Sarasu.

    These two fellows are silent criminals.Always pulling other legs in the team .
    they need help from other team members to complete any tasks but infront of manager they show that they only did bulk of work and others are dummy.99% of work they will get it done by team members and 1% they will escalate to manager saying they are not getting any support from the result is h HARSH HARSH HARSG words from manager and negative impact during the time of appraisal.
    because of this including myslef somewhere around 5 to 6 employees left of a team size of 10.

    This shows the effect of Narasu and Sarasu act.

    Incidentally those two fellows only got pramotions this time of our team.They have created such a negative impact with others and “they are buliding their soudas obove our gori’s “.any way
    those fellows dont know these kind of souda’s will not withstand for long time and they will fall shortly.

    management should realy act on these guys ,otherwise innocent people will not stay long time.


    1. CCD is changed here as AAD – CCD= Computers and Communication Division
      MCity is changed to V city – Mcity=Mahindra City (near Chengalpattu)

  75. i joined
    i had an excellent training
    work sucked, though i learnt the many, it could have been better(i am grateful though)
    but whole company is like shit with the moment u enter a team, tl is like this project is shit and plz work for ur appraisal! lol.. there r few gud people too.. but funny people above them makes it ROFL!!
    i admire NRN though, one of his quotes was asking youngsets to start companies..
    ibm’s smart city website read indi in a few years would need hundreds of more cities & they have to be installed in world class for best efforts..
    hopez fr the best
    @author, nice u your experience(from the 4.9GPA/training/etc) ABSOLUTELY TRUE

  76. i quit as well, basically wanted to do more interesting things than getting stuck up 😀 i really wonder whos responsibility is it to clean the mess at infy now??!! its like people who wish to work like a continue to do so, but it all affects our country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we need to spot how it sucks and show the cost its incurring the country to our main country lead n lead to actions 😀 hehe 🙂

  77. Guys for all those who are frustrated. I can see that you are all frustrated because you are not given the work you are supposed to do. It only means that your talent is not recognized. Do not think in the perspective of company. Think in the perspective of you. Try to join some small organizations, where you get the work you wish to do and also you will definitely be recognized very soon.Small companies pay more rapidly based on seeing your capabilities. As an individual Money is the only thing important to us. So i say

    “Dont be a replacement tile in a big company, Be a Diamond in a small company”

  78. Worst case of all , harassment’s still exist in the Infy workplace. I doubt whether the ASHI still exist. The physco senior people still exist, torturing female co-workers . These kind of people should be thrown out without further investigation.

    1. It seems HR has taken action against that Psycho senior (Mr. Soopu Subramanium) . One of the worst actions taken by an HR I ever seen , they have just transferred him to another development center. whats the guarantee that he will not repeat the same in the other development center. Mr. HR Dont spoil the other DC by sending these kind of people. Don’t do some thing for name sake.

  79. holy crap.! after hearing this.i,m much worried about my bro who is going to be placed in another couple of month… thanks for ur pleasurable advice.. i’ll soon go n inform my brother…..

  80. Hi Bro,
    The things u shared are correct not only in MCity but hyd DC too…I have been only in infosys for hardly 90 days with CCD hyd its damn hard nd pathetic days for me also….where am a VM nd server admin guy with good experience they made me to do hardware upgarde which really indigestable so quitted in 90 days frm infy..CCD wont change until nd unless the higher management changes..

  81. Team , Please suggest me if the CCD department and Infrastructure management is same, as i have got selected for infrastrucyre department , Please suggest after reading all review I am very upset.

    1. Infrastructure management services (IMS) is more worse than CCD , In CCD atleast you can learn about server administration in later stages, in IMS you will do support work for clients like server monitoring and ticket solving.

      CCD is 8 Am – 5pm job , where as in IMS you have to work in shifts. It has got three shifts. some times you have to work 2 shifts continuously if your colleague is on leave. Nothing to learn in IMS. Many people got shifted from IMS to CCD due to worst work nature of IMS. Please dont ever get in to IMS. CCD is 1000 times better than IMS except damn seniors of CCD. CCD has got f**cking worst seniors.

    2. Computer and Communication Division (CCD ) and IMS (Infrastructure management services) are the f*cking departments of Infosys.

      Only good thing that happens to you is the huge salary that you get for useless work you do. The work you do there doesn’t deserves even 50% of the salary you get there. If salary means a lot for you rather than your career, then go for these two departments. Else dont ever think of joining these two f*cking departments.

  82. CCD is a f*ckin shit . People who work in CCD are considered as facility people by the employees in other units. This is the case in Chennai DC’s. There will be no dignity. People still work there because , infosys provides more salary for the shit work they do.

    1. Newboy , I know this guy . One of the worst person in that department. Even for creating ID’s we have to call him 10 -20 times . Our development work always gets delayed by this idiot. We often face the consequences for the delay caused by him.He calls himself as DBA and sits there ruining the departments name.Most of the times he never picks the call . His name is Ar*n sh*nk*r Subramanium.I dont know why theses kinda of people still there.CCD heads can look in tot his and gives us a person who works for the company.

  83. do we have IMS at mohali infosysy also,please suggest and what are the chance of transfer of lacation in infosysy and what about backgound check in infosysy, do they perform this activity after joining ?

    1. I am not sure about availability of IMS at mohali , Hyderabad location has the maxium opportunity for IMS. And about transfer , dont even think of it. Getting transfer infy is like hell . No one cares about you when you apply for it. If there is true business requirement at your destination location then you may get it.

  84. if any body already working in infrastructure management , is it worth for him to join infosys , if there is some exposure ?and what kind of project infosys has for infrastrucre management

        1. both same in the sense.. both are same in the work nature, you will do shit work in both the departments. CCD and IMS are two different departments, not the same…

          In my last comment there was spelling mistake for career ..sorry for that

  85. Oracle of Infosys
    I have been hearing this conversation for long time, just for the thought you to will become seniors some day if you get same blame some day from your juniors colleagues what is happening now will be faced you also someday, you may know their feelings first write a blog like this, I excepting the CCD and IMS will not stay for no longer than ½ year or collapse.

    1. Hi Oracle of Infosys , Are you from CCD ? I think you are.. you English is so worse that you must be from CCD. I dont understand what you meant in the comment. If you can type proper English then you can write comments here. Else go and get some nice English training. 🙂

    2. @ oracle of infosys…. The current stupid brainless managers allow only juniors who are just like them [stupid n brainless] to become next PM . Good people wont be able to reach good position as they are not like the current idiot,ruthless managers.
      The whole point of this article is “Management should take action againt the power hungry , idiot managers to save the good name of infosys”. Noone will write about them and others will support them by writing comments if they are really good.

  86. Mcity CCD is worst place to work with.. Management headed nambi is pathetic. He doesnt know anything he treats his subordinates very badly. He will bring anyone to higher position irrespective of their bad attitude or worst technical knowledge What matters to him is he should like them and there should be deep bond between them.

  87. CCD kind of set up is there even in LHI unit..The entire team in LHI MCity is getting screwed up in the Hands of 3 cross idiots…the earlier MD was better and lot of fun was there

  88. Infosys is worst place to work and with bad attitude in CCD and security, there job like in-wording of materials in building is done by vendors like Acer, dell, Toshiba, Wipro, HP and others but there work is to fix technical issue not do coolie job in Infosys for CCD and security.

    Just tell me is it Infosys resource executive and security job or not.

  89. Infy has got the worst HRs . HR in infy are only concerned about sending out colorful event mails . they get paid for only doing these useless stuffs. None of them really care for employees. Due to these HRs the attrition rate has increased and it is still increasing. If these kind of HRs continue to stay in infy , then even god cannot save this company from high attrition rate. they consider themselves as owners of the company , but in reality they work as puppets for higher management.

    Now a days many considers CTS as best option rather than Infosys , CTS which is in 3rd position , will soon push infy down and it will sure get in to 2nd position. Infosys having huge cash reserve alone will not help it to with stand in market , its pure management that make a company to with stand for long time, CTS is doing that now.

  90. Infosys is worst place to work and with bad attitude in CCD and security, there job like in-wording of materials in building is done by vendors like Acer, dell, Toshiba, Wipro, HP and others but there work is to fix technical issue not do coolie job in Infosys for CCD and security.

    Just tell me is it Infosys resource executive and security job or not.

  91. No change , they are continuing to do so. Poor graduates got struck.
    Few left the company , others remain there as they got no way to go.
    Its there fate , nothing can be done.
    With the kind of work they do there , they cant even find job anywhere since it is hard to break the technical interview with the amount of knowledge gained by doing stupid work in that damn unit.
    All they get is the good salary , but with 0% knowledge ,0% growth and most important 0% respect from the people of other units., who looks these graduate people like underdogs.

  92. Hope this site helps the new entrants looking to join the organization then.. I always believed this company to be the most admired but it is exactly the opposite.

    1. for New entrants, Infy is the good place to start with as fresher .
      But if you are suppose to join CCD or IMS or Finacle , dont ever think of getting in to this company. Its like spoiling your own career.

  93. @gfd Nothing has changed here. Same old story.. One more PM in CCD is leaving Infy as he could not tolerate his torture and his stupidity.
    Donno who is the next poor PM… 😛 but surely he also will leave the company in one year.
    You know how he gives appraisal to his employess! How harder they laugh for his mokkai joke, how good their appraisal will be. Hardwork n talent doesnt mean anything here. If they laugh for his mokka jokes and for priya’s mokka jokes and if they eat breakfast n lunch with them, then they will get appraisal even if they dont do any work.

  94. Interesting of all , even some got long term onsite opportunity in that CCD unit,to work as slave dogs at onsite 🙂 . Atleast you have to work for 4 – 5 years in that unit to get that opportunity 🙂 . Still many dogs are waiting in queue,fighting with their managers to get that “Born to be SLAVE at onsite” opportunity 🙂

    Great work.. keep going Slave Dogs 🙂 , all you can earn in that damn unit is money , nothing else but you loose more than the money you gain there 🙂

    Obviously money is more important but not at the cost of self respect

  95. Brainless managers , Stupid Seniors , Idiotic Users : this will be your work environment in CCD 🙂 , If some one wants to enjoy this environment please do join the great CCD 🙂

  96. I feel terrible after reading your post dude. I hope u get on with life and some other company will give you work deserving your professionalism. I never knew CCD was bringing on board people like you to do this kind of job. Anyways… good that you are moving on and forget about this whole infy episode like a bad dream.

  97. Finally after long struggle , Infosys agreed to move those people back to their positions. Yes all the Engineering graduates who were posted to CCD are now given chance to move back to development teams.

    Half of the batch already resigned , to stop others from resigning they agreed, it seems. It would have been better if they would have taken this decision earlier.
    Any ways Infosys realized it.

  98. no infy doesnt reliaze yet.most of the ppl from our feb 11 batch have been put into ims unit where is no coding no develoment,we just have to follow the steps wriiten in historical documents.infy sucks.

  99. How come such a company like Infy get into all such a mess. I have been hearing lot about it in the newspaper also. Is it so unethical.

  100. Even I came to know that CCD has been recruiting freshers lying them, they will work on software codings and ultimately keep them in dark till the end and until they realise the thing, it is too late for them..

  101. Infy training programs should be standardized based on world class management practises. Re-engineering and Re-structuring should prevail over corporate process in effiiciencies. There should be a IdeaLab founded to collect innovative ideas that can improve, transform Infy management. This should be consistent across the world. Location transparent.

  102. By the way, who is the regional manager for Chennai CCD location. How can he be so irresponsible like this. Has he taken care of such a thing at the initial stage itself, such a thing could have been avoided.

      1. He is not the Regional Head.. There’s another old guy who has not been able to keep such things under checks, he should be thrown out first, then the department will also be proper.

  103. Infy will never realise the flaw in their management , they will only question the people at the low level. Had they seen this coming, they wouldnot be like this.

  104. I believe there had been lot of changes in the Infy top management off late since the time this blog has been posted and the whistle blower Jack palmer had filed the case against Infosys. Do you see any further improvement in the organisation now.

  105. things are not always green outside, there are lot of jobs which give you good salary especially consulting but you should have capability to handle lot of pressure,compete with youngsters, keep reading to have update

    if you perform one year and not next year you will be thrown out, So it depends upon the person if he can handle job pressure,keep reading daily similar to software field etc..

  106. There are several old people in this organisation who are really not in par with the organisation and really need to be sent out by any means possible for the welfare of this organisation.

  107. Hi,
    here am sharing a different, interesting and cunning behaviour of a employee ,working as ASE in Chennai,Infosys on SAP security,

    that person is
    Name : T.Hari
    s\o Rama rao
    working as ASE in Chennai INFOSYS.

    We both are joined in Infosys ,chennai on SAP security,
    to be frank that we both are fake candidates,
    after completing MCA learn SAP course and with the help of one bangalore consultancy got the job in Chennai INFOSYS,
    one month later Mr.Hari told to my project manager that am a candidate with fake experience,so my project manager fired me,but i dont know this issue untill i came out from the company,
    once i know the matter i directly asked him,he replies in a volgure manner,now i sent all the details of Mr.Hari,to the project manager,
    so the company again give the verification on him,but he cleverly manage the investgion people by giving one lakh rupees,
    i submitted all the proofs also like
    his previous company(fake) website is created in 2009,
    but he put the exp from 2008.
    He completed his MCA from sree kavitha institute of management and science ,thanikella,khammam,i submitted the bonified certificates of college stae that he was studied in that college from 2008-2011,
    even th64gh tHE GREAT INFOSYS doesnt take any action,
    finally i found that the project manager also corrupted,takes 2 lakhs from him…………………………………..

    this is the standards of INFOSYS,blind man with alot of evidances……………

    Finally i request all the employees in INFOSYS chennai,could you please farward this mail to the conserned department and save the life of other employees in the team of that fake person MR.T.HARI

  108. here am providing the investigation report of fake person in chennai infosys

    Investigation report

    Candidate name : tirunagari hari
    Dob :14/01/1986
    Permenent address : thallada(post and mandal),
    khammam dist,
    andhra pradesh

    Education details:
    1 to 10 : Balabarathi(thallada)(1991 to 2001)

    Intermediate: Sri surya junior college,

    Under gradution: B.Sc : priyadarshini junior college,
    nehru nagar,
    Post gradution :MCA : SREE KAVITHA COLLEGE OF
    (Completed in year 2010)

    Father name: Rama rao
    Criminal behaviour: case filed in sr nagar ps in drugs
    Transporting case filed in malak pet ps in
    3.allegations in one rape case

    Report: cheted infosys company by providing fake experience details and also join many of his friends by taking commission very dangerous person even he don’t knoe the basics even though he got job in infosys by managing some persons.









  110. there are so many useless old people claiming themselves as senior people in CCD across locations. those cold blooded animals should be first thrown out of the company. Its very high time for the Infy management to clear these garbages. They are like plastic garbage, which will be very harmful for day after tommorrow.

  111. Never really thought that this company would go into unethical behaviour like this.. Really surprised to see such pathetic behaviour from this company.. I hope, there is not smuggling happening at the back door now.

    1. This company CBI investigation in all the countries wherever its presence are there. Definitely, wrongdoers are more in this organisation and needs to be identified before it goes the satyam way.

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