Sprint Supersonic renamed as HTC EVO 4G will be out this summer

Now its soon going to be 4G in after the release of Sprint EVO and from now on everyone's favourite will be EVO as its going to be 10 times faster than .Its the first wireless with 4G network support.
Device is going to have the powerful latest Android 2.1

Its among very few mobile having a dual camera one with 8MP and other front camera with 1.3MP.Since has a powerful camera device comes with a external accessories like camera kick stand to hold the device.

Mobile is enabled with powerful touch panel as user can view seven thumbnails at a time and on click of the thumbnail it will be enlarged to the full screen mode.The screen size is around 4.3 inch and we can even experience HDTV. downloads and other HD quality contents is going to be fast and there will be a real live experience.

It is expected to support around 30,000 because of the Android OS and the application list includes Yotube,, talk,google voice,Google Maps and many more.Ofcourse it is enabled which is sure to be powerful than the other mobile phones as they support only 3G.
Live video sharing with ease as it is supported with 4G network.
Other hardware specifications are 1GHZ snapdragon and 1,500 mAh battery.

This mobile phone cannot be compared with other mobile phones as it has the basic and powerful difference that it is the first mobile phone with 4G/3G network support.

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