Microsoft announces Cross platform game with session manintainance

A delighted feature for both developers and Game players.
Game developers can now create game with the features released by in Visual Studio.But ofcourse this can achieved only with latest OS like series and x box 360.Though various game engines are already available in the this release will definitely bring a new revolution in game development industry as gives an option of maintaining the session across platforms and also because of the rich User interface provided by the microsoft visual studio.Maintaining session across platforms is a challenge to other game software engines available today.
But microsoft is yet to reveal what kind of exact visual studio techniques used in achieving session maintainance.
My guess would like front end design will definitely be done using and session maintainance can be achieved using Concepts.

For end users it really seems to be a cost effective approach.Users need not buy game sofwares seperately for desktop computers and .Maintainance and upgradation of software would also be easy.

Game Players will definetely be taken away by the normal rich UI along with maintaining sessions.People would always feel unhappy if we need to interrupt the game inbetween and move out somewhere.To make remain happy with the game now microsoft has given a very good option of continuing the from mobile or .

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