Mac Book Air : Steve Jobs Makes a big joke..

Before introducing Macbook air has said to the assembled Mac Maniacs and Reporters. “Others compromise on feauture when going for ultrathin , But has best mix of both”. So he set a high expectation with his presentation. Then when manias saw the Technical they din know whether to laugh or cry.

read :

Only one slot

No ethernet port (You can buy  a USB ethernet from Apple)

Max of 80GB..

Battery cant be replaced

Mono Speakers(No stereo)

Only one headphone jack(not even a mic/input)

supports only bg protocals.

Wifi range is very low compared to .

No card reader.

Aluminium body.

No Monitor Output.

No DVD drive.

1280 by 800 pixels is the max .

So with all these feautures is the WORST feauture rich you can buy for 3000$. Anybody wants to donate that to Steve Job's Apple Inc.

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