With Iphone losing its Momentum, will iphone 6 be exciting ?

Based on the sales numbers from previous Quarter appears that is losing its momentum.  Over the last few years, there hasn't been a new innovation in terms of . When iPhone burst into fame, it was the multi touch UI and Appstore. But over the last few years almost every phone has all these features and is only on the Speed and Megapixels etc.

has  also matured well and several low end Android offering does what iphone does reasonably well.  And In high end space is churning out several exciting offerings which have for past year bettered iPhone in all departments.

iPhone 6

Going by 's release cycle for iPhones, we should expect an iPhone 5S shortly,  and with a 5S Apple will try to match the same form and look and feel. But considering that didnt evoke excitement in the market, will 5S make any ?

If Apple wants to catch Samsung in this , they need to think different and come up with something innovative or more exciting,  guess would be a totally refreshed instead of iPhone 5S.

But if Apple still believes in maintaining a tight schedule, most likely in 2 years time, Samsung will overtake Apple even in its home turf in .

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One Reply to “With Iphone losing its Momentum, will iphone 6 be exciting ?”

  1. To grow more on Smartphone market, Apple needs not to be stubborn and needs to remove its tight schedules and rules.

    Now days, very hard to change the game for Apple 🙂

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