T-Mobile and Nokia Siemens working on 650 Mbps 3G Standard

T- and Siemens have joined for working on this 650 Mbps standard which is likely to be completed  by 2013, this project is based on LT- evolution basically for offering more high speed downloads at the rate of 650 Mbps and above which is now 42 Mbps. HSPA is the High Speed Packet Access which is the standard for wireless broadband defined in 3GPP  and  is a consolidation of two telephony protocols used for the improvements in WCDMA.

This increase in the is got / achieved by combining eight channels into a single data link this increases the cell data rate along with dual basically HSPA+ (which gives a HSPA data rates 56Mbps down link and 22 Mbps up link through MIMO -Multiple Input and Multiple Output) ie., dual channel sending data to and fro at the same time. The also enhances the broadband from what has been planned now. The specifications workings are to take place using , which is already working on Nokia Siemens single RAN platform which is compatible with its present WCDMA (Wide band Code Division Multiple Access – is a interface standard found in 3g ) and HSPA mobiles.

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