Apache quits Java Executive Committee over Java 7

 withdrew its members from the Executive Committee which decides the future versions and course of action for Java.  ASF (Apache Foundation) had earlier gave an ultimatum last week, that if Specification was approved in its current form , ASF will quit the Java EC.

The concern was regarding licensing terms in the Specification which prevents Open Source Implementation of Java and also in device. Many members including , , and SAP had opposed but most of them voted in favor the Spec with comments, only Google abstained from voting.

ASF has come out hard saying that is keeping its commercial interests in front of the Java Platform and Oracle has too much Control over Java Community Process and has withdrew its membership, meanwhile Oracle has requested ASF to reconsider its decision.

Few days back Java EC had approved specs for both Java 7 and . Apache is a key player in the Web   with its popular .

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