TATA Nano allotment status links- check if you have got your Nano

Motors announced today the allotment and when we tried to find the delivery dates  almost 60% people had delivery dates from October 2010 to December 2010 and 30-40% in the July 2010 to Septembet 2010 ranges. There were customers who have to wait even longer.  The website TATA Motors has setup is not exactly secure if you know just one UIN number (especially if you ordered online) , you can just increment or decrement from your number and check status of many would be NANOers.

I did check almost 50 such numbers and most of them were for delivery between Oct 2010 – Dec 2010. Many were also for Jul 2010-Sep 2010. So dont expect a Nano attack on roads anytime soon.

You can check whether you are lucky or not by entering your UIN number in the following link

Check TATA Nano allotment status


You will start getting the allotment letters through Postal service but, checking online is much faster. Also its estimated that very few people will get TATA Nano this year. Most of the first one lakh will get the Nano in Jul-Sep 2010 or Oct-Dec 2010.

Checkout my – Name Hidden to protect privacy.

TATA Nano allotment letter
TATA Nano allotment letter

There was little surprise in terms of the allotments and as I had written earlier in the  previous post TATA was prompt in announcing the allotments.

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56 Replies to “TATA Nano allotment status links- check if you have got your Nano”

  1. I amnot aware of you allotment result as non of the web site gives please give me my statua my applicationno is114324040 through sbm mangalore booking
    my cell no is 9449332211 pleas send me an sms plese or call me

  2. Sir,
    I want to know the allotment position.I am 77 years old @ anxious to have the car .

    My Application No:- 110383813
    Please send E-Mail.

    Thank You


  3. Dear Sir,
    I have received the allotment letter today.My allotment will be between Jan-March 2011.Is there any alternative to advance the date as I am senior citizen.

  4. i am one of the 100000 people to get nano car. i want to get car soon. instead of buying 800 car i book nano. why i have to wait for one more year. please let me get asfast as possible

  5. From , Sri, Labh Chand Surana I Have Received your Letter Dt,23rd June 2009 for Allotment of Tata “NENO” BS 2-IVORY WHITE under unique Identification Number 113166812 in the Name of Sri, Labh Chand Surana.- SILIGURI (WEST BENGAL).

    As the Company has transfer my from Siliguri-Bangal TO Guwahati-Assam, It is not possible for me to take vehicle in Siliguri (WEST BENGAL).

    So, Sir my request is to please change the place of delivery of Tata “NENO” BS 2-IVORY WHITE at GUWAHATI (ASSAM) in stead of SILIGURI (WEAT BENGAL).
    l be very thankfull to.

  6. i want to know the exact date i receive the tata nano LxBS3 car.my application no. is 111o49879dated13.4.2009
    My allotment no is 020.66495678

  7. my UIN is 110353636 when shall i get the delivery letter of my booked nano LXBS3 CAR.
    kindly do needfull by reply immediately

  8. my allotment application no.112155952 booked through state bank of india adb tundla (firozabad)u.p. but on date neither we have received allotment letter nor the status of ny booking. pl tell me the status of mym booking as soon as posible.

  9. my allotment application no.113179744 booked through Central bank of india, Guwahati, but till today I have not recived the date when the car will be delivered to me. therefore let me know the exact date of delivery.

  10. UNIQUE : 110280121

    I have been informed by TATA KUMARAN AUTOMOBILES (Tirunelveli)that my NANO CAR Lunar LX Lunar silver BS 3 has arrived at NAGERCOIL head office whereas your letter says the delivery will be between JUL -SEP 2010 and there is no further info to me from your office.

    Please confirm it is true. (Mobile 9597306482)


  11. I have booked a Nano CX Racing Red BS 3. Ihave been informed that my dealer is Wasan Motors Mumbai.
    My Unique Identification No. is :114396886.(tentative dely. Oct-Dec’10)
    Please let me know the delivery status of my car.
    So also, please let me know if it is possible for me to change the model from
    CX to a higher top end model at this stage: and the proceedure for the same.
    Thanking you, Homi

  12. Let me know when i will receive delevery of tata nano top end model lx.

    will it receive before rains. thanking you.

    Aaditya Ganesh Deshpande. Aurangabad maharashtra.

  13. UNI.110063809 I HAVE PAID total 14OOOO/rs by cheque but dilear says that i have to take loan from bank cheque no.is 220362 on date 24/04/2009
    please tell me date of delivary

  14. i have given an application to change my model and colour to mumbai head office so plz give me the detail of my application my first model is base model Basic bsIII and i would like to change it to cx bsIII CHAMPANGE RED

  15. Dear Sir, I booked a nano-bs-2-racing red uin no.114437013.I got intimation letter from Auto Kapoor Amritsar that we will get nano in the month of aug.to sep.2010.But later on we received a call from Dada Motors Ludhiana in the mid of May2010 that we will deliver you the nano car.But to our surprise we have not been delivered the car so far inspite of our personal visits to Dada Motors Ludhiana. They told us that they had received only one racing red colour nano which was delivered to somebody else.Please look into the matter personally enabling us to get the delivery as soon as possible. Thanking You,Mr.Ramesh Kumar Ludhiana

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