How to disable UAC warnings in Windows VISTA?

This post talks about how to disable UAC prompt / disable UAC alert / disable UAC warnings in . If you are looking for something elseor need help  drop in a comment or send a to admin. Your queries will be answered within a day.

UAC – The user Account Control is one of the features of VISTA,   is common to all the Windows VISTA editions like Home Basic, Home Premium, Ultimate or Business versions.

This feature can be very helpful to users who dont know anything about computers or or even the careless internet user, But to most advanced or regular users this can be very annoying and they might even get used to this. But luckily there is a simple way to turn off this feature. Just follow the below instructions

The below screen by screen tutorial on How to disable UAC is meant for novice users. If you know how to go to control panel skip the first few steps. 

Before you start ensure you are logged in as a administrator.

Click start menu (or press windows key)  and click  control panel as shown below


How to go to control panel in Windows VISTA
How to go to control panel in Windows VISTA

In control panel select –> Icon which says User Accounts

User Accounts - How to disable UAC in Vista?

Once you open User Accounts you will see links like below in the middle of the new window

then click Turn User Account Control on or off

(if you dont see this option you are not logged in as administrator)

Disable UAC in Windows VISTA

A new popup will open as below, uncheck the check box , ie  click on the box below so the tick mark disappears as shown in below picture.

uncheck uac checkbox - How to disable UAC

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