Java JSP coding standards, checklist and best practices

The following can be mentioned as some of the best practices to follow in a based project.
Most of these items , I have personally encountered in my previous projects and some I learned the hard way.I will explain individually on importance of each one of these in future posts.

  • Provide meaningful descriptions for every class and method.
  • Import Statement should be as minimal and as narrow as possible.
  • All class variables and method variables should be initialized with base values.
  • For any operation on String, Null Check should be mandatory to avoid Null Pointer Exception.
  • Any connection obtained should cleared and closed.
  • Always close streams.
  • Stored Procedures always preferrable compared to SQL queries from Java.
  • In case of more than 3-4 ‘if' conditions a case statement will be better choice.
  • Don't initialize String values with “null”.
  • After catching exceptions don't consume it, throw the exceptions to base class/ handle it.
  • Use the framework used in the application. MVC is generally followed in most and validate this with existing code.
  • All user inputs should be validated using .
  • Do not use any class which is copyrighted and we don't have access/permission/ability to change the source code.
  • While using String operations StringBuffer is always preferred over a String “+” operation.
  • No hard coding for userIds or Strings. Use property files.
  • Code should not have any System.out.println statements, this will affect in . User logger instead.
  • Commented code and unused code should be removed and cleared.
  • While using RAD/Ecipe/WSAD use formatter tool to format your code. Set the parameters for line maximum length and this will give a readable code.
  • In JSPs use style classes effectively this will save time when changing the look and feel.Do not enter values in tag elements, which can be declared in a style class.
  • Use existing code/functions for achieving most operations, this will save time and create a standard way of coding.
  • Do not use drprecated classes/methods. These functions will stop working in future Java revisions.
  • Write reusable classes, which can be used in multiple screens/functions.
  • Define a valid failure case in struts config.
  • Passing arguments by reference will save and improve performance if there are multiple calls for the same method.
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