How to earn money for Your Blog?.How to get Started with Google’s Adsense?

How to get Started with 's ?

How to earn money for Your Blog?

How to make your blog/website productive?

Google Ad Services
Google's Adsense is a online advertisement program. When you have a website/Blog you can start earning money based on number of users visiting your site.This works in pair with Google's Adwords.

Google provides ad code to any site owner whose website/blog complies with Adsense program policies(No Adult content,No Extreme Violence or hate).Basically the content should be viewable by a typical family with kids.If you have your blog hosted on blogger ie say its like a then its still better.

Before Applying
Go to apply for an adsense account, you need to provide your site and also the content type, your etc. Make sure your country information is correct as this cant be changed later. For citizens with SSN your taxes will be deducted for payment from Google so you need to fill some more details,for others need to declare they don't have any activity in US.If you have Blog on Go to Templates click add new page element and click Adsense, then you will be guided to apply for your account.

Site Content
Before applying for the adsense make sure your site is having good enough content, should minimum of 10 pages with good content. Pages should not be copy paste from other sites. It should be your own content.Nothing should involve Piracy,Adult/Mature and also it must be in English.

Getting Started
Within a week you should get a saying either your account is activated or rejected with valid reason, you can either reapply or change your site based on feedback. If your site satisfies the condition I mentioned above there is 99% chance your site will be approved.

Login to your account with email you have registered , click on Adsense setup tab on and select Adsense for content and enter a name which you can identify your ads invidually(This is helpful if you are displaying ads on many websites). Copy the Script code and paste it in your website as HTML(code mode).
For users of blogger you can copy this code and paste in Add HTML/Script in page elements or Add a adsense content in page elements. Now you are all set to go. Will tell you more on how to place a ad to attract more users and which types of ads you need etc in my next post…

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