Goolge chrome introduces extensions and Bookmark sync

Long awaited extensions and bookmark sync features of Google Chrome came out of beta yesterday. All the Chrome users will get the update through their current browser. If you are looking to update your Google chrome to support extensions, go to About Google Chrome under settings, and click update to new version.

The bookmark sync is a simplified version of Google’s browser sync (earlier released for Firefox). It works on your Gmail account, and you can set time interval of the bookmark updates.Google also has published a video explaining the new bookmark sync feature here.

Google Chrome extensions

But the major upgrade is the support for extensions lack of which was one of main reason for many still sticking with Firefox.With the introduction of extensions the growth in share of Google Chrome is expected to skyrocket. As Google was working with developers on extensions even before the official stable release support , most of the popular extensions of Firefox are now available for Google chrome here.

You can read the Google’s official release on Google Blog.

Google’s first Mobile phone – Nexus One to be sold unlocked

After lots of hype about the Google Phone last year, Google released its new Mobile OS Android, but now the last years rumors appear to take shape with a new Google branded phone called Nexus One and will be manufactured by HTC.

The reports indicate the new Google Phone will be running a customized version of Android and will be sold unlocked (possibly subsidized by Google).The phone is expected to be a touchscreen based one in the mid range in terms of pricing.

Orkut gets a new look

A social networking site of Google – Orkut will be renewed and given a new look. Built entirely on Google Web Toolkit, Orkut loads much faster and also has various user friendly applications.
It allows users to chat through video integrated Google talk, browse, watch videos, comment on friend’s status or update photos in bulk.
However the new features are available to a selected few for the time being based on invitation.

A social networking site of Google – Orkut will be renewed and given a new look. Built entirely on Google Web Toolkit, Orkut loads much faster and also has various user friendly applications.

It allows users to chat through video integrated Google talk, browse, watch videos, comment on friend’s status or update photos in bulk.

However the new features are available to a selected few for the time being based on invitation.