Twitter homepage gets a face lift

The world popular micro- site has come up with a new look. has revamped its site and made its homepage even more interesting. the new homepage will have a constantly updated section for β€˜TOP '.

Twitter account holders can now watch celebrities and public figures being showcased. The company is pride that Twitter is a network where information exchange is rapid comparatively to other sites.The company says that the aim of the new design is to convey the message that Twitter is β€œa network where information is exchanged and consumed at a rapid clip every second of the day.”

The homepage now features a set of algorithmically-selected top tweets that automatically appears on the homepage on a regular interval. Hot topics now scroll across the new homepage which helps this site to become more popular.

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One Reply to “Twitter homepage gets a face lift”

  1. changes are always good… And since when its something big like Twitter we can always expect some nice layout πŸ™‚
    I like the new design..though somehow I don’t see it here….

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