TCS asks employees who got continous 2 ratings or Band D to resign

Yesterday some of the TCS  employees who have obtained two or more years of continous 2 rating or Band D have been asked to resign from TCS even if they are currently allocated in projects.

Though this might look strange but it might be a relief for unlucky ones in Bench at the moment and create panic among associates who have got 2 rating last year. This appears to be a strategy of HR making way for associates with good performance rating not to be fired from TCS.

By firing the currently allocated associates with poor record, the company tries to give opportunities to  associates with good track record and  currently unallocated . In a way this ensures the employees are not fired on pure luck and their influence with top management.

But to most this has been a bolt out of clear sky, and set the tone for Performance evaluation negotiations.

Fennec -Firefox for mobile out for Nokia N810 (Beta)

For those who surf the web in their firefox a good news, Mozilla’s community browser Firefox will be soon available for All Symbian devices and Windows mobile devices in the form of Fennec Mobile Browser. Now the Fennec is in Beta and released for Nokia’s Internet device N810.

Fennec - Mobile Firefox logo Full size
Fennec - Mobile Firefox logo Full size

Considering the most of Symbian softwares are released first on N800 and N810, it shouldnt be too long before we get Fennec for other Symbian devices. Mozilla also is developing Fennec for Windows Mobile Platform and would be launched along with Symbian launch.

The below is simplified version of Fennec logo for small screened devices

Fennec Simple Logo - Firefox for mobile

Fennec is poised to be main competitor for Nokia’s S60 3rd version builtin browser Opera Browser and Windows Mobile IE.

Fennec team aims to achieve following features for Fennec in the initial stable release.

1. Faster/Simple and less memory hungry broswer with intuitive mobile UI.
2. Support for all the features of desktop Firefox engine like AJAX meaning ‘FULL’ web browser unlike other mobile browsers. Developers need not worry about writing a separate web page except adapting for the disaplay size.
3. Secure Browser implementation which will mimic its desktop brother.
4. Fully integrated application instead of just browser, aim is to make Fennec fully compatible with other phone feautures like Call,Contacts,Mapping applications and even more.
5. With addons Fennec will act like a mobile platform itself.

The Fennec team is also working on some of the cool touch screen UI proposals which could hit Iphone later but expect Fennec to be available on Nokia N97 much earlier than Apple’s Iphone.