Top US cities by H1B and their Average H1B Salary for 2016

The following are the Top 10 cities and their average H1B Salary (Salary should be considered as the least possible), as Actual salaries will have to be more than the LCA salaries.

This list is compiled from LCA’s applied for each location for 2016 and only 90% accurate , as some of LCA’s might not end up with actual hiring. Based on data we verified many of positions showed lower LCA salary than actual salaries. Unless Department of Labor releases actual salaries we may not get a full picture.

# City Name # of H-1B Filings Average Salary
1 NEW YORK 125,168 $96,260
2 HOUSTON 59,026 $83,532
3 SAN FRANCISCO 46,923 $105,473
4 ATLANTA 39,479 $76,398
5 CHICAGO 37,177 $77,298
6 SAN JOSE 36,680 $102,323
7 SUNNYVALE 26,262 $100,654
8 CHARLOTTE 23,452 $78,451
9 IRVING 23,001 $74,908
10 MOUNTAIN VIEW 22,977 $120,341


Based on the above data New York seems to be the city of choice for companies hiring H1B employees. Additionally Salary in New York is relatively low for cost of living. On the bottom Mountain View, California seems to enjoy the best average Salary for H1B employees.

Places like Irving which have lower Cost of Living has an average salary around $75,000 per annum.